Mr Hate Coffee
I aint never read the books but Young Griff sounds like a dope ass name for a character. 

Season 8 isn’t well received because people realize it’s the end and it can’t get any better from here. I think season 7 was excused because people viewed it as a rushed set up to get to season 8. There’s also a bit of groupthink going on since there’s no reason why episode 2 of this season is considerably lower rated on RT and IMDB than the bad episodes in season 7.
Best believe Bron is gonna have an important role.Im guessing Bronn is not gonna be in the last episode
Wtf was the point of that sub-plot they gave that character this season![]()
I cant wait for Lindsay Ellis to drop her video essay
Homegirl got nominated for a hugo award for her Lord of the Rings/Hobbit video essays. And she's been holding back on publicly criticizing GoT for years. If she is finally fed up then I know all that pent up frustration is going to result in a well thought and fair critique video with a central thesis and won't just be the yelling at the screen videos that have been coming out this season from other youtubers. I'm hoping she can get some behind the scene interviews like she got for Lord of the Rings. But even still, def awaiting this piff![]()
Link to Gendry shyttin on D&D?The actor who plays Gendry shyt on the writers the hardest.. Grey Worm was like “you’re not gonnna be in Star Wars”![]()
I legitimately don’t know why melisandre brought back jon back at this point.
That nikka is Russian propaganda hired by D&D to deceive the Coli brehs.
7:00 minute mark
The actor who played Jaime says he has been arguing with the writers about his character’s decisions every season since season 4. Says he especially didn’t really understand why he returned to Cersei in season 7 after the sept blew up and Tommen died.
Jon united the realm and everyone from Essos to defeat the threat from the north.
7:00 minute mark
The actor who played Jaime says he has been arguing with the writers about his character’s decisions every season since season 4. Says he especially didn’t really understand why he returned to Cersei in season 7 after the sept blew up and Tommen died.
How it should have ended
How it should have ended
Good stuff.1. Why would Dany be afraid to attempt an assassination because of one personal guard? Why would any of her advisors be like "can't do that, the mountain might get em"
2. That twitter poster was right, Dany has sent in solders secretly into a city before. Both in Yunkai and at
Casterly Rock. It makes no sense why she wouldn't try what has worked before. At the very least to open the gates, if not to sneak into the Red Keep for an attempt to remove Cersei before a full on assault.
3. Dany's advisors happen to know THE MOST of anyone living about the secret passage ways in KL. Tyrion and Varys know all about the city, inside and out. Davos too apparently. Tyrion would have to either feign ignorance (making himself look more useless and or like a traitor) or tell Dany how they could sneak into the city, which would have made for good drama. And by all accounts, Varys would be all about taking out a single malevolent monarch to install another one. Why wasn't this even mentioned as a possibility?
4. We've had Ramsay and his 20 good men infiltrate Stannis' camp, we've had Bronn sneak into Winterfell with a crossbow, we've had Daario sneak into Dany's camp with multiple weapons, we've had Tyrion smuggle himself into KL, we've had Theon and co sneak onto Eurons ships to rescue Yara, and a ton more instances where characters accomplish something by sneaking. This wasn't suggested once? The only options was this contrived "Kill everybody or kill nobody" scenario?
5. ARYA IS A FACELESS MAN. They have a faceless man, who happens to be on her way to assassinate Cersei anyway. It's like everyone has forgotten that she just ended the apocalypse by defeating death itself.
Whether or not these assassins would have succeeded in their hit job is irrelevant. My point is why wasn't it at the very least considered? It seemed like the most straightforward compromise between the two extremes they kept putting on the table (sack the city vs diplomacy)