OFFICIAL Game of Holmes Season 8 Thread - A Dream of Flat Tops 4/14/19


Dec 16, 2015
Then she would’ve been like her dad and probably not have amassed the army she did- quickest way to have all the kingdoms rise against her.

But she is gonna set the city on fire anyway because Cersei is crazy.

Look, all she had to do is conquer the city. Jon tells her about the Wall and shyt, help Jon, let him stay King of the North.

And it's all over, sure the show would've ended in 5 seasons, but it makes me more sense for her to get the throne and then fight the White Walkers, instead of the other way around.
Sep 15, 2015
It is forced because she wasn't even on that tip without them.

I don't even know why she thought she needed them when she did everything by herself with her crew.

Why would anybody listen to Tyrion, a drunk whoremonger that didn't do shyt in his life and a guy that watched 7 or 8 rulers die?

They never showed us why they should be listened to because Dany did all the hard shyt, they just popped up and started telling her shyt that was wrong given how the story has played out. shyt that didn't make any sense given the own story logic.

Olenna was right.



Dec 16, 2015
Lmao at this ep showing the true nature of women

Dany: be subservient to me So i can get what i want. Its life or death! *just beat death tho
Arya: im a living my best life now im not a lady even tho i cried/begged you over it before ... im independent now
Brienne: wants the badboy she cant have and change him
Cerci3: its your baby
Sansa: will you risk ya life again and do me a favor my ex?

Pay attention young men. These women are ruthless

I am pretty sure Oprah gave Stedman that speech Dany gave Jon.


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
Somebody made a good a point: how Dany’s council looking to switch sides because she’s been following their shytty advice and failing? :gucci:
Literally everything that has harmed her was done in the name of saving "The Realm", now they plot to make sure she doesn't sit the iron throne for the "Good Of The Realm"? Sheesh. The Starks, Varys, Lannisters, all get the side eye from me. All of them. Even Bran telling Jon to "Choose A Side" as if he isn't the 3 eyed Raven. He's supposed to be impartial to Westerosi politics, because his arc and all the powers he's gained was built around the lore of White Walkers and the the coming Long Night. Now that the Night's King is out of the way, we're expected to see Bran plunge headfirst into the politics? That'd be strange, considering the many times he mentioned he wasn't the "same" Bran.


Feb 8, 2015
Is jon not ice (Stark) and Fire (Targaryen). What was this dumb ass post supposed to imply again? :what:

For someone who clearly missed the point of the books, you are arrogant as hell :gucci:

The books are called "A Song of Ice of Fire". The series title can literally be translated into "A story of how Westeros Moses saves the world". The books literally start years after a major war where everyone died fighting over a conflict that wasn't important (people like you) whereas the tragic characters in the center of the war were preparing for the fight that the books were actually about. You keep talking about the Game of Thrones when the story's not about that. You like that part more because you don't give a fukk about the real story. That's on you, and on the show's writers for not adapting it properly but its highly annoying hearing you say the central plot to the books is irrelevant. That's literally like saying the Ring was not the main plot of Lord of the Ring.

Elle Seven

Mar 31, 2017
Bran stark yall

Where yall at from last week with how Important he is to westeros again?

A literal library of truth and history

Used it to design a fukking wheel chair. Never mind never seen him wheel himself ANYWHERE. Sits in place... need to be comfy to warg bran? Arent you SUPPOSED to live in a fukking tree?

Get this fukking guy off my tv. Most USELESS “main” character in the history of cinema.

Yea we really cant lose him what would the world do without wheels for cripples in medievel times.

Gillys dumb ass coulda found that shyt in the citadel. This dude creeping on peoples fukk sessions (STILL) and private moments or flying aimlessly with no purpose.

Bran is literally the equivalent to all information on internet but instead of doing anything worthwhile jerks off all day to voyeur porn. Facebook spying ass motherfukker

What is with all the Bran hate lol? It seems to be very strong on this board, it's amazing! Had to jump in for a hot second because Bran is my favorite character in the series, with his seemingly crazy ass.

Bran has evolved into this demi-god of sorts...what is it that people are expecting him to do, exactly? I'm genuinely asking because I'm curious.

I mean, a general understanding would be that gods have power and don't just jump to directly intervene in the affairs of men when they are asked. It is more likely gods influence the actions of man so that man, in turn, can influences others.

As an example of what I mean (hopefully it's clear), just imagine praying to Jesus or Allah or your deity for something. In doing so, do you expect an actual god to show up to answer your supplication? Or is it more realistic that you receive your answers/help through others or even your own introspection?

The gist is that a god influences but not necessarily intervenes. That's how I see Bran. Just because he has the power to do all this stuff doesn't mean he is supposed to be.

Personality wise, if he's being judged against the other characters who, honestly, are all more passionate and charismatic (due to their pursuits of their own personal aspirations), then, yes, I can see how he comes off as boring.

I find this character most fascinating, though, and the actor playing him does a good job, IMO, of really owning that detached, otherworldly vibe a being like T3ER is supposed to exude.

Anyhow, T3ER/Bran is literally like a god living amongst men at this point...which is to say he's evolved past a lot of the pettiness and folly that is human behavior.

He is not 100% human anymore and it seems those who watch him are frustrated at his seeming disinterest in getting involved but keep forgetting this. But his purpose is literally to observe and record history.

He could be a puppet master of sorts and the thing is, it is easy to take the position he should step in to help specific characters succeed (or fail, depending on the situation). But that still reflects a human, attached way of thinking and this is a being responsible for the world of Westeros, not just the happenings in Winterfell, KL, the North or whatever the characters we are personally vested in are located.

That requires a being that is able to be calm, still and quiet, someone who sees how everything in time works together and understands any move he might make can have consequences down the line. In the show now, it seems his moves are very purposeful, he only speaks when it is necessary or (for the show) to foreshadow something. Otherwise, he is a bird who's perched and peering.

OAN, in that same vein, I think in tonight's episode, he ended up foreshadowing his fate with that line he said at the feast, but we'll see.


Bounty Hunter
Jun 14, 2018
What is with all the Bran hate lol? It seems to be very strong on this board, it's amazing! Had to jump in for a hot second because Bran is my favorite character in the series, with his seemingly crazy ass.

Bran has evolved into this demi-god of sorts...what is it that people are expecting him to do, exactly? I'm genuinely asking because I'm curious.

I mean, a general understanding would be that gods have power and don't just jump to directly intervene in the affairs of men when they are asked. It is more likely gods influence the actions of man so that man, in turn, can influences others.

As an example of what I mean (hopefully it's clear), just imagine praying to Jesus or Allah or your deity for something. In doing so, do you expect an actual god to show up to answer your supplication? Or is it more realistic that you receive your answers/help through others or even your own introspection?

The gist is that a god influences but not necessarily intervenes. That's how I see Bran. Just because he has the power to do all this stuff doesn't mean he is supposed to be.

Personality wise, if he's being judged against the other characters who, honestly, are all more passionate and charismatic (due to their pursuits of their own personal aspirations), then, yes, I can see how he comes off as boring.

I find this character most fascinating, though, and the actor playing him does a good job, IMO, of really owning that detached, otherworldly vibe a being like T3ER is supposed to exude.

Anyhow, T3ER/Bran is literally like a god living amongst men at this point...which is to say he's evolved past a lot of the pettiness and folly that is human behavior.

He is not 100% human anymore and it seems those who watch him are frustrated at his seeming disinterest in getting involved but keep forgetting this. But his purpose is literally to observe and record history.

He could be a puppet master of sorts and the thing is, it is easy to take the position he should step in to help specific characters succeed (or fail, depending on the situation). But that still reflects a human, attached way of thinking and this is a being responsible for the world of Westeros, not just the happenings in Winterfell, KL, the North or whatever the characters we are personally vested in are located.

That requires a being that is able to be calm, still and quiet, someone who sees how everything in time works together and understands any move he might make can have consequences down the line. In the show now, it seems his moves are very purposeful, he only speaks when it is necessary or (for the show) to foreshadow something. Otherwise, he is a bird who's perched and peering.

OAN, in that same vein, I think in tonight's episode, he ended up foreshadowing his fate with that line he said at the feast, but we'll see.
While i thank you for your opinion. You calling bran a living god when literally he has yet to provide ANY information worthwhile is crazy to me.

Valyrian steel recipe? NOPE. Wheel chair.
Scout warging? NOPE. Ima sit this one out cuz thats ALL I DO

Bran is literally a VEHICLE (pun intended) to kill characters we love.


Jun 1, 2012
What is with all the Bran hate lol? It seems to be very strong on this board, it's amazing! Had to jump in for a hot second because Bran is my favorite character in the series, with his seemingly crazy ass.

Bran has evolved into this demi-god of sorts...what is it that people are expecting him to do, exactly? I'm genuinely asking because I'm curious.

I mean, a general understanding would be that gods have power and don't just jump to directly intervene in the affairs of men when they are asked. It is more likely gods influence the actions of man so that man, in turn, can influences others.

As an example of what I mean (hopefully it's clear), just imagine praying to Jesus or Allah or your deity for something. In doing so, do you expect an actual god to show up to answer your supplication? Or is it more realistic that you receive your answers/help through others or even your own introspection?

The gist is that a god influences but not necessarily intervenes. That's how I see Bran. Just because he has the power to do all this stuff doesn't mean he is supposed to be.

Personality wise, if he's being judged against the other characters who, honestly, are all more passionate and charismatic (due to their pursuits of their own personal aspirations), then, yes, I can see how he comes off as boring.

I find this character most fascinating, though, and the actor playing him does a good job, IMO, of really owning that detached, otherworldly vibe a being like T3ER is supposed to exude.

Anyhow, T3ER/Bran is literally like a god living amongst men at this point...which is to say he's evolved past a lot of the pettiness and folly that is human behavior.

He is not 100% human anymore and it seems those who watch him are frustrated at his seeming disinterest in getting involved but keep forgetting this. But his purpose is literally to observe and record history.

He could be a puppet master of sorts and the thing is, it is easy to take the position he should step in to help specific characters succeed (or fail, depending on the situation). But that still reflects a human, attached way of thinking and this is a being responsible for the world of Westeros, not just the happenings in Winterfell, KL, the North or whatever the characters we are personally vested in are located.

That requires a being that is able to be calm, still and quiet, someone who sees how everything in time works together and understands any move he might make can have consequences down the line. In the show now, it seems his moves are very purposeful, he only speaks when it is necessary or (for the show) to foreshadow something. Otherwise, he is a bird who's perched and peering.

OAN, in that same vein, I think in tonight's episode, he ended up foreshadowing his fate with that line he said at the feast, but we'll see.
Dr Manhattan from Watchmen is a far better written version of Bran

And I agree that Bran's actor is great, he just ain't being given shyt to work with.

Character had so much potential
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