That's one thing I always have to remind myself about with anything discussed on this board.... Most people aren't doing all this shyt
This goes for music, sports, news stories, politics, movies, video games, all that... But lets just use game of thrones
Most of the world hasn't read the books... They don't know about any prophecies, all the crazy targs, who's john parents really were to the story, etc etc... If it wasn't on the show, they don't know about it and don't care... This goes for inside the episode too. Most people just turn that shyt off. They ain't on twitter looking up shyt, they definitely ain't on a message board, discussing season by season, 10k posts worth of discussion, zooming in on pics to find clues, and having a pow wow about what each scene means
I asked this on here a long time ago.. Is there too much info required to watch tv anymore? It's like back in the day, you watched a show and the preview for next week and that's it.. Some people still watch like that. But for us, we all in tuned. There's the show, the after show, the podcast, the website, the netshow, the spin off, the movie, the comic, the graphic novel, several unofficial versions of everything I just listed and a behind the scenes featurette... Then they drop the box set with deleted scenes and more fukkery
I can't blame people who just watched the show and that's it, for not knowing about all the dropped balls.. The coli and sites like it, are still a huge minority of people. Not everyone is out there doing all this. Reddit included. The finale alone was 18 million viewers before DVR, bootleg, rewatches and people watching together. I mean shyt, some bars had watch parties.. Look at how those fools cheered for Arya while we all was like WTF...
It obviously two different types of people tuning into entertainment these days... And the majority of them just watching tv and calling it a day