
R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons
That's fine, but older seasons of Dexter paid close attention to detail. Dexter had to make sure that he was careful about everything, because there were smarter characters around him. Now, he just does what he wants.

Case in point:
Dexter and Deb break into a house (break the frame) and scour the whole house looking for Vogel and Yates, who have left blood trails. They find them upstairs in the master bedroom, where the fearless villain has subdued Vogel in the closet before hiding under a bed. Dexter, realizing that Yates has taken sanctuary under the bed that is obviously large enough to hide a man laying sideways, decides to take matters into his own hands and impale the villain through the mattress. With a curtain rod. Deb, showing what is perceived to be character development, overcomes her emotions and says "Let's clean this up and get out of here." The scene cuts to them in the boat that same night.


Let's clean this up and get out of here.

Let's go to a mattress store and find an exact replica of the bed that was in the master bedroom. Let's replace or vigorously clean the carpet, the curtain rod, and the other bedroom items that have been exposed to all of the characters. Let's fix the door frame that we exploded through. Let's erase all evidence of there ever being a confrontation or blood/drool/hair in the house. And get out of here.

In previous seasons of Dexter, this would have been a huge deal that they were bumbling around like raging idiots leaving their prints, blood, hair, tracks EVERYWHERE. It's so careless, and it's hard to get past if you've ever watched before.

I know that Dexter has a "code," but there were always a set of rules that Dexter and other villains/murderers had to play by. They've all but abandoned those aspects of the show.

To add to all of that, why should the audience even care if Vogel dies? Why was Dexter still helping her if he was "done" with her? Her character was just introduced and suddenly we're supposed to care about her as if she were Dexter's grandmother or some sort of pivotal character. Dexter has always had a reason to chase down the people that have kidnapped Deb, Harrison, or anyone else in his life. Why does it matter if some half-decent (poorly introduced) villain has taken Vogel?

The dude that trapped Deb in the house of horrors with the mask on and the creepy music was more intimidating.

It's as if the writers stayed up for a whole week straight on coffee and adderall and tried to crank this whole season out.
This is the stuff I'm talking about. It's to the point that people watch this show, not with a critical eye, but with the sole purpose of finding something to complain about whether warranted or not. Vogel just got caught trying to give away Yates' position using his phone. Vogel is screaming for Dexter to get there before he turns the phone off. Delicacy wasn't exactly a luxury in that situation. Dexter didn't have time to go to Home Depot and get plastic to lay everywhere. Dexter wasn't tracking a victim, he was trying to save somebodies life. And all they have to do is get rid of the mattress, the curtain rod and clean up as best as they can. It's not a murder scene unless they leave the body:snoop: The cops aren't going to do exhaustive DNA sweeps for an apparent breaking and entering. Clean up the blood, sweep around a little, and get rid of the mattress and curtain rod, voila.

As for Vogel, I think it's obvious why both Dexter and Deb care about her, regardless if you care about her or not. She's a part of their past and they're now finding out about it. She's directly responsible for what Dexter became. The mother theme is pretty much thrown in the viewers face. She calls Dexter "perfect" multiple times. We've seen Dexter many times become emotionally attached to those that accept him. They even have a scene where she's holding him like a mother. You add the Harry connection and it's a no brainer that both of them would become attached to her. Deb pretty much relies on her for mental stability. Vogel is helping her get through her PTSD. Vogel is giving her info on her Dad. Trust is being built up.

I like this season, but I'm not stanning this show. It's gotten predictable. Michael C. Hall is the best thing they have going for them and it used to be that he was given great material to work with that helped his portrayal overshadow other weak performances. He still kills his role, but he's not being given as much in the way of writing anymore. I don't get the feel of this being a final season. Granted, we're not even halfway through yet, so that can change. But the evolution of Deb and Dex's relationship is still compelling to watch. Vogel is being built up as the one thing we haven't seen Dexter have thus far, a maternal figure. We've seen the brother, the accepting friend and the love interest. The scene on the boat was big as far as showing him letting down some barrier, which is a dangerous thing itself.

But instead of letting shyt happen, cats expect seasons to play out in the span of an episode. nikkas are so caught up in what "tier" a show is in (which is some dumb shyt imo) that they need to make grand pronouncements about shyt being trash and not knowing why this watch this show anymore. I see it all the time. They decide to flesh some characters and relationships out on Boardwalk Empire last season: "this show fell off:pacspit:" There's a couple of episodes without much action in the middle of the season during Homeland: "this show isn't tier 1 anymore:pacspit:" Let the plot breath. Let the show take you where it's trying to go then shyt on them all you want when you get there if it wasn't executed properly. Do y'all read books and say "This chapter was trash:pacspit:"?:skip:


Apr 30, 2012
I think we all know the road that Deb & Dexter are headed....



Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
You see Dexter making mistakes now? But that's what the progression has been about. YES..he's been making more mistakes for a LONG time. When Lumen was told of his ways..when he let Hannah go and wanted to fukk her..that made no SENSE and wasn't sane. Him thining he contain Debra with his excuses in Ep 1 of Season last season when she just couldn't let it go and fukked his apartment up to expose him. This is was all coming to an he's clearly losing it. He was already going too far when he was justifying that he could kill Maria just so he could stay out of jail and not be exposed to the world at large. He's a keep doing WILD shyt? You're gonna get exposed...period. You're not gonna see too many Meyer Lanksys, guys who get to grow old and get away with dirt.


BK to NJ, but always a New York Knicka
May 4, 2012
had a dream about this season and the ended with some big bad that put dexter and deb in a sanitation truck that ended up somehow leaving them in the ocean with nothing but a piece of wood to hold on to. the episode went off the air, showing them deep in the fukkin ocean with nothing in sight. i think i teared up a bit in my sleep. :to:


May 17, 2012
I think you're misunderstanding the point that I was making.

They conveniently avoid so many things that were major issues in the early seasons. At least when Dexter was sloppy in Sea 1-4, there were consequences. Dexter stabbed a guy, through a bed, with a curtain rod. Then somehow got his bloody exposed body out of a house that they broke into that was showered with evidence, chopped chopped the body up, loaded him onto the boat, all in the same night. This is either time travel or careless writing.

I don't even compare this show to other shows. I try not to do that anyway. I compare this show to itself. The first four seasons were great. Since then, it's gotten sloppier and sloppier. Characters that were built up for the first few seasons were turned almost into stone. Smart, witty characters have been made morons for the convenience of Dexter moving in light speed around them making them look like fools.

Back to Vogel, I'm not buying it. She didn't have any other secrets that Dexter would be tempted to keep her alive for. At this point in the season, he was saving her for the sake of saving her. There was nothing on the line. There was nothing at stake for her character, to Dexter. In the end, I think that her character is important (she is masterminding something, or she's killed someone of significance), but they way that they decided to keep her around and important to Dexter is trivial at best.

Ol boy hiding under the bed was:comeon:

I'm still tripping over Dex dropping ol girl off at the ER without anybody seeing him:patrice: and none of the cops mentioning it:pachaha:. And :russ: at the affirmative action casting of pointless black characters... and they always get killed off:ohhh: ol girl that made sgt. better watch her back:usure:


All Star
May 1, 2012
Just caught up with the last two episodes. I think that the episode was okay but the pacing of this and the last one have been slow. Yates hiding under the bed was linked to his trauma. He hid under the bed and saw his mother's (I'm not sure what female it was) shoes. He heard them clacking all the time and that stayed with him. That's why he breaks all the toes on the right foot and keeps that shoe as the trophy. They literally told us that before everything went down. Dexter has always been concerned about his family and this season is reinforcing that. He's been protecting his sister since the beginning. He killed his brother for her. The spirit of his father is his conscience. Now he have the woman who was instrumental in his development. No way in hell he just let's her go because she has information that he cannot get anywhere else.
I see them foreshadowing Dexter and Deb becoming a tag team. They've hinted at this before but Dexter has only been comfortable and concerned with Deb. Remember that he turned Rudy down and murked him. Lumen told him that she was done after the Barrel killers' deaths. Hannah was down but she crossed Deb and Dexter made his choice. I'm hype to see where they take the story as they still have more to tell.

Trust Me

Coli Prophet
May 1, 2012
Time Warner/Brighthouse Networks are arguing with Showtime and they pulled the channel from our lineup. :why:

You dudes gotta upload this shyt as soon as its done please.

:pacspit: @ Time Warner


All Star
May 15, 2012
Just caught up with the last two episodes. I think that the episode was okay but the pacing of this and the last one have been slow. Yates hiding under the bed was linked to his trauma. He hid under the bed and saw his mother's (I'm not sure what female it was) shoes. He heard them clacking all the time and that stayed with him. That's why he breaks all the toes on the right foot and keeps that shoe as the trophy. They literally told us that before everything went down. Dexter has always been concerned about his family and this season is reinforcing that. He's been protecting his sister since the beginning. He killed his brother for her. The spirit of his father is his conscience. Now he have the woman who was instrumental in his development. No way in hell he just let's her go because she has information that he cannot get anywhere else.
I see them foreshadowing Dexter and Deb becoming a tag team. They've hinted at this before but Dexter has only been comfortable and concerned with Deb. Remember that he turned Rudy down and murked him. Lumen told him that she was done after the Barrel killers' deaths. Hannah was down but she crossed Deb and Dexter made his choice. I'm hype to see where they take the story as they still have more to tell.
I wasn't questioning the fact that the guy hid under the bed.

I was questioning the fact that Dexter stabbed him through a large mattress with a curtain rod, and while the guy was bleeding out onto carpet, in a strangers house that they busted into, they all agreed to "get out of here."

In my opinion, it was very sloppy and amateur.

Either way, I'm watching tonight and hoping that things speed up and get intense.


Fire John Harbaugh
May 1, 2012
Finally a good episode :salute:

DexJr gonna carry the torch after Dexter gets killed/arrested in the finale


BK to NJ, but always a New York Knicka
May 4, 2012
good end to another fairly slow episode. much better than last week with plenty of good moments (seems like they're throwing subs with Dex/Deb every episode) to it but this shyt is pissing me off because it feels like this should all be happening during an arbitrary season, not the final season. just feels like mad shyt is gonna be left unanswered when everything is done.

and if i havent already, ill own up to being 100% wrong about angel finding out about dex. this mother fukker really didnt even look into it any further. that was something to explore at least on some level and they just...smh :snoop: