Cersie probably would have held the city hostage with the wildfire stored in it.She never threatened to burn the whole city down. She wanted to fly to the red keep and kill Cersei and end the war.
She did not care if she killed innocent people as long as she got to Cersie. Tyrion had to tell her throughout that she should play it safe and find another way because Cersie will use the innocent people. HAD to be CONVINCED.She never threatened to burn the whole city down. She wanted to fly to the red keep and kill Cersei and end the war.
Do you? Cersei tells Cat about her black haired boy who died shortly after birth when she comes to visit bran after Jamie pushed himno they didn't.. do you guys even watch the show?
How far is Bran in the stories? I'm going to blame that one on grrm, it's clear d&d struggle to write certain characters, even with a blueprint, if bran is one of the stories even grrm is tangling with, it makes sense how crap he's been in the showBran is the most useless character in a major tv show ever. I swear I hate this nikka
Something I have been meaning to bring up is how he turned into Dr Manhattan when he received the full power of the three eyed raven but how come the old three eyed raven wasn’t like that?![]()
Her plan on flying to the red keep made the most sense and would save the most lives. You think Tyrion and Jon’s plan to starve the city was humane.She did not care if she killed innocent people as long as she got to Cersie. Tyrion had to tell her throughout that she should play it safe and find another way because Cersie will use the innocent people. HAD to be CONVINCED.
Throughout the show, she has had to be convinced not to do bad things that she would have done if not for the advice.
Now you add the fact, that she has lost everyone close to her because of that place..seeing her finally snap is not shocking at all. She tried doing what others told her, and in the end she had nothing left. She became her trueself.
If people want to complain about the writing or the short seasons, that is fair. Ultimately I think she will have the same arc in the books. I am just not understanding people who think she was some saint and then one day got up and killed innocent people. She has been a killer, she doesn't mind doing it whether it was justified or not.
cast drama with who? if you're talking cersei and bronn, that's old and has been that way since the start (shytty breakup from before the show even existed)Add in cast drama people not wanting to film with each other .
You can tell they were over it.
I hadn't posted because I need to digest the bullshyt.
So forget everything.
And someone answer this.
What is the point of Dany in this story?
For six season she was doing her own thing in Essos. Westeros had its own thing going on the entire time; she had no influence on the events in Westeros during that time. Season 7 rolls around, and her only real accomplishment was to give the Night King the means to cross the wall.
Current Season. Her Dothraki were useless. Dragons useless. Night King killed by Arya. And remember the Night King as far as the show is concerned was only in the North because Dany's presence gave him the means. Other than that, there was never any mention of how the NK planned to cross the wall that the show DID establish Bran the Builder built using magic specifically to keep them from crossing (although Bran the Builder also used those same spells in the crypts of Winterfell... but I guess the genius writers forgot that).
Now they've turned her into a genocidal maniac because... reasons?
Can anyone tell me what the point of all this was? This isn't subversion. It's poor story-telling. Subversion or no, the audience is due a payoff. And I think the sane among us realize we won't be getting that.
Unbent, unbowed, and unbroken had the coli stark set in shamblesEclipsed Unbent, Unbowed, Unbroken (Sansa rape and Sand Snake episode) as the worst reviewed GoT episode.