Arya doesn't close green eyes
There is no Prince or Princess that was promised
Sansa just can openly say fukk the rest of you bytches for putting my (cripple ass, non working dikk, I flew away during the whole battle of winterfell to watch some people masturbate through their windows) brother bran on the Iron Throne, I won't bend the knee to my own brother (the rightful heir to Winterfell), so fukk the rest of you all... the north is out..... If that's the case... then why wouldn't the others say the same... why wouldn't the others have a problem with her turning on her brother?
So Jon who is sent to the nights watch which has no purpose now... the wildlings are good with everyone now or dead... there is no more white walkers... and the wall is busted so anyone can go south whenever the fukk they want....
Why would greyworm and the unsullied take Jon into (custody) after he killed Dany
Greyworm and Jon had beef and you just killed the Queen... the one that you bent the knee to and declared to be the queen... Greyworm and the unsullied would've murked Jon on the spot for their justice, hence they had no problem killing prisoners in the streets.
Jon killed your mother Drogon, you get pissed off and burn everything in the room... except the motherfukker that killed your mother
(side note, they should've had the master of whispers on the small council meeting drop a hint about a woman being resurrected to the far east across the sea.... Dany and her army could've come back and really destroyed everything)
Tyrion goes from being a prisoner being told to shut up to telling everyone that they should make Bran the unwalkable the new king in like a 2 minute span...
Tyrion should've thrown the hand of the queen pin down at her feet and said "congratulations, queen of the ashes" would've been better than what we got
Arya takes off riding the horse at the end of the last episode apparently like a block and then decides to walk again... fukking moron
Brienne writes Jamie's story in the Kingsguard book... and then writes at the end... he had a small dikk and his sister was a bytch ass slut
A series is only as good as it's ending... and this was fukking garbage... D&D better prepare... if you think the petitions were outrageous for a new season 8... wait til the Star Wars fans demand you don't make the new trilogy based off this garbage...