Ladies and Gentlemen. IT HAS FINALLY HAPPENED
GRRM shytS ON THE FINAL SEASON.... Cypher complete. Now who gonna argue??
Martin himself has spoken wistfully about his mixed feelings towards the show in an interview with
Rolling Stone, stating:
Of course you have an emotional reaction. I mean, would I prefer they do it exactly the way I did it? Sure. […]
It can also be traumatic. Because sometimes their creative vision and your creative vision don’t match, and you get the famous creative differences thing — that leads to a lot of conflict.
You get totally extraneous things like the studio or the network weighing in, and they have some particular thing that has nothing to do with story, but relates to ‘Well this character has a very high Q Rating so let’s give him a lot more stuff to do’.
He added:
The series has been… not completely faithful. Otherwise, it would have to run another five seasons
Breh literally said they in the writers room, making bullshyt happen, cause of popularity of characters (plot armor) and Q ratings