I called it 4th post in this threadshyt turned into a soap opera with corny cgi after season 2
All that Lord of light for what?
Where's euron stringwheres euron

Put some respect on my name

Edit: I meant edmure not euron lmao
I called it 4th post in this threadshyt turned into a soap opera with corny cgi after season 2
All that Lord of light for what?
Where's euron stringwheres euron
That’s why Jaime’s character was so good before this season. It basically makes you think what is honor. Is it honorable to serve a mad king whose about to murder innocents or kill him and save innocence. Ned and Selmy would be honorable guys letting a whole city burn to the ground? That’s not honorable that’s fukking stupid.He was right tho. In those times (that it’s based upon).... you follow the king NO MATTER WHAT. Kings blood was believed to be in the direct line with God himself. His word was law and his word was final.
Look at Barristan Selmy. He was also Kings guard to the mad king. But he followed those orders no matter what. Sir Dayne knew his king was dead and that Ned was the brother of the girl in the tower. He still fought to the death to follow that last order.
And yet Ned was praising Barristan for his honor. Even tho he watched his brother die, his sister “kidnapped” and protected bytch ass Joffrey. He was still honorable because you serve no matter what. You don’t get to decide right and wrong. That’s your king. You follow your oath, which is to always follow, no matter what.
So like Ned said..... You served when it was safe. First hard choice he had to make and he killed his own king. Everyone in the world knew that was a bytch move, no matter why. And they shamed him while propping up Barristan who actually followed the mad kings orders. Even let him stay based on his honor, when rob took over
This is explained more when Jaime tells brienne. “You think the honorable Ned Stark wanted to hear my story”. Basically nobody was gonna listen to those excuses and explanations. There was gonna be no justification that would suffice.
Jamie was never a “good guy”, he was a complex and grey character.
His story could have ended in a tragic and selfish way but not by literally disregarding everything he said and did up to that point just to say “lol he never cared. He bad and luv Cersei”
I don’t care that he wasn’t the savior. I care that his end was told like shyt and now people are making up their own script based on that ending.
Tyrion also tried to save her. That disregard his arc too?
And if we’re basing care for innocents on who someone didn’t kill, does that count for Ned? He would have stood by the mad king.
And Jamie was disgusted and horrified by what Cersei had done in blowing up the sept. He didn’t just go “o damn, well not like I care”.
If Dany does get killed Drogon basically has to go off and kill everybody and melt down the throne. Anything else is just trash writing, but we know how that goes....I have no idea how Dany can't make it with that big ass dragon
Unless they merk her and he just fly off to go fukk the world up on his own
There’s nothing to suggest Jamie wasn’t serious about protecting people when he was in that tub with brienne, when he saved brienne and when he rode all the way north to fight zombies for the living. Other than a subverted expectation heel turn.
The point of that scene with Ned was to get the payoff of learning the full details of why killed the king in the first place.
Maybe if they actually showed his regression and the fact that he never gave a fukk about anything or anyone, fine. But no, the end of his arc is relying on one liners to piece his story.
One of the best characters with one of the best story arcs was ruined.
He was right tho. In those times (that it’s based upon).... you follow the king NO MATTER WHAT. Kings blood was believed to be in the direct line with God himself. His word was law and his word was final.
Look at Barristan Selmy. He was also Kings guard to the mad king. But he followed those orders no matter what. Sir Dayne knew his king was dead and that Ned was the brother of the girl in the tower. He still fought to the death to follow that last order.
And yet Ned was praising Barristan for his honor. Even tho he watched his brother die, his sister “kidnapped” and protected bytch ass Joffrey. He was still honorable because you serve no matter what. You don’t get to decide right and wrong. That’s your king. You follow your oath, which is to always follow, no matter what.
So like Ned said..... You served when it was safe. First hard choice he had to make and he killed his own king. Everyone in the world knew that was a bytch move, no matter why. And they shamed him while propping up Barristan who actually followed the mad kings orders. Even let him stay based on his honor, when rob took over
This is explained more when Jaime tells brienne. “You think the honorable Ned Stark wanted to hear my story”. Basically nobody was gonna listen to those excuses and explanations. There was gonna be no justification that would suffice.
Cuz he's a bytch ass fakkit
Idk why so many are upset with the way he went out. Y'all really believed all that BS he was spitting about giving a fukk about the innocent?
Lord Eddard saw right through this clown. An overrated fighter with no honor and told him so straight to his face:
One of my favorite scenes in the series![]()
People kill me with this, she watched her best friend head get chopped off in front of her. Why is nobody calling Greyworm "The Mad Unsullied"? with all the crazy shyt he was doing
I honestly see no difference in what happened with her and what happened Frieza killed Krillin and made Goku go "mad"
Yea i legit hit thewhen this dude was on some “never gave a fukk. Innocent or otherwise” . I’m like your entire semi-redemption in the eyes of the viewer is based upon the fact that you secretly GAVE A fukk. Dude didn’t join his Father and Sister in making Tyrion’s life miserable. He didn’t let the Bolton captors rape Brienne. He didn’t let the Mad King blow Kings Landing to ashes. He defied Cersei, the muthafukking LOVE of his life, to ride North and fight for the living.
Because he always (we are led to believe) GAVE a fukk.
I didn't take that innocents line he told Tyrion seriously, it was a classic Jamie nonchalant one liner. Reminded me of when he told Tywin he doesn't care what people think of him and Tywin called it out as bullshyt.Yea i legit hit thewhen this dude was on some “never gave a fukk. Innocent or otherwise” . I’m like your entire semi-redemption in the eyes of the viewer is based upon the fact that you secretly GAVE A fukk. Dude didn’t join his Father and Sister in making Tyrion’s life miserable. He didn’t let the Bolton captors rape Brienne. He didn’t let the Mad King blow Kings Landing to ashes. He defied Cersei, the muthafukking LOVE of his life, to ride North and fight for the living.
Because he always (we are led to believe) GAVE a fukk.
but letrs fget deeperLike I told my girl: I guess Grey Worm and those soldiers went mad when they heard the bells too.
Dany went north
lost a dragon
wasn't respected
lost maaaad soldiers
lost one best friend
wasn't respected
lost her claim to the throne, which been her lifelong goal
lost her man
lost ANOTHER dragon
lost ANOTHER best friend
Lost her cool? nikkas is like "SHE WENT INSANE ALL OF THE SUDDEN"
All these book readers mad they cant post dry spoilers and act smart and pass an off as theories.