OFFICIAL Game of Holmes Season 8 Thread - A Dream of Flat Tops 4/14/19

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Jon has history of mental illness in his inbred family, had(up to that point) the love of his life die in his arms, was literally killed by his sworn brothers, saw someone he thought was his little brother die just moments before he could save him, etc. He didn't crack. Maester Aemon never cracked, Rhaegar never cracked. Dany had all of these things happen to her yet was chilling on Dragonstone doing nothing, agreed to Tyrion's proposal about the bells, and proceeded to very accurately attack just the opposing force during battle. Having just accomplished what she set out to do after all this time, the battle won and the Iron Throne just waiting for her to sit on, she "goes mad" and does the one thing her character development through seven seasons has told us she wouldn't do. But you want to ask us what's unbelievable here?:comeon:

"Bu-bu-bu but she said she'll take what's hers with fire and blood:mjgrin:"
Yeah, and that's exactly what she's done since the beginning without killing an innocent soul:comeon:

"Bu-bu-bu- but she watched her brother murdered and kept a straight face:mjgrin:"
Stannis watched his daughter burned at the stake(on his orders) with a straight face even as she pleaded for her life. He looked at his wife's lifeless corpse swinging from a tree as a direct result of his actions with a straight face.
Jon hung a child with a straight face. His first action as Lord Commander was beheading a dude for insubordination. Dude cried for mercy, Jon stared at him and took his head off anyway. Arya baked human beings into pies and watched someone eat them, with a straight face.
Cersei ordered innocent children murdered, blew up a sept full of people, etc all with a straight face.:comeon:
"Well, she makes mean faces and can be unpleasant:mjgrin:"
We're done here:comeon:

Which character in this show would you give three dragons to and expect to go around fighting for the common folk while putting their own personal ambitions/self interests on the back burner, btw?:jbhmm:

Tell me how the "Master of Whispers" who knew all about Dany's movements on another continent decided she was the one he was going to follow. He knows how she got to where she's gotten, how she has the armies she has, how she managed to take over these cities, yet somehow he sees something after the fact that suddenly makes him think she's so unfit he's not only willing to commit treason, he also has a child attempting to poison her? What is different about the Dany post-Varys as opposed to the one pre-Varys? This is the same Dany that knows you had a hand in her attempted murder and knows Tyrion is the son and sibling of her enemies, yet takes both of them into her counsel. Which one of the Westerosi lords is doing the same?

I also love the cliche/lazy use of a random character declaration to set ground rules and thus establish something as fact. They substitute fleshing out this supposed descent into madness by merely repeating the shyt about the God's flipping a coin when a Targaryen is born. Varys said it so it must be true:manny: shyt is exactly like
Banner essentially establishing the rules of time travel in a couple seconds for the sake of plot
Dany going the Mad Queen route has always been one of the lazier, yet more probable fan theories in my opinion. Her dad was crazy so she'll be crazy too always sounded dumb as hell. But I was always cool with it happening because it'd be epic if done right. The fact that we're getting this lazy theory happening and it's being executed so poorly just makes it twice as bad.
Best part is “her dad was crazy” isn’t even valid. He wasn’t born crazy. He was tortured for years and lost his mind. So he didn’t have a genetic defect he passed down. His brain was fukked up from years of abuse.

But hey. She saw her bestie die


Feb 8, 2015
Jon has history of mental illness in his inbred family, had(up to that point) the love of his life die in his arms, was literally killed by his sworn brothers, saw someone he thought was his little brother die just moments before he could save him, etc. He didn't crack. Maester Aemon never cracked, Rhaegar never cracked. Dany had all of these things happen to her yet was chilling on Dragonstone doing nothing, agreed to Tyrion's proposal about the bells, and proceeded to very accurately attack just the opposing force during battle. Having just accomplished what she set out to do after all this time, the battle won and the Iron Throne just waiting for her to sit on, she "goes mad" and does the one thing her character development through seven seasons has told us she wouldn't do. But you want to ask us what's unbelievable here?:comeon:

"Bu-bu-bu but she said she'll take what's hers with fire and blood:mjgrin:"
Yeah, and that's exactly what she's done since the beginning without killing an innocent soul:comeon:

"Bu-bu-bu- but she watched her brother murdered and kept a straight face:mjgrin:"
Stannis watched his daughter burned at the stake(on his orders) with a straight face even as she pleaded for her life. He looked at his wife's lifeless corpse swinging from a tree as a direct result of his actions with a straight face.
Jon hung a child with a straight face. His first action as Lord Commander was beheading a dude for insubordination. Dude cried for mercy, Jon stared at him and took his head off anyway. Arya baked human beings into pies and watched someone eat them, with a straight face.
Cersei ordered innocent children murdered, blew up a sept full of people, etc all with a straight face.:comeon:
"Well, she makes mean faces and can be unpleasant:mjgrin:"
We're done here:comeon:

Which character in this show would you give three dragons to and expect to go around fighting for the common folk while putting their own personal ambitions/self interests on the back burner, btw?:jbhmm:

Tell me how the "Master of Whispers" who knew all about Dany's movements on another continent decided she was the one he was going to follow. He knows how she got to where she's gotten, how she has the armies she has, how she managed to take over these cities, yet somehow he sees something after the fact that suddenly makes him think she's so unfit he's not only willing to commit treason, he also has a child attempting to poison her? What is different about the Dany post-Varys as opposed to the one pre-Varys? This is the same Dany that knows you had a hand in her attempted murder and knows Tyrion is the son and sibling of her enemies, yet takes both of them into her counsel. Which one of the Westerosi lords is doing the same?

I also love the cliche/lazy use of a random character declaration to set ground rules and thus establish something as fact. They substitute fleshing out this supposed descent into madness by merely repeating the shyt about the God's flipping a coin when a Targaryen is born. Varys said it so it must be true:manny: shyt is exactly like
Banner essentially establishing the rules of time travel in a couple seconds for the sake of plot
Dany going the Mad Queen route has always been one of the lazier, yet more probable fan theories in my opinion. Her dad was crazy so she'll be crazy too always sounded dumb as hell. But I was always cool with it happening because it'd be epic if done right. The fact that we're getting this lazy theory happening and it's being executed so poorly just makes it twice as bad.

Jon has NOT shown signs of being mad. Dany has. You didn’t pay attention. Jon listens to people. Dany doesn’t. Jon is not threatened by opposing viewpoints. Dany is. Jon is not threatened by losing power. Dany is. Jon does not murder people he does not like. Dany does. Alister Thorne is a big example here. Dany would’ve murdered that dude way before he had time to double cross her. Jon did NOT have the same life experiences that Dany had. This is not debatable. One guy grew up with a family, albeit as a b*stard. The other grew up homeless, sold into sex slavery at 13. Jon’s teacher was Ned Stark. Dany’s teacher was VISERYS TARGARYEN. Dany is FULLY INBRED. Her parents were brother and sister. Jon has a Stark mother to balance the inbreeding out. Jon has not murdered multiple people or killed people indiscriminately unless it was specifically for war or that person plotting to kill him. Dany HAS murdered probably thousands by now before burning KL. That has an effect on someone’s psyche. Jon has not lost his entire family. He’s lost family members but not his entire family. Dany has. Jon has not become hated and vilified by everyone in Westeros. Dany has. Jon did not grow up with the knowledge that his family was kicked out of King’s Landing and that he lost his birthright. Dany did and that left a burning desire in her to right what she felt was a wrong.

Y’all are just blatantly ignoring very obvious facts because y’all like Daenerys and it’s annoying at this point. The quality of writing has been declining but they have been setting up the Mad Queen storyline since BOOK ONE. I guess y’all gonna read The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring and say GRRM is a bad writer when he has Dany go batshyt.


May 17, 2012
Jon has NOT shown signs of being mad. Dany has. You didn’t pay attention. Jon listens to people. Dany doesn’t. Jon is not threatened by opposing viewpoints. Dany is. Jon is not threatened by losing power. Dany is. Jon does not murder people he does not like. Dany does. Alister Thorne is a big example here. Dany would’ve murdered that dude way before he had time to double cross her. Jon did NOT have the same life experiences that Dany had. This is not debatable. One guy grew up with a family, albeit as a b*stard. The other grew up homeless, sold into sex slavery at 13. Jon’s teacher was Ned Stark. Dany’s teacher was VISERYS TARGARYEN. Dany is FULLY INBRED. Her parents were brother and sister. Jon has a Stark mother to balance the inbreeding out. Jon has not murdered multiple people or killed people indiscriminately unless it was specifically for war or that person plotting to kill him. Dany HAS murdered probably thousands by now before burning KL. That has an effect on someone’s psyche. Jon has not lost his entire family. He’s lost family members but not his entire family. Dany has. Jon has not become hated and vilified by everyone in Westeros. Dany has. Jon did not grow up with the knowledge that his family was kicked out of King’s Landing and that he lost his birthright. Dany did and that left a burning desire in her to right what she felt was a wrong.

Y’all are just blatantly ignoring very obvious facts because y’all like Daenerys and it’s annoying at this point. The quality of writing has been declining but they have been setting up the Mad Queen storyline since BOOK ONE. I guess y’all gonna read The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring and say GRRM is a bad writer when he has Dany go batshyt.

Most of this is nonsense. Dany has listened to her advisers time and again even when it goes against her own wishes. Who did she murder that she didn't like? She took on Varys as an adviser despite knowing he once hired someone to kill her. Dany has not indiscriminately killed anyone. I don't think you know what that word really means.:patrice: Dany locked up her dragons, one of the few times she went against the advice of her advisers after they killed one innocent child.


Jan 26, 2017
Jon has history of mental illness in his inbred family, had(up to that point) the love of his life die in his arms, was literally killed by his sworn brothers, saw someone he thought was his little brother die just moments before he could save him, etc. He didn't crack. Maester Aemon never cracked, Rhaegar never cracked. Dany had all of these things happen to her yet was chilling on Dragonstone doing nothing, agreed to Tyrion's proposal about the bells, and proceeded to very accurately attack just the opposing force during battle. Having just accomplished what she set out to do after all this time, the battle won and the Iron Throne just waiting for her to sit on, she "goes mad" and does the one thing her character development through seven seasons has told us she wouldn't do. But you want to ask us what's unbelievable here?:comeon:

"Bu-bu-bu but she said she'll take what's hers with fire and blood:mjgrin:"
Yeah, and that's exactly what she's done since the beginning without killing an innocent soul:comeon:

"Bu-bu-bu- but she watched her brother murdered and kept a straight face:mjgrin:"
Stannis watched his daughter burned at the stake(on his orders) with a straight face even as she pleaded for her life. He looked at his wife's lifeless corpse swinging from a tree as a direct result of his actions with a straight face.
Jon hung a child with a straight face. His first action as Lord Commander was beheading a dude for insubordination. Dude cried for mercy, Jon stared at him and took his head off anyway. Arya baked human beings into pies and watched someone eat them, with a straight face.
Cersei ordered innocent children murdered, blew up a sept full of people, etc all with a straight face.:comeon:
"Well, she makes mean faces and can be unpleasant:mjgrin:"
We're done here:comeon:

Which character in this show would you give three dragons to and expect to go around fighting for the common folk while putting their own personal ambitions/self interests on the back burner, btw?:jbhmm:

Tell me how the "Master of Whispers" who knew all about Dany's movements on another continent decided she was the one he was going to follow. He knows how she got to where she's gotten, how she has the armies she has, how she managed to take over these cities, yet somehow he sees something after the fact that suddenly makes him think she's so unfit he's not only willing to commit treason, he also has a child attempting to poison her? What is different about the Dany post-Varys as opposed to the one pre-Varys? This is the same Dany that knows you had a hand in her attempted murder and knows Tyrion is the son and sibling of her enemies, yet takes both of them into her counsel. Which one of the Westerosi lords is doing the same?

I also love the cliche/lazy use of a random character declaration to set ground rules and thus establish something as fact. They substitute fleshing out this supposed descent into madness by merely repeating the shyt about the God's flipping a coin when a Targaryen is born. Varys said it so it must be true:manny: shyt is exactly like
Banner essentially establishing the rules of time travel in a couple seconds for the sake of plot
Dany going the Mad Queen route has always been one of the lazier, yet more probable fan theories in my opinion. Her dad was crazy so she'll be crazy too always sounded dumb as hell. But I was always cool with it happening because it'd be epic if done right. The fact that we're getting this lazy theory happening and it's being executed so poorly just makes it twice as bad.

I'm surprised you typed all this

It's the same dense mufukkas coming in this thread trolling for attention. Posting the same thing every day

@Eric Brooks @Reece I see you

Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
Jon has NOT shown signs of being mad. Dany has. You didn’t pay attention. Jon listens to people. Dany doesn’t. Jon is not threatened by opposing viewpoints. Dany is. Jon is not threatened by losing power. Dany is. Jon does not murder people he does not like. Dany does. Alister Thorne is a big example here. Dany would’ve murdered that dude way before he had time to double cross her. Jon did NOT have the same life experiences that Dany had. This is not debatable. One guy grew up with a family, albeit as a b*stard. The other grew up homeless, sold into sex slavery at 13. Jon’s teacher was Ned Stark. Dany’s teacher was VISERYS TARGARYEN. Dany is FULLY INBRED. Her parents were brother and sister. Jon has a Stark mother to balance the inbreeding out. Jon has not murdered multiple people or killed people indiscriminately unless it was specifically for war or that person plotting to kill him. Dany HAS murdered probably thousands by now before burning KL. That has an effect on someone’s psyche. Jon has not lost his entire family. He’s lost family members but not his entire family. Dany has. Jon has not become hated and vilified by everyone in Westeros. Dany has. Jon did not grow up with the knowledge that his family was kicked out of King’s Landing and that he lost his birthright. Dany did and that left a burning desire in her to right what she felt was a wrong.

Y’all are just blatantly ignoring very obvious facts because y’all like Daenerys and it’s annoying at this point. The quality of writing has been declining but they have been setting up the Mad Queen storyline since BOOK ONE. I guess y’all gonna read The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring and say GRRM is a bad writer when he has Dany go batshyt.

I don't even like Dany like that but almost all of this is bullshyt:gucci:

Jon has NOT shown signs of being mad. Dany has

What signs has she shown of being mad? Not angry mad, but insane?

Jon listens to people. Dany doesn’t.


Her entire season 7 and 8 plotline has been about her listening to her advisers. Even when they give out the DUMBEST advice that no other leader in the series would have followed, including Ned Stark. And you have the nerve to say people aren't paying attention:wow:

Jon is not threatened by losing power. Dany is.

Jon was born thinking he was a b*stard, hiding in the shadows of a woman who thinks he will steal her childrens birthright. Dany was born believing she will one day return home to take what was stolen from her family by a usurper. Their upbringing inform their ideas about power, NOT their blood or genes.

Jon does not murder people he does not like. Dany does.

Dany spared the man that stabbed her father in the back from execution, a man she literally heard bedtime stories about and has wanted to kill since she could talk.

Jon has a Stark mother to balance the inbreeding out.

That's not how this works:mjlol:

Jon has not become hated and vilified by everyone in Westeros. Dany has.

When was this demonstrated in the series?

The quality of writing has been declining but they have been setting up the Mad Queen storyline since BOOK ONE. I guess y’all gonna read The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring and say GRRM is a bad writer when he has Dany go batshyt.
The problem isn't that she goes batshyt, it's that her descent from wanting to save innocents to systematically wanting to kill innocents was executed like dog shyt over 2 episodes.

When (if) GRRM brings the story to its conclusion, and it has Dany going mad, it won't be because some wildlings toasted Jon over her at a feast, or because Varys and Tyrion inexplicably start clutching their pearls over the idea of her engaging in a standard siege. No one thought it was abnormal or evil when Robb was on his way to attack Casterly Rock, or when Stannis attacked KL, or even when the Unsullied attacked Casterly Rock. But now, all of a sudden, Tyrion and Varys are so up in arms about a standard run of the mill attack that they keep suggesting the dumbest reasons for her not to attack. That kind of plot contrivance won't be in his story. The progression will make sense and not be built on fraudulent foundation.
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May 23, 2012
Frankincense and Myrrh
I used to get on complaining fans but I can no longer defend this shyt :hubie:

The overall quality of the show fell off a cliff. I think the reason why they rushed it into 6 episodes is because D&D ran out of ideas and just want to wrap this up. They had to take 2 years off to even do these 6 episodes. These characters all lived in GRRM's head...he visions an entire world. These brehs trying to fill in the gaps but it's probably much harder for them. The shyt inevitably becomes too Hollywood rather than the unconventional narrative GRRM was weaving. They're hitting us with mad action in a row to distract us from the writing and plot. So now we lurch from a zombie apocalypse to the battle of Stalingrad at breakneck speed. :beli: