Going through the first part of the Pillman episode right now, but I just need to comment on this:
So Brian had his Atlanta side piece Melanie calling his house...you know, where his wife and two children live, ruining the entire point of having a side piece 460-some-odd miles away. He then doubles down on this by getting her pregnant (without which we wouldn't have Brian Jr., so...

), breaking up with his wife, then almost immediately turning around and marrying her.
Now, I'm not going to act like I'm some kind of player, but even I can see that this was some simp ass nonsense on Brian's part. Your SIDE PIECE calls your house where your fukking family lives, helps break up your marriage, and you MARRY her? A fukking Penthouse model that will probably never respect you like your wife respected you at that (not enough money, not enough status)? Are we fukking surprised that this shyt didn't work?
Call me crazy, but I thought there were rules to dealing with side pieces (Rule 1: Don't have them. Rule 2: If you must have at least one, ENSURE THEY DON'T CONTACT YOUR FAMILY AS MUCH AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE)...none of which Brian Pillman seemed to follow in this scenario.
Doc's fine so far. Nothing special, really, but a fine intro for those who don't know who Brian Pillman is.
Well, that's certainly an omission.
That's my one beef with these editors - the omissions they choose to make that would further the story. I would have also loved Les Thatcher's take on why they stopped doing the Pillman memorial shows in Cincinatti. Because that's certainly a tale as well.
There's a benign reason (Les didn't have time to do them anymore) and a less benign reason (Melanie's bullshyt, which I think you're referring to). Haven't finished the doc yet, but I doubt the producers wanted to turn segments of the doc into a Melanie Pillman burial extravaganza, no matter how much she might have deserved it. Didn't the producers outright say they had to cut a bunch of material related to her essentially for that reason?