OFFICIAL Game of Holmes Season 8 Thread - A Dream of Flat Tops 4/14/19


Mar 13, 2014
People were hyped up due to slo-mo, fake-outs and thematic music.

Last week's episode is when the GOT officially jumped the shark..

Probably the WOAT GOT episode.
Last week was an abomination to everything the show stood for. This week had questionable moments (Cersei not killing Tyrion and Dany when she had the chance, Dany and company forgetting about a fleet during war :snoop:) but it wasn’t as bad as last week’s episode.


May 1, 2012
Bay Area
Euron? tyrion's knowledge about cersei being pregnant don't got you:patrice: ?

This and them knowing Missendrei was captured and not dead so quick really bothered me this episode... i was waiting for a shot of Euron face doing a :patrice: :what: face to Cersei on how her brother knows shes pregnant :patrice: but nah more shyt writing this season

Also how did Euron Greyjoy know theyd be sailing and flying in that location and day and was ready? Tyrion or varys already been snitching :ufdup: either that or more shyt writing. Why would they just be in random waters, on a random day and ready for war? How would they know the war against the night king is even over?

Its hard to tell this season if its a plot from a character or just more shyt writing

Again, i highly enjoyed the episode but damn some this shyt trash :pachaha:

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
People were hyped up due to slo-mo, fake-outs and thematic music.

Last week's episode is when the GOT officially jumped the shark..

Probably the WOAT GOT episode.
Last week is when I checked out and this officially became a Lost-tier show for me. I just want to see it finish now.

I'd been in denial and excusing a lot of the bad writing before but this shyt is just atrocious and irredeemable now. I'm honestly glad that a lot of my favorite characters are dead before they can be ruined further the way that D&D have done so with the surviving cast. I'll appreciate the production and acting (given what they have to work with) but its really a shame how badly this has all ended up.

:manny: its been over. this is the epilogue


Dec 16, 2015
What is with all the Bran hate lol? It seems to be very strong on this board, it's amazing! Had to jump in for a hot second because Bran is my favorite character in the series, with his seemingly crazy ass.

Bran has evolved into this demi-god of sorts...what is it that people are expecting him to do, exactly? I'm genuinely asking because I'm curious.

I mean, a general understanding would be that gods have power and don't just jump to directly intervene in the affairs of men when they are asked. It is more likely gods influence the actions of man so that man, in turn, can influences others.

As an example of what I mean (hopefully it's clear), just imagine praying to Jesus or Allah or your deity for something. In doing so, do you expect an actual god to show up to answer your supplication? Or is it more realistic that you receive your answers/help through others or even your own introspection?

The gist is that a god influences but not necessarily intervenes. That's how I see Bran. Just because he has the power to do all this stuff doesn't mean he is supposed to be.

Personality wise, if he's being judged against the other characters who, honestly, are all more passionate and charismatic (due to their pursuits of their own personal aspirations), then, yes, I can see how he comes off as boring.

I find this character most fascinating, though, and the actor playing him does a good job, IMO, of really owning that detached, otherworldly vibe a being like T3ER is supposed to exude.

Anyhow, T3ER/Bran is literally like a god living amongst men at this point...which is to say he's evolved past a lot of the pettiness and folly that is human behavior.

He is not 100% human anymore and it seems those who watch him are frustrated at his seeming disinterest in getting involved but keep forgetting this. But his purpose is literally to observe and record history.

He could be a puppet master of sorts and the thing is, it is easy to take the position he should step in to help specific characters succeed (or fail, depending on the situation). But that still reflects a human, attached way of thinking and this is a being responsible for the world of Westeros, not just the happenings in Winterfell, KL, the North or whatever the characters we are personally vested in are located.

That requires a being that is able to be calm, still and quiet, someone who sees how everything in time works together and understands any move he might make can have consequences down the line. In the show now, it seems his moves are very purposeful, he only speaks when it is necessary or (for the show) to foreshadow something. Otherwise, he is a bird who's perched and peering.

OAN, in that same vein, I think in tonight's episode, he ended up foreshadowing his fate with that line he said at the feast, but we'll see.

For me...

I get all that...but I guess this is why I don't like gods in general.

If you have all this power and you don't use it to benefit me in my struggles or mankind, then what good are you?

Everybody is dying and suffering you do nothing?

And while everybody else still cares about you and you just wanna be all mysterious and talk in fortune cookies?

Screw you.

Citi Trends

aka milobased
Nov 9, 2014
also you cant tell me jon, arya, and sansa(who have lost much more than dany) havent become conquerors who want to burn cities just because they didnt have power

when jon snow is constantly refusing to have power, arya turned down power and wants to continue being a faceless woman, and sansa had multiple opportunities to a be a subservient queen for power and knows jon snow's secret but only told tyrion(he's targeset now :hubie:) All they want is the North and peace for Starks.


Dec 16, 2015
Last week is when I checked out and this officially became a Lost-tier show for me. I just want to see it finish now.

I'd been in denial and excusing a lot of the bad writing before but this shyt is just atrocious and irredeemable now. I'm honestly glad that a lot of my favorite characters are dead before they can be ruined further the way that D&D have done so with the surviving cast. I'll appreciate the production and acting (given what they have to work with) but its really a shame how badly this has all ended up.

:manny: its been over. this is the epilogue

I think once they made the Night King the unifying character that holds everything together, the show turned into trash.

What people liked about the show, wasn't created by HBO or any of the producers. What people liked was a story that behaved like real life. A story that was character centric and not plot centric. There are bad people, there are good people, there are greedy people, there are stupid people. That's what was liked about GOT.

But see, this supernatural powerful villain can't exist in that type of story. Because when you have an insurmountable villain, then you need to bend the plot to make the villain be defeated.

I like drunk whoremongering Tyrion, I don't care about Hand of the Queen Tyerion. I like my Dany being fiery, I don't like diplomatic Dany. I like Jon being the every man b*stard taking Ls for the greater good. I don't care about Jon who is acting like a simp. I liked my Arya getting her ass kicked so she can be bad ass, not this show offy Arya who thinks she is hot shyt.

All these things changed, so they can fight the Night King.
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42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
also you cant tell me jon, arya, and sansa(who have lost much more than dany) havent become conquerors who want to burn cities just because they didnt have power

when jon snow is constantly refusing to have power, arya turned down power and wants to continue being a faceless woman, and sansa had multiple opportunities to a be a subservient queen for power and knows jon snow's secret but only told tyrion(he's targeset now :hubie:) All they want is the North and peace for Starks.
arya was feeding a man his own sons lmao

and no, they did not lose more than dany either. most of what the starks lost is the starks own damned fault. i don't know what math yal been using to get that one...


All Star
Jul 10, 2012
Why is everyone upset at Dany for approaching Cersi when it was Tyrions idea and advice? Dany wanted to attack them and light them all the fukk up.

The writing is terrible tho in the first episode Dany gets mad at Tyrion for believing his sister would send troops them fight. Then he trusts Cersei again that she will bend the knee to dany??? It makes Tyrion look stupid as fukk

Elle Seven

Mar 31, 2017
While i thank you for your opinion. You calling bran a living god when literally he has yet to provide ANY information worthwhile is crazy to me.

Valyrian steel recipe? NOPE. Wheel chair.
Scout warging? NOPE. Ima sit this one out cuz thats ALL I DO

Bran is literally a VEHICLE (pun intended) to kill characters we love.

Lol at that pun.

Information for what exactly? I'm asking in earnest - what is this information everyone is looking for him to provide and for what purpose?

For example, you mentioned Valyrian steel recipe? I don't want to assume, but are you talking about with regards to the long night battle? In the end, that panned out exactly how it was supposed to - the NK was killed. Or are you speaking about another situation?

During the battle, he sat his was in the chair and didn't move because he was bait. His only purpose was to sit and wait. That was the plan, was it not? What was he supposed to be doing? I'm intrigued by the notion he was supposed to be doing something else up until the point the NK finally confronted him face to face.

Besides informing Jon of his heritage (and now watching how that unfolds, especially with his connection to Dany), what is it that he needs to be telling people?

Not being obtuse but I'm really trying to understand what people are looking for from Bran. He seems to be subtly watching and influencing those around him, just as his tree-bound predecessor was doing.

From your point of view, what should he have been doing at the battle...or, I guess, what should he be doing at this point period to show his character's purpose?


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
Sansa, Arya, and Jon have lost much more than Dany, yet have not used that as a point to go around conquering and burning down cities.

Dany has been a power tripping flip flopper ever since she got a taste of power. She got off on "freeing" the enslaved so they would feel indebted to her and those who didn't were reprimanded.
She executed a former slave for murdering a suspected master in front of a city, and then immediately went on to take all of those masters hostage and burn one wit her dragons to scare them for information.
When the slaves dont bow and grovel to her she resorts to handling them just like the slavers and people justify it by "well the slaves dont know how to follow rules so she has to teach them how to be civil people through violence", despite the fact that she has no idea what she's doing and the only way she has is violence.
She goes on and on about being the queen and how her father was murdered, yet murders others' fathers for not bowing to her.

She's been on a path upward based solely on manipulation and fear of the mystical, and has finally run into people who dont give a fukk about that and actually want someone they can stand behind.
And she can't handle that.
No one's hands are clean. Yet Dany is made to look like the Mad Queen and made to look like the selfish one, in a world in which every ruler has their hands dirty. They making the Starks look a little to noble for my liking.

The Starks were born with much more than Dany. They were born into nobility. Ppl forgot Dany grew up in poverty in Essos and was a slave and a capture. The Starks always had each other, even if Ned and Cat were gone. Her whole life all Dany had was an abusive older brother, and when he died she became the last of her kind. Rape, Slavery, Poverty, begging, traveling from town to town to avoid Robert Baratheon finding out she's still alive. Dany was born with an X on her back.

Yet time and time again she has to prove her legitimacy and prove she isn't crazy and has to constantly lower herself to quell everyone's paranoia, even though she lost damn near everything at their behest. She lost so much for the "good of the realm".

Dany should just leave and let Cersei rule the realm. And we'll see what happens.
