as someone else said, that movie looks like it was shot in an Atlanta office parkwhat about civil war![]()
as someone else said, that movie looks like it was shot in an Atlanta office parkwhat about civil war![]()
Seems like he is on Thanos' team anyway.
All of the recent ones have met my expectations thoYou can expect a higher level of writing for a comic book movie without wanting an something you see in a category at the Oscars breh
Yeah, I only say that because I recently saw Thor The Dark World end credits scene and The Collector patronizes the Asgardians who bring him the Aether by saying that giving it to him because they have the Tesseract is a 'smart decision'. And then after they leave he says, "1 down 5 to go' on someI doubt it. Not saying it's impossible but The Collector just collects things for the sake of owning them, he'd have an interest in the Infinity Stones just to have them.
Stay on the high rode brother.Yea, I saw a report the other day stating that Ben's Batman is a MESS and WB dont even care. Was tempted to post that article a few days ago.... but decided not to and noticed no one else posted it...... kinda funny but oh well![]()
Yeah, I only say that because I recently saw Thor The Dark World end credits scene and The Collector patronizes the Asgardians who bring him the Aether by saying that giving it to him because they have the Tesseract is a 'smart decision'. And then after they leave he says, "1 down 5 to go' on someshyt.
I'm not familiar with his comic characterization so that's new info to me thanks.Well he's prettyall on his own. He's made several attempts to "own" The Avengers and other teams of super heroes.
Literally all he cares about is ownership, he wouldn't use the Infinity Stones for anything. He'd collect them like baseball cards.
But, it's possible they changed the character to work for Thanos. In the comics he started collecting things (technology, places, people, entire races, etc.) to save them from Thanos, though.
DF you mean:
The last fight was trippy as hell. Nikkas was fighting backwards, forward, and backwards all at the same time![]()
Age Of Ultron is piff, ain't nothing in here touching the opening scene or Hulk vs Iron Man or the Sokovia battle.
I genuinely don't understand why people are so excited by all the city/building folding here, like half the time that shyt adds absolutely nothing to the fights going on.
How far are we going, antman?please don't say AoUAll of the recent ones have met my expectations tho![]()
AoU put me to sleep in the theater and watching it on blu made me realize just meh the whole movie is. Ant-Man kept its entertainment value when I bought the blu but couldn't over how they had the perfect Lex LuthorHow far are we going, antman?please don't say AoU![]()
Not sure about perfect but he was more of a lex than social network guy.AoU put me to sleep in the theater and watching it on blu made me realize just meh the whole movie is. Ant-Man kept its entertainment value when I bought the blu but couldn't over how they had the perfect Lex Luthor![]()
I was legit pissed that they made Baron Strucker a throway characterNot sure about perfect but he was more of a lex than social network guy.
Im impressed with all the Easter eggs ppl drew from AoU, everything from the colour palette to the action to the villian to the new additions (sans vision) were horrid. I knew I was in bad hands with that stupid beginning where the camera is swiveling from one squash to another, CGI was shaky as![]()
nah fam i timed this on my stopwatch on my cell phoneBreh the movie was over 2 hours long. and there was no need to go into detailed training sequences not to mention Strange had a photographic memory which would enable him to progress faster than most people. you probably could've made one movie based on how he struggled to get his hands fixed without going to Nepal with a 90 minute run time.
This is a stand alone movie that's connected to a mulitverse.