Tony D'Amato
It's all about the inches
Shyt is reachin True Detective Season 2 status.
I don't think he can see the futureSo Bran couldn't give a heads up about Dany burning everything down?
Its been implied multiple times he can see the future, just not as clear as he can see the pastI don't think he can see the future
Its been implied multiple times he can see the future, just not as clear as he can see the past
Like he sees fragments of the future but it might not be coherent or know the actual time frame
Example he visioned a dragon flyer over kings landing all the way back in season 4. They did the same shot view for view last episode.
That D&D payroll got nikkas in here likedont understand the obsession of "this is actually good writing" squad yal sound weird as fukk
Dany went mad trying to figure out where the snow in King's Landing went.D&D SAID DANY WASNT MAD...
Don't do that.Shyt is reachin True Detective Season 2 status.
Remember how Tyrions whole plan was for Jaime and Cersei to escape to the row boat, then go 1000 miles across the sea to Essos?![]()
:bookhaha:With one hand Jaime rowing.![]()
well with that he could have seen Jamie heading for Winterfell in the presentHe also knew Jaime was coming to Winterfell and sat there waiting for his arrival.
could still be (Jon) Snow on the throne
Most of this is nonsense. Dany has listened to her advisers time and again even when it goes against her own wishes. Who did she murder that she didn't like? She took on Varys as an adviser despite knowing he once hired someone to kill her. Dany has not indiscriminately killed anyone. I don't think you know what that word really means.Dany locked up her dragons, one of the few times she went against the advice of her advisers after they killed one innocent child.
I don't even like Dany like that but almost all of this is bullshyt
What signs has she shown of being mad? Not angry mad, but insane?
Her entire season 7 and 8 plotline has been about her listening to her advisers. Even when they give out the DUMBEST advice that no other leader in the series would have followed, including Ned Stark. And you have the nerve to say people aren't paying attention
Jon was born thinking he was a b*stard, hiding in the shadows of a woman who thinks he will steal her childrens birthright. Dany was born believing she will one day return home to take what was stolen from her family by a usurper. Their upbringing inform their ideas about power, NOT their blood or genes.
Dany spared the man that stabbed her father in the back from execution, a man she literally heard bedtime stories about and has wanted to kill since she could talk.
That's not how this works
When was this demonstrated in the series?
The problem isn't that she goes batshyt, it's that her descent from wanting to save innocents to systematically wanting to kill innocents was executed like dog shyt over 2 episodes.
When (if) GRRM brings the story to its conclusion, and it has Dany going mad, it won't be because some wildlings toasted Jon over her at a feast, or because Varys and Tyrion inexplicably start clutching their pearls over the idea of her engaging in a standard siege. No one thought it was abnormal or evil when Robb was on his way to attack Casterly Rock, or when Stannis attacked KL, or even when the Unsullied attacked Casterly Rock. But now, all of a sudden, Tyrion and Varys are so up in arms about a standard run of the mill attack that they keep suggesting the dumbest reasons for her not to attack. That kind of plot contrivance won't be in his story. The progression will make sense and not be built on fraudulent foundation.