Official "Dark Side Of The Ring" Discussion Thread


Dum Shiny
May 1, 2012
SoCal State Beaches
the part where the Fayette County sheriff was giving the analysis of what he saw when he first got to Benoit's house with the pictures and that background music was straight :merchant: and really put in perspective how horrifying this really was for Nancy and Daniel, like some Amityville horror "catch em kill em" type shyt

Nancy should definitely go in the HOF and it's unfair that her entire legacy had to get tossed in the bushes just cause of what Benoit did, WWE is wrong for shunning the entire family when they should've just shunned Chris Benoit

Benoit was an excellent wrestler but outside the ring dude was an abusive husband, a drug abuser, had PTSD and brain issues and this act he committed was the explosion of all those factors combined, i was a fan and just as geeked as anyone when he won the title at WM 20 but nothing excuses what he did because as a grown man he should've sought out the help he knew he needed instead of just snapping and doing this heinous shyt

Honestly, he was probably beyond help with the state that his brain was in. Once you get to the alzheimer's patient/violent outburst stage, your brain is cooked and it's really a matter of time before death or, if you're able bodied, you do something drastic to yourself or others. I'm basically beyond the point of assigning blame when it comes to this case. We know what Benoit did both before that June weekend and during said weekend, as well as how inexcusable it all is. I just want someone in the wrestling business to get a clue and take real steps toward preventing another Benoit from ever occurring. As of right now, I'm not too optimistic.

As for Nancy's legacy...

Yes, she's one of the best managers to ever do it and her contributions should definitely be remembered, but fukk the WWE Hall of Fame and everything it stands for. I absolutely hated that part of the documentary because it gave Vince's bullshyt WWE-approved history a weight and gravitas it doesn't deserve. Beyond the fact that they could never induct Nancy due to her connection with Benoit, the fact that they basically abandoned her family in their biggest time of need and never reached out to them over 13 years (Sandra not wanting JR at the funeral is one thing, but NO ONE from the WWE office reached out to them in their time of need over that time period?) AND they refuse any responsibility for creating the conditions that shaped Benoit into what he was would make any hypothetical induction a gross, self-serving spectacle on WWE's part. fukk 'em: if the WWE wants to forget their legacy, then let it be forgotten. Those of us who know Nancy's work can keep her memory alive.

I hope Sandra and David treat the WWE the way that Martha Hart treats them.
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Dum Shiny
May 1, 2012
SoCal State Beaches
Seeing Chavo talk about how Eddie passed was rough man :mjcry: Eddie could have been the Mexican version of the Rock(on a smaller scale obv). :mjcry: My mom doesn't fukk w wrasslin at all but she would always watch w me when he was on SD.

Without pulling out my copy of Ring of Hell, I remember Randazzo calling Eddie a "Latino Stone Cold," which I always found to be a very accurate description of what he became for SmackDown from 2003-2005.


May 6, 2012
Benoit piff ass entrance music shyt gets me ready to hit the gym