Official DOCTOR STRANGE Thread | Multiverse fukkery incoming


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Just watched it again a few hours ago

I don't know what people are xpecting out of the villain. His point was clear. He was lied to and didn't trust the ancient ne, so he was going to destroy all three centers and break the shield and make way for Dormammu

My only gripe is that the movie was short, but the pacing was fine, if that makes since. Things were falling into place, nothing felt missing or lost, but there were parts that could've been expanded on.

I also wasn't blown out of the water by 3D, but I already hated 3D since so :francis:. The visuals were still dope


I had enjoyed it :yeshrug:
Well my issue with the villain is not enough screen time and not compelling which is the norm with these flicks at the moment. It's not about not understanding what his motivation was but more that he was barely on screen to register


All Star
Jan 14, 2014
Just came from seeing it seen it in 3D too which i highly recommend! overall it was good I can't place it between any of the Marvel movies but its above Thor 2 but I finally recognize and understood Marvel's villain problem now that people complain about because the way the villain in this movie went out :patrice:........My favorite scene and pretty much the most thought provoking one at that was when Strange was playing around with the Eye of agamotto I went from :ohhh::wow::mjgrin: while doing that i thought to myself Thanos is going to be doing some chin checking to alot of folks to get these stones and this one might be the crucial one out of all of them given its power but the movie was decent i'll say

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
It was decent. Although I thought the last fight was lackluster.. atleast it was smart about it.


Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
May 21, 2013
Coming from someone who creamed himself typing your Age of Ultron review :mjlol:

Seeing this tomorrow. I'm sure I'll love it now that you hate it :smugnolan:

Age Of Ultron is piff, ain't nothing in here touching the opening scene or Hulk vs Iron Man or the Sokovia battle.

I genuinely don't understand why people are so excited by all the city/building folding here, like half the time that shyt adds absolutely nothing to the fights going on.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Age Of Ultron is piff, ain't nothing in here touching the opening scene or Hulk vs Iron Man or the Sokovia battle.

I genuinely don't understand why people are so excited by all the city/building folding here, like half the time that shyt adds absolutely nothing to the fights going on.

In all fairness.... it was different and unique and not the same from the typical explosions, car chases, people running, chaos, air fights, and etc shyt seen pretty much in every other movie Marvel, DC or neither. And before someone comes in and says.... "bu bu bu bu bu but Inception" That was really just one scene in a hallway.

I disagree, that added alot and unlike the other movie that element wasnt added "just because or by chance", it was cool that the characters were actually in control of that and the purpose of the changed the reality was to hurt, capture, or kill the person they was fighting.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Just curious.... what more could this "weak villain" have done to satisfy yall?:lupe:

More screen time. More presence. More character development. Less tell and more show. Be compelling and not just another pawn on the chess board. Mads is too good to basically be the villain from Thor 2

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
More screen time. More presence. More character development. Less tell and more show. Be compelling and not just another pawn on the chess board. Mads is too good to basically be the villain from Thor 2

I got ya! Thats fair..... I guess I was just fine with this actually being a "Dr. Strange movie" and his uprising vs an ensemble movie that HAS to go deeply into EVERY characters background. Especially "wasting time" on guys they have no real plans of including in future stories.

I was fine with them just giving us the basics of: who he is, what he wanted and what he was trying to accomplish

But fair point:salute:


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
I got ya! Thats fair..... I guess I was just fine with this actually being a "Dr. Strange movie" and his uprising vs an ensemble movie that HAS to go deeply into EVERY characters background. Especially "wasting time" on guys they have no real plans of including in future stories.

I was fine with them just giving us the basics of: who he is, what he wanted and what he was trying to accomplish

But fair point:salute:

But it's about setting up stakes in any movie and the threat has to be developed and you can't just handicap it by saying "well it's not their movie." That's the challenge of a writer and director to juggle those characters and make sure each is fed enough. Every hero is only as good as their villain and if your villains are one more cardboard cutouts and not developed then it all becomes meh. There's a reason joker, doc ock, Loki, and magneto are some of the best comic book movie villains. Wether we get equal time with them or not, they're given enough material for us to understand why they're doing what they're doing, see their side of the argument, and see them as three dimensional characters not just mustache twirlers. And this cat could've been that because he's got some strong backstory and his plight has a thematic tie with Strange's plight.

It's not about wasting time. You're job as a storyteller is to tell this story right here. Make this story the best it can be. Yeah I get it's corporate filmmaking so they have to serve two masters and while that's a shame, it's also reality so it is what it is. But you sacrifice good actors and potentially great characters by doing that.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
But it's about setting up stakes in any movie and the threat has to be developed and you can't just handicap it by saying "well it's not their movie." That's the challenge of a writer and director to juggle those characters and make sure each is fed enough. Every hero is only as good as their villain and if your villains are one more cardboard cutouts and not developed then it all becomes meh. There's a reason joker, doc ock, Loki, and magneto are some of the best comic book movie villains. Wether we get equal time with them or not, they're given enough material for us to understand why they're doing what they're doing, see their side of the argument, and see them as three dimensional characters not just mustache twirlers. And this cat could've been that because he's got some strong backstory and his plight has a thematic tie with Strange's plight.

It's not about wasting time. You're job as a storyteller is to tell this story right here. Make this story the best it can be. Yeah I get it's corporate filmmaking so they have to serve two masters and while that's a shame, it's also reality so it is what it is. But you sacrifice good actors and potentially great characters by doing that.

I get it...... its just hard for me to pull that as something to KNOCK this movie and other Marvel movies on when there have been and clearly are many great movies past and present where villains have been treated the same way or less. Then again, I guess cuz its a comic book movie then maybe the extra criticism is needed and mandatory.

Classic films like Rambo NEVER had a great villain but didnt take away from them being great iconic movies, same with Indiana Jones, same with even recent shyts like Fast series. Hell the villain in MOS and BB were about in line with was Mads did but not even that to me hurt the films since again I think the bigger story is the films titled hero and his journey and the characters supporting them that will be mainstays in their journeys. (attention to anyone that may come in and specifically speak on the choices I picked..... those were just random movies I thought of at the time of typing this.... please dont respond with the BS "bu bu bu bu but he just compared this movie to ______ specifically")

The Loki's and Magnetos are different from the standpoint that they play integral parts in the hero's journeys in the long run. The Jokers and Doc Octs are different because prior to the movies they are iconic characters that have great followings and much longer, deeper, and popular histories and bigger crossovers and fanbases.

I still think on a basic level we DID get material to understand why Mads was doing what he was doing (explained in the scene with A1, Strange, and Mondor), his side of the argument (explained STRAIGHT FROM HIM in the NY Sanctum when he was temporary restrained). But I do get what you're saying and not trying to really argue against or fight your stance on that.

I was just good with that, seeing him with 2-6 more monologues or a flashback of him as a child/student of the A1 or etc wouldnt have done too much more for me. Seeing him in more scene kill people for the sake or killing them or causing more damage and violence also wouldnt have done much more to make me think "oh he's the real deal" than I was already convinced he was.

I think for someone that is "one and done" he perfectly served his purpose and I'm ready to see how Modor and Dumaramu (characters again I really dont know much about but intrigued) do going forward

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
Overhyping? Dont "other guy" me breh:mjlol:

I stated that she was solid in her role. She wasnt a weak link...... 1 min in her scene I dont even think her race was a focal point and for someone that doesnt really follow DS to that level...... no fukks really are giving at that or EC as her 2nd in command.

Again..... who are the top 10 Asian actresses out there that couldve done better? The broad from Crank 2?:pachaha:
Well its not like the role required much in the way of acting chops (Swinton wasn't putting on a performance on par with her work in We Need To Talk About Kevin or The Deep End) I could have seen any of these women in the role and it would have been perfectly OK:

Maggie Q
Michelle Yeoh
Li Bingbing
Zhang Ziyi
Fan Bingbing
Rila Fukushima
Gong Li
Rinko Kikuchi
Yunjin Kim
Tao Okamoto


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
I get it...... its just hard for me to pull that as something to KNOCK this movie and other Marvel movies on when there have been and clearly are many great movies past and present where villains have been treated the same way or less. Then again, I guess cuz its a comic book movie then maybe the extra criticism is needed and mandatory.

Classic films like Rambo NEVER had a great villain but didnt take away from them being great iconic movies, same with Indiana Jones, same with even recent shyts like Fast series. Hell the villain in MOS and BB were about in line with was Mads did but not even that to me hurt the films since again I think the bigger story is the films titled hero and his journey and the characters supporting them that will be mainstays in their journeys. (attention to anyone that may come in and specifically speak on the choices I picked..... those were just random movies I thought of at the time of typing this.... please dont respond with the BS "bu bu bu bu but he just compared this movie to ______ specifically")

The Loki's and Magnetos are different from the standpoint that they play integral parts in the hero's journeys in the long run. The Jokers and Doc Octs are different because prior to the movies they are iconic characters that have great followings and much longer, deeper, and popular histories and bigger crossovers and fanbases.

I still think on a basic level we DID get material to understand why Mads was doing what he was doing (explained in the scene with A1, Strange, and Mondor), his side of the argument (explained STRAIGHT FROM HIM in the NY Sanctum when he was temporary restrained). But I do get what you're saying and not trying to really argue against or fight your stance on that.

I was just good with that, seeing him with 2-6 more monologues or a flashback of him as a child/student of the A1 or etc wouldnt have done too much more for me. Seeing him in more scene kill people for the sake or killing them or causing more damage and violence also wouldnt have done much more to make me think "oh he's the real deal" than I was already convinced he was.

I think for someone that is "one and done" he perfectly served his purpose and I'm ready to see how Modor and Dumaramu (characters again I really dont know much about but intrigued) do going forward

I feel that but the Rambo example doesn't work since clearly it's a man vs the elements or other military forces movie. Or sometimes just Rambo vs his own government. I feel where you're coming from I just don't think they're doing themselves any favors creatively with these cheap ass villains. Notice I said creatively not financially