at Vince he’s basically Trump if he wasn’t an idiot
It’s clear to me Owen would’ve been done with wrestling after 2000, it’s just a shame that Russo was clueless beyond his Springer type angles we was writing
Yea Martha brought up a great point on why didn’t the KC police shut the show down considering what happened, if Vince wasn’t gonna end the show then it should’ve been shut down for an police investigation.
Any dumbass WWE sycophant attacking Martha should be ashamed of themselves. Vince McMahon doesn’t give a shyt about his own wrestlers, you think he cares about your fandom beyond your money please. Can’t imagine how difficult that night was for Oje and Martha just
Man, Hart family is a piece of work.

worrying crossing a man responsible for your brother’s death. Like what the hell, Vince is a POS, but the hold he has over these wrestlers is something I won’t ever understand.
I know there was supposed to be a Owen doc that Martha and the kids was a part of, so hopefully that was the reason this episode wasn’t a two parter. Definitely hope the OHF gets a lot of contributions after this episode and I believe that should his legacy. Like Martha said, WWE HOF is a joke considering there is still no actually building