Folks in here like

mutants can't already exist because where were they during the Thanos fight

But we're about to get a Blade movie full of vampires that aint never been seen before either. So if there's an underworld of vamps out there, why can't there be a mutant underworld?
When Galactus touches down in Marvel comic books, how often did mutants show up to the fight?
No offense but these posts don't make sense breh.
Vampires are secretive by nature. They only come out at night, and want nothing to do with humans unless they're feeding off them.
So it's possible for them to exist on a street level (like Daredevil, or Luke Cage in the MCU but not
really in the MCU) and Blade to be fighting them.
You're comparing that to Thanos, a guy that wiped out half the universe.
What I mean by that is, the X-Men didn't show up to fight Galactus. Ok cool.
The X-Men
did show up to deal with the Infinity Gems and/or Thanos. Hell, Thanos killed multiple X-Men (Wolverine, Cyclops, Beast, Archangel, etc.) so there's no logical reason for them
not to show up prior to now.
Not to mention (unlike vampires) somebody like Magneto (and honestly, dozens if not hundreds of other mutants) would never agree to just lay in the cut for this long.