OFFICIAL Game of Holmes Season 8 Thread - A Dream of Flat Tops 4/14/19


Feb 8, 2015
cersei sold breaking down and being human when she confronted ellaria before poisoning her daughter, her "why'd you do that?" was so real. this scene tho, shyt was legit a no-sell for me. it's like they tried so hard to plant that seed with no real recent moments to back it up, just didn't work for me, nor did her dying with jamie. whole scene was infuriating

D&D had alot of bad writing this season but, this episode along with episode 2 was great. If you can make me feel a bit of sadness for someone that's been a complete monster the last 8 seasons, then you've done your job. I think people wanted Cersei to get a gruesome death like Joffrey or Ramsey but, a recurring theme in Cersei's story was that she was not as smart as she thought she was. She did things without thinking long term. Cersei kept provoking Dany thinking she didn't have the capability to be as ruthless as her when Dany was more ruthless than Cersei ever was. And that's why its good to me. It humanizes Cersei a bit when you realize there's a bytch out there who's crazy is way more crazy than hers :picard: Seeing Cersei up in the Red Keep, watching Dany destroying her entire city, with every building that fell, chipping away at the facade of arrogance and ruthlessness she built up over the years was masterful. By the end she had no army, no knights, was running around her kingdom with everything burning and crumbling down completely scared that death was around the next corner. When she saw Jamie she was scared as hell that it was someone from Dany's side. Had her sniveling and crying talmbout she didn't want to die, when she was with the shyts an episode ago :sas2: Dany broke her down something serious :yeshrug: It was like watching a bully get seriously hurt in a fight after they picked on the person for months. You almost feel bad for the bully because even though they started it, they didn't know the person would blow up like that on them. Having her die knowing she fukked up and knowing there was nowhere for her to go is a good death because she gets what she deserves but, somehow this scene also makes you feel sad for this monster of a person.

Also, the scene was cool because the Reynes of Castamere was playing as Cersei and Jamie died. When Tywin destroyed the Reyne family, he trapped them in the tunnels underneath their castle. They surrendered and begged for mercy but, Tywin wasn't trying to hear all that. He trapped the whole family down there and flooded the place with water until they all drowned :francis: So its poetic that Cersei and Jaime die trapped under the tunnels of King's Landing. They went out just like the Reynes. No forgiveness. No surrender. No way out. Only difference is they were buried under rocks and stone (Casterly Rock :jbhmm:) instead of drowning.

Another thing I like about the scene is that even though Dany "won", Cersei still won too. Because Dany had to go to such demonic levels to beat her. Dany goes down in history as the Mad Queen. She will never be loved nor will she ever have the Iron Throne in the way she wanted to have it. She's a monster to the people forever, so that's one thing Cersei can take to the grave with her.

Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
where th hell was yara greyjoy btw :dahell:
Protecting the Iron Islands.

I know the they play fast and loose with the numbers, butt her squad of Iron Born shouldn't have many soldiers at this point. It was already smaller than Euron's crew.

Question for me is where are the Dornish:dahell:

The Dornish hate the Lannisters more than anyone and they have been sitting out the entire war. The new Dornish prince declared for Dany. Dorne is closer to KL than Winterfell is. Why didn't they show up?:what:

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
I wish they took their time and executed the Dany turn properly so I could see the reaction from Dany stans. I feel like they would have meltdown regardless of whether or not her turn was earned. But now you can’t even blame them because of how rushed it has been.
Nah targset would have been good. If you read the books, she’s hurting and harming innocent people all the fukking time. Castrated thousands of children. Did way worse things than yell “I’ll burn your cities” That’s why people been “predicting” mad queen. Cause she’s written infinitely better.

The writers never fukking put any of it in the series. I’d be ok with 3-5 “bat shyt crazy” moves over the course of 8 seasons. I’m not sure I can name one. But at least it’d have been like “hey I saw that one coming”

But they wanted to hold onto their super swerve plot twist, so they dumbed her down the entire time, so nobody would guess. But everybody guessed. So nobody was shocked. Except that they dropped the ball this damn hard


Nov 19, 2016
GRRM gave the showrunners three WTF moments that would happen in the series. The first was Shireen’s burning, the second was “Hold the Door”, and third was something that was happening in season 8. I think it’s safe to assume that was Dany burning Kingslanding.. But after the backlash this has received I wouldn’t be surprised if things change if he ever ends up releasing the books.
Nah he won't change it, Martin's definitely gonna have Daeny go insane and destroying Kings Landing fits that story to a tee. He's already having her show mild signs of madness in the books that are out now.

The path there naturally won't be as condensed as what D&D tried to pull off in basically 3 episodes. To go from having her fighting for the living against NK in E3 to burning KL in E5 was absurd.


May 18, 2012
Protecting the Iron Islands.

I know the they play fast and loose with the numbers, butt her squad of Iron Born shouldn't have many soldiers at this point. It was already smaller than Euron's crew.

Question for me is where are the Dornish:dahell:

The Dornish hate the Lannisters more than anyone and they have been sitting out the entire war. The new Dornish prince declared for Dany. Dorne is closer to KL than Winterfell is. Why didn't they show up?:what:

Specifically it was House Martell that hated the Lannisters and they got wiped out. Some of the houses in Dorne had beef with houses in the Reach (Tyrell/Tarly) turf but House Tyrell got wiped out.

Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
Specifically it was House Martell that hated the Lannisters and they got wiped out. Some of the houses in Dorne had beef with houses in the Reach (Tyrell/Tarly) turf but House Tyrell got wiped out.
True, true:ehh:

Although in show canon, the sand snakes supposedly were beloved by the Dornish people and Cersei and Euron murdered and tortured them, so you'd think the Lannister hate would continue. I don't get why they would declare for Dany but not show up for the battle to take KL, especially when Dany was discussing it at their last (on screen) war council.


Spontaneous Mishaps and Hijinks
Jul 2, 2012
the thing about ruining jamie's character is that it fukks up other characters as well...

all that shyt about honoring oaths and following the right leaders? just a mouthpiece to have brienne looking like a naive college underclassmen who got broke off right before fall break lol. and if he aint shyt, bronn extra aint shyt. pod, etc. wild disregard at work
I’m still laughing at the meme that said Brienne in her housecoat begging for a man going back to his family must look real familiar :lolbron:


Spontaneous Mishaps and Hijinks
Jul 2, 2012

We still get Highgarden though right?


What am I saying, of course we do, Bronn takes no losses...:win:

Believe promises made by dead people, brehs.