What sucks is that I always wanted this story to end with a Dany heel turn and Jon/Dany confrontation but I never thought they had the balls to do it. Ending the series with the good guys defeating Cersei or the Night King would have been easy so I’m at least happy they tried to do something different.
The problem is they’ve told this story in the absolute worst possible way to the point where you’d rather there be this Hollywood happy ending instead of this poorly executed BS.
Nah, most people just want a happy ending because they have so much invested in certain characters. If show was as popular and social media as invested in it during first season people would've flipped over Ned's killing. Girl playing Sansa would've had to get off social media permanently, writers called sexist for portrayal of Cat and so on.
Now of course there's legitimate issues with this season, the worst one being that season is so short that it doesn't allow proper character transformations. But all this crying about writing when we're coming off of season 7 which was basically a soap opera.
"Oh no Mad King's daughter went mad

nobody warned us of this, have they no decency
