OFFICIAL Game of Holmes Season 8 Thread - A Dream of Flat Tops 4/14/19


R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons
Jon has NOT shown signs of being mad. Dany has. You didn’t pay attention. Jon listens to people. Dany doesn’t. Jon is not threatened by opposing viewpoints. Dany is. Jon is not threatened by losing power. Dany is. Jon does not murder people he does not like. Dany does. Alister Thorne is a big example here. Dany would’ve murdered that dude way before he had time to double cross her. Jon did NOT have the same life experiences that Dany had. This is not debatable. One guy grew up with a family, albeit as a b*stard. The other grew up homeless, sold into sex slavery at 13. Jon’s teacher was Ned Stark. Dany’s teacher was VISERYS TARGARYEN. Dany is FULLY INBRED. Her parents were brother and sister. Jon has a Stark mother to balance the inbreeding out. Jon has not murdered multiple people or killed people indiscriminately unless it was specifically for war or that person plotting to kill him. Dany HAS murdered probably thousands by now before burning KL. That has an effect on someone’s psyche. Jon has not lost his entire family. He’s lost family members but not his entire family. Dany has. Jon has not become hated and vilified by everyone in Westeros. Dany has. Jon did not grow up with the knowledge that his family was kicked out of King’s Landing and that he lost his birthright. Dany did and that left a burning desire in her to right what she felt was a wrong.

Y’all are just blatantly ignoring very obvious facts because y’all like Daenerys and it’s annoying at this point. The quality of writing has been declining but they have been setting up the Mad Queen storyline since BOOK ONE. I guess y’all gonna read The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring and say GRRM is a bad writer when he has Dany go batshyt.
Dany listening to people is precisely what got her here:gucci:
Jon literally got mad at Sansa for questioning him prior to the Battle of the b*stards:gucci:
Jon doesn't want power, so no shyt he's not threatened by losing it. What person that wants and has power is chill with losing it? That's a sign of insanity?:gucci:
Who has Dany murdered merely because she didn't rock with them like that? nikkas acting like Dany didn't vibe with someone's energy so she threw them in the bushes. Dany literally was going to marry someone she didn't like to preserve peace in Mereen. She reopened the fighting pits, a barbaric practice she hated, to preserve peace in Mereen:gucci:
Dany's teacher wasn't no damn Viserys. She was afraid of that nikka and only defended him from being murdered out of sibling responsibility. The hell did Viserys teach Dany? That's not a rhetorical question either:gucci:
You clearly don't know how genetics work if you think generations of inbreeding can be offset by one inbred person marrying someone from outside of their family. That's another reason I've always found that Targ inbred stuff silly because it's only adding an unnecessary scientific variable into a fantasy story. I shouldn't have to be name dropping George Mendel and drawing up Punnett squares in a convo about a book with zombies and dragons:snoop:
Who are these thousands, outside of war, that Dany killled before King's Landing? We watching the same show?:gucci:
Dany lost her entire family the second Drogo died and proceeded to free slaves for seasons:gucci:
Who hates and vilified Dany besides Cersei? Y'all nikkas reaching reaching now. Not being loved does not equal being hated and vilified. Matter of fact, Dany had been able to ally herself with more factions in Westeros in her short time there than Jon had his entire life there.:gucci:
That burning desire to right what she felt was done wrong to her family was always meant to be taking back the throne. She could have done that last season if she indeed was the type to not listen to people as you claimed.:gucci:
This is the TV show thread so I don't know why you're talking about book one. I also don't know why you're talking to me specifically about the books since any of the brehs that's been rocking with this show for years know I've read those shyts multiple times through. I ain't the one to be kicking knowledge to:gucci:
Liking Dany or not has nothing to do with what they just did in The Bells making no sense and being horribly executed. nikkas are in here maligning the show for ruining the arcs of other characters as well.:gucci:
Nov 18, 2016
No need for the wild analysis. The writing has just been piss poor and the execution of the episodes rushed and amateur. Too many fails to salvage this season especially with one episode left. The history book is already written. Went from top 10 to not mentioned at all :hhh:
Top 5 possibly if they didn't fukk up the later seasons. Seasons 1-4 were piff. 5 was meh. 6 was pretty good. Then back to meh after that.
Made s7 a buildup for the night king only for it to end in 1 night and 1 episode.
Like another poster said before they should have made s7 dedicated to the night king and s8 dedicated to Dany turning into the mad queen.
Nov 18, 2016
The writers could be doing themselves a disservice as well. Could you imagine giving these guys money and as soon as they got bored and want to move on, they half ass everything?
If I'm a big time studio I don't want these guys working on any major long term projects.
Disney better hope that doesn't happen with Star Wars. These writers have been exposed.
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Sep 28, 2012
So if i was to believe what the actor who plays Varys said in the last 15 seconds of this vid that means Jon Snow and Arya dont die. Talking about the "fan favorites" comment
That means they didn't die in episode 5.. The fan favorites are there for episode 6. Daenerys, Jon Snow, Arya, Tyrion.


Sep 28, 2012
Top 5 possibly if they didn't fukk up the later seasons. Seasons 1-4 were piff. 5 was meh. 6 was pretty good. Then back to meh after that.
Made s7 a buildup for the night king in s8 only for it to end in 1 night and 1 episode.
Like another poster said before they should have made s7 dedicated to the night king and s8 dedicated to Dany turning into the mad queen.
Man it would have been epic if they gave "Winter" a complete season and a whole season for the mad queen. People would have been satisfied.
Nov 18, 2016
Man it would have been epic if they gave "Winter" a complete season and a whole season for the mad queen. People would have been satisfied.
Writers were being lazy and have wanted to move on for a while. I find it unprofessional. Do your best until the show is over.
Nah their minds are somewhere else and this rushed worst season of the show s8 is what they have to show for it.

George RR Martin was hesitant of an adaptation for a reason. I know he can't be happy with the last few seasons, especially this season.


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
Top 5 possibly if they didn't fukk up the later seasons. Seasons 1-4 were piff. 5 was meh. 6 was pretty good. Then back to meh after that.
Made s7 a buildup for the night king in s8 only for it to end in 1 night and 1 episode.
Like another poster said before they should have made s7 dedicated to the night king and s8 dedicated to Dany turning into the mad queen.
season 5 was good outside the dorne shyt, arya makes it to braavos and starts training, dany setting shyt off in mereen + the first time we see drogon go off for real, tyrion & jorah, sansa & ramsay, cersei putting the battery in the back of the sparrows + escalating shyt with the tyrells, jon doing jon shyt + hardhome + being killed, stannis and his march north followed by shireen and being defeated by ramsay - season 5 was lit because there were still so many storylines, dorne was garbage but one bad storyline doesn't bring season 5 to meh for me


May 17, 2012
Why do yaw keep ignoring the fact that not everybody was an a$$hole? :mindblown:

Hizdar's dad wasn't with the crucifixion, she did it to him regardless. There was a whole line of "innocent civilians" begging to be slaves because she ruined their lives. She fed a nikka to her dragon and then admitted he might be innocent after. That ain't crazy? What honorable person in the story is doing shyt like? She broke Dothraki law and burned down dosh khaleen because it's her way. How is that justifiable? :mindblown:

The turn was trash though and there was nothing to justify it in that moment.

You know it's bad, when cats are bringing up Dany freeing slaves as evidence of her descent into madness.:gucci:

"That crazy ass Dany done freed the slaves":pachaha:

Mind you when the former slaves came to her complaining, she didn't like it but was like "Cool if that's what ya'll want:ld:, but there will be a contract and you will be paid a fair wage.":ufdup:

Straight bonkers.:troll:


May 20, 2012
season 5 was good outside the dorne shyt, arya makes it to braavos and starts training, dany setting shyt off in mereen + the first time we see drogon go off for real, tyrion & jorah, sansa & ramsay, cersei putting the battery in the back of the sparrows + escalating shyt with the tyrells, jon doing jon shyt + hardhome + being killed, stannis and his march north followed by shireen and being defeated by ramsay - season 5 was lit because there were still so many storylines, dorne was garbage but one bad storyline doesn't bring season 5 to meh for me

The only weak seasons in my opinion was Season 8. Season 7 had some questionable episodes, but nothing like the half assed shyt we are seeing this season.

If these bozos tried their best, I would understand. I'd be like they gave it their best shot, it just didn't work But when you know they half assed it, it stings. :to:

Chris Cool

Jun 22, 2014
So Cal
You know it's bad, when cats are bringing up Dany freeing slaves as evidence of her descent into madness.:gucci:

"That crazy ass Dany done freed the slaves":pachaha:

Did she not crucify random masters?
Ain't Hizdar say his dad was against that shyt?
Ain't some people like to be slaves?
Ain't they kill Hizdar in the end?

Yaw keep harping on:bryan: bu, bu, but they're slave masters.

But clearly some of them were only "masters" in name.


Feb 8, 2015
*Reads thread title. Notices it does not say books and actually is talking about show. Realizes why breh didn’t quote him but took the time to quote him anyway*

We talking bout the show in here. We already know it’s foreshadowed in the books, which is how book readers were “guessing” it would happen in the first season.

They didn’t say nan none of that during the show. That’s their fault for not transferring it over. Don’t make a show, based on books, leave out important points, then blame show watchers for not reading the books first.

That’s not how it works

Game of Thrones is based on A Song of Ice and Fire. Everything you know and love about this show is based on the books. The writers are not gonna spend time showing Aerion Brightflame drinking wild fire to prove he was a true dragon :troll: or showing Baelor the Blessed starving to death because Godly men didn’t need to eat food :troll: or show Maegor killing everyone he came across if they breathed the wrong way :troll: or Aegon the Unworthy making Robert Baratheon look like Theodore Roosevelt :troll: in comparison to show madness was a recurring issue in the Targaryen line. Not enough time. So they stuck to her dad being batshyt crazy and her brother Viserys being a psycho waiting to happen. But it’s been spelled out bro. And btw, hereditary mental illness can develop at any time. You can be perfectly fine at 18 and develop schizophrenia or many other disorders later on. The Mad King was perfectly fine as a young man but Duskendale triggered his latent crazy to come out similar to Dany losing all her friends and having everyone against her.
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