He's still at the Weirwood tree north with the old three eyed raven in the books. So far, he's went into the past two see Benjen, Ned, and Lyana playing together as children. Also, he's "talked" to Theon in Winterfell who was begging for forgiveness for doing what he did at Winterfell while Ramsay is torturing him.Do you? Cersei tells Cat about her black haired boy who died shortly after birth when she comes to visit bran after Jamie pushed him
How far is Bran in the stories? I'm going to blame that one on grrm, it's clear d&d struggle to write certain characters, even with a blueprint, if bran is one of the stories even grrm is tangling with, it makes sense how crap he's been in the show
i love how your rationale for one person behaving wildly out of character is that its okay for another person behaving wildly out of character to do sojesus this show is so far gone
jon hung a fukkin kid if yal want to dodge context like that
I wondered how they we're going mad queen cuz going into this ep I thought she was justified, but once Drogon landed and the bells rang I knew what time it was. I honestly hit wifey with thethey had their chance already
2 of the 3 visions so far have been 100% accurate, down to the scenery and timing.. just based off thatNow that you say this I wouldn’t be surprised if they end this show with a huge cliff hangar. Dany never dies in the show, they show some survivors move on and go into hiding, some find piece, and the final scene of the series is some preparing to go to war with Dany to end the Targaryens once and for all. Then boom, roll credits.
Since about the 4th season I’ve been saying that I think in the end NO ONE will end up on the throne and Westeros would end up as a land with no King at all where the people ruled themselves.
What sucks is that I always wanted this story to end with a Dany heel turn and Jon/Dany confrontation but I never thought they had the balls to do it. Ending the series with the good guys defeating Cersei or the Night King would have been easy so I’m at least happy they tried to do something different.
The problem is they’ve told this story in the absolute worst possible way to the point where you’d rather there be this Hollywood happy ending instead of this poorly executed BS.
People forget how pissed GRRM was at how badly they handled Dorne
So where we tho. shyt was a mess![]()