OFFICIAL Game of Holmes Season 8 Thread - A Dream of Flat Tops 4/14/19

Brian O'Conner

All Star
May 23, 2012
This is what I said a few pages back. Bloodraven always wanted the throne. He finally has it.

Does this also means that the children of the forest rule Westeros again?

All of consciousness of the COTF, plus Bloodraven, plus Bran? Who’s leading who?

Like, what constitutes as ruling correctly? Who’s to say it’s right?

IMO I think it is Bloodraven running everything. I'll explain why in a second. I'm speculating that the COTF where kinda of desperate because they knew what was coming and BR took advantage of that. Since he was the last greenseer before Bran they needed him. So he finessed them to protect him and hook him up the the Weirwood Tree so he would help them against the NK/Others.....but he was was really using it to prolong his life and find a way to extract revenge/get a new body

I'm not really a book reader so somebody correct me if I'm wrong....

BloodRaven(BR) was a Legitimized Targ prince that had a could of had a claim to the throne but wasnt well liked....but he was hand to 3 different kings and basically ruled the kingdom behind the scenes like Tywin did... He also had a reputation for killing targ family members that had challenge/claims to the throne (more on that)...At the end he was betrayed by the new king elected in a council (sound familiar) for killing Aenys Blackfire and banished to the wall. The king who arrested him and had him banished was Aegon V, of house Targ whoi Dany and Jon Snow are both descended from....

Now I believe BR would have wanted vengeance, he protected the throne from rebellion for generations and thought he was doing it for the good of the realm, he was playing the game of thrones over 100 years ago

fast forward he lures Bran but he tricked Bran, it was more like Hansel and Gretal to set him up. BR was a skin changer that needed a new body because he was dieing and only alive bc of the tree. But he specifically needed a greenseer to warg into, so he had to wait all this time for someone like Bran with magic abilities to come along so he can use his body

Concerning Bran - We are told many times during the season that Bran is dead, Bran died in that cave... Bran him self says I'm not Bran a bunch of times

So what happened to Bran? BR convinced him to warg into Hodor during the cave attack to save them. The NK kills BR while he is still warging inside of Bran's mind, while bran is inside present day Hodor holding back the door.....

as Hodor gets stabbed up what music is playing? The stark theme :wow: look at the scene again Hodor wasnt a stark, were they playing that music because Bran was getting killed at that cave stuck inside Hodor?

After that scene Bran is completeley different, BR took over his body and inherited Brans memories but its not Bran anymore it BR in a young strong body that has magic powers already


From here on out BR is just orchestrating his plan to get back to the throne, first order of business.. get rid of Dany & Jon
Dany & Jon are both descended from the King Aegon V who banished him to the wall in the first place, Dany was killed after he used her (Maybe he warged into drogan?thats another discussion) and he sends Jon to the wall which is kind of poetic justice

The Golden Company also points to Bran being BR imo, In the books the founder of the Golden company was BR's brother and lifelong enemy Bittersteel. The Golden Company didnt really have a purpose in the show execpt getting massacred. That could be BR getting rid of his enemies decendants as well...

Sorry for the long post :yeshrug:

the 2 biggest arguments for Bran being BR

#1. the council meeting when Bran is elected, this scene really makes no sense other wise...unless you consider Aegon V got elected king in the same exact way at a Kings council meeting before arresting BR, Bran tells Tyrion "Why do you think I came here?" why else would he say that in that setting unless he was really BR. who else could he be, not Bran? The COTF dont care about a throne, it had to be BR in control

#2 After being King the first thing Bran ask at the table is where is the master or whisperers? thats important, when BR was Kings hand he was known for having a huge network of spies, so thats the first thing he would ask for back at Kings Landing. Then he asked about Drogon, his main concern is finiding the dragon he doesnt care about anything else. Its because BR is a targ and Targs want their dragons

Still not convinced


Thats a Raven on her chest not a wolf

#Targset won in reality :francis:

The problem is they rushed this show. GRRM wanted at least 10 seasons, so we could have had 1 season of Dany slowing going crazy and another season that focus more on Bran visions or BR but I suppose they would have gave it away if they did that

For TV viewers the 3ER/BR was not done well but maybe thats why they want to focus on the prequels now and we will get a show about BR and the Blackfire rebellion


Aug 30, 2013
Episode was :russell:

I guess it had to end somehow.

It would have been GOAT if Bron got out of the wheelchair and started walking normally like Usual Suspects. :pachaha:


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
You think these guys anticipated this reaction or do you think they actually thought the season would be well received? If they knew the season would get this type of reaction do you think they would have done 10 episodes and maybe a 9th season or were they just so burnt out at this point that they just wanted to move on?
I think they probably anticipated the annoyance levels that came from seasons 7 with the accelerated pace and plot holes/armor. But I legitimately think they thought they could give spectacle and plot points and we’d happily just fill in the blanks and eat it up when they obliterated damn near every aspect of the show this season


Aug 30, 2013
Bran the Broken? More like Bran the Finesse God. I've heard of playing the long game but this was excessive. nikka time traveled to create his own retarded man servant/door stop. He gets to Winterfell and just chills in the cut. Then he's like "Just so y'all know, the Night King is after me and he always knows exactly where I am. Y'all might want to get ready"

"Oh yeah Sam, Jon's real name is Aegon Targaryen and he's the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. Just putting that out there incase you want to tell him at a critical juncture"

"Oh, the army of the dead is almost here? Imma just post up by the weirwood. Y'all know I got your back with my brolic warg powers, right?"

"They're gone right, Theon? Imma just warg into Lamar Jackson and the rest of the squad. That bum ass Flacco got traded."

"Oh, the Night King's pulling up? It's been real Theon. You a trill ass nikka for real"

"Yo Jon, it's your choice whether you want to tell Arya and Sansa...but you did bring us all this way after all, and it's cold outchea"

"I see this girl Dany done lost her damn mind. I didn't see that coming. I wonder what will happen as a result"

"Oh, Sansa got a raven asking her to come to King's Landing? Arya and I should come too to display a united front and provide support"

"Oh, you want me to be the new king? I thought you'd never ask":mjlit:
King's Landing finna be renovated to be more wheelchair accessible now. Bran's gonna triple the number of handicapped carriage parking spots. My dude finna have Bronn divert coin to a fund for his new pimped out wheelchair. Same color Lupita Nyong'o with the Miley Cyrus guts. 22 inch chromed out Pirelli's with the spinners. Bran straight breaking necks when he comes through in the miracle whip:wow:The best part of all of this? Y'all #Starkset nikkas don't get to claim him. Sansa just seceded y'all out the 7 Kingdoms:umad:I liked her better when Ramsay da gawd was clapping her lemon cakes. I already know y'all nikkas finna claim #Targset took an L tonight. We did:manny:But you know who took the bigger L? Westeros. Y'all never deserved Dany. Y'all and your off brand continent can enjoy being ruled by Tyrion's dumbass. If you think Bran's finna put in work ruling, you're bugging. Dude's gonna be too busy looking for ramps to do GTA stunts on when he's not too busy warging into the customers at the brothels Bronn's gonna build. He's gotta get a nut somehow:yeshrug:I don't blame Grey Worm for taking the Unsullied and Dothraki and getting the fukk up outta there. You already know these cacs finna fukk up. Sam's gonna get his way and there'll be open elections. fukk around and have Bran replaced by Donald Trump the Burger King. I'm sure the wall get repaired expeditiously once he's in office:francis:But there's still one Targaryen left in Westeros and he's living his best life. Bran clearly had my boy Aegon fukked up. He said his watch is ended, breh:gucci:He meant what he said. My man done indulged in too much royal box the last couple seasons to go back to that life. Tormund da gawd was waiting with the whole squad, Ghost, and a bottle of D'Usse. It's lit. My dude is gonna drown in that wildling p*ssy. More power to him. He'll stay his ass up there if he's smart cause God forgives, Drogon doesn't. Big homie is just biding his time, letting these nikkas get comfortable and build new brothels until he comes through to reintroduce himself. This one is for his mama
There was one huge silver lining to this episode. Anyone that knows me knows I have horrible luck stanning characters. First they killed my dude Finn da gawd in Homeland:mjcry:Then sent my mans Todd da gawd to Belize in Breaking Bad:mjcry:I tried to stan a character in Barry last season and he got clapped the next episode:mjcry:The old gods finally spared me, brehs:blessed:Ser Podrick of House Payne, Squire turnt Sanga, Untier of Meereenese Knots, Tripod, Possessor of Crisp Hairlines made it. And my dude is on the Kingsgaurd. Arthur Dayne who? Pod's finna hit the brothels and show them hoes the real Sword of the Morning:shaq:

#PodSet stand up!

:mjcry: for real.

I will rep you when they let me.

I know I told you this before, but you are the sole reason I joined thecoli, to read your hilarious episode breakdowns.

I didn't expect to stay on thecoli, I was eating a chickfila sandwich with pickles and just used that (pickles) as a user name. I thought I would read your episode breakdowns and dip.

But I stayed. :blessed:

Thank you for your episode breakdowns and introducing me to thecoli. :obama:


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
This is after he found out that Season 8 was the last season.. its called acting professional and accepting fate.. what else could he say :mjlol:
The reason a lot of actors get into acting is the chance to be someone else, a lot of them get burnt out from tv roles due to spending years as the same character

I don’t follow any of these actors outside the show, but if he wants to try his hand in a list movies, makes sense to want to move on when you’re in your early 30’s - it affords him a lot of versatility in the roles people would consider him for, plus he’s popular and white chicks think he’s sexy, skys the limit until he pulls a Taylor kitsch and delivers two expensive flops


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
I think they probably anticipated the annoyance levels that came from seasons 7 with the accelerated pace and plot holes/armor. But I legitimately think they thought they could give spectacle and plot points and we’d happily just fill in the blanks and eat it up when they obliterated damn near every aspect of the show this season

Yup, but as hex said, they changed their speech from "we aim for a Breaking Bad quality ending" to "I'm gonna stay offline and get drunk". At some point they realized their finale wasn't gonna cut it.

I guarantee they taped an Inside the Episode for "The Iron Throne" too, how could they not if they actually directed it. Deciding not to show anything is pretty telling, they knew they were gonna get blasted for every single explanation they gave.

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
Brehs... I refuse to discuss this show with casuals anymore. Matter of fact, I think the show's popularity is a negative in the long run. I hopped on Facebook and people are saying the dumbest shyt possible. Talking bout "the finale was good. Yall need to stop complaining!" I just realize that I'm a man of finer tastes and can't engage in intellectual discussion with these fools.


Staff member
May 1, 2012
Remember when we thought episodes 1 & 2 would be the worst ones
I felt like the 1st episode was a solid premiere. Sam told Jon who he was, and it got things started.

The 2nd episode was bad, and I remembered thinking to myself, "There's only 6 episodes this season, and they wasted one on THAT?!"