I legitimately don’t know why melisandre brought back jon back at this point.
If it was simply to “unite the North” thats lame as fukk
I legitimately don’t know why melisandre brought back jon back at this point.
The most generous reading is Jon being king is what convinced Arya to come north instead of heading south to kill Cersei.If it was simply to “unite the North” thats lame as fukk
Who were completely useless in the actual fight.
Him convincing Dany to enter the fight is how the NK got a dragon and knocked down the wall too.
If it was simply to “unite the North” thats lame as fukk
Ummm....he united the northmen and wildlings and targs to defeat the white walkers
He should have died in Spoils of War. Would have given some stakes to that battle. And it would have been a strong character arc for him to die after making the decision to fight instead of fleeing with his gold.Im guessing Bronn is not gonna be in the last episode
Wtf was the point of that sub-plot they gave that character this season![]()
I don’t remember the past seasons that well so I could be wrong but barring the FF Sansa, chit, arya could’ve probably united the north and allied with dany for at least the long night.
I would expect jon to be more of a factor if he was worthy of resurrection.
Im guessing Bronn is not gonna be in the last episode
Wtf was the point of that sub-plot they gave that character this season![]()
The thing with GOT that is different from other shows is that they had their first four seasons already written for them. From there they could decide what plots they wanted to trim or enhance with new material.GOT really had the potential to be the undisputed GOAT tv series.
Usually shows that have a good following and good acclaim ALWAYS taper off in quality after a few seasons, due to it either running out of good ideas, or recycled plot points, the writers getting lazy ect, and some will just keep going until they get ran into the ground and just finish with some ridiculous bullshyt season, Dexter & Lost for example, I also would of used Walking dead in that example but I’ll let it live since it’s last season was actually dope and a huge improvement over the last few years.
The Wire & Breaking Bad are both GOAT shows, but even with all of the acclaim and quality writing those shows had they still fell off slightly in their 5th seasons, not bad by a long shot, but def not as good as the seasons before, but then you have Game Of Thrones...
4 incredible seasons like the other GOAT shows, but here’s where it differs, where the others start to decline after 4 seasons this show hadn’t even got anywhere near its main plots yet, White Walkers were only a thing to people in the far north and Dani’s dragons weren’t even big enough to fly on, with the shows ability to tell an amazing story in this excellent lore rich world, with all of these interesting complex characters I remember thinking it would take like 7 or 8 seasons to get to the REALLY big world changing conflicts, which I was obviously right about, what I wasn’t right about was how I thought when it finally got here that it would be the most epic and amazing ending to a tv show ever....damn shame.
This is EXACTLY what happened.
With Battle of the b*stards right before...the best back to back of episodes in the shows history imo