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Man...watching some of these home videos of Owen makes me sad, but at the same time, I'm happy to see Owen outside of the ring in another light. It's a double edged sword.
Good question. The WWE couldn't even put Owen's name in a title for a YouTube video.
I always thought that was odd.
Just a random thought.....but I always found it interesting when Vince interacts with someone outside of his wrestling world, someone outside of his rules where he doesn't have control over them. I'm listening to the Lapsed Fan podcast that someone posted here, and they're talking about it, every interview this guy does he's immediately on the defensive from the get. Like the clip they showed when the reporter asked him a question, he immediately went off, "I don't like the tone you're asking your question with"...mothafukka someone just died in your ring, ain't no time to be delivering a question sounding like Mr Rogers.
I think you're talking about his image on a video packageI could be wrong but years ago for Raw’s 15th or 20th anniversary Martha signed off on them using Owen’s voice in the intro.
I’m curious to how all of it works
Just a random thought.....but I always found it interesting when Vince interacts with someone outside of his wrestling world, someone outside of his rules where he doesn't have control over them. I'm listening to the Lapsed Fan podcast that someone posted here, and they're talking about it, every interview this guy does he's immediately on the defensive from the get. Like the clip they showed when the reporter asked him a question, he immediately went off, "I don't like the tone you're asking your question with"...mothafukka someone just died in your ring, ain't no time to be delivering a question sounding like Mr Rogers.
To play Devil’s advocate the country’s love affair with wrestling died and wrestling was viewed like how we view the circus, mind readers, and Magicians. Add the fact the government and media were trying actively to bring it down and expose the business. Think about the episode that aired earlier where the reporter got slapped. Think about the reactions of anything anytime wrestling or Vince comes up. Do you go out of your way to tell people about how you like wrestling?
There was a topic on another forum that I used to post at where posters talked about meeting wrestlers. One poster talked about how he and his friend got to meet Owen/Bulldog once, and the photographer was being a huge a$$hole. He was yelling and barking orders and being short with everyone. The poster's dad wanted to get in the picture with everyone but the photographer was being his usual barking order self until Owen got fed up and yelled "JUST LET THE GUY GET IN THE PICTURE WITH HIS KIDS! " Everyone waiting in line popped. They got their picture and got a nice memory. I always thought that was a good story.
I'm glad to see all of Owen's family is doing well. Martha is a doctor, his son is a lawyer, and his daughter has a degree in journalism. That's a good top tier resume for a family. Owen would be proud. I'd like to see Owen in the HOF if a HOF was actually ever built, butI can see his wife's side of the story too. I always thought it was odd that they did the Blue Blazer thing at the end of 98, and then Owen went back to being Owen for awhile (winning the tag titles with Jarrett) and then out of nowhere he started doing the Blue Blazer gimmick again.
All in all, this shouldn't have happened to begin with and he should be here (hopefully retired and teaching) today.
This was a good season. Here's hoping for another one.
That gimmick 100% didn’t need to happen, and it was a total joke that they decided on it. All that personality Owen had shown by himself and they pretended he was Shawn Staziak or somebody else who had zero personality.
When Jericho brought up all the future talent that came months later, I was
All those potential classics.
Owen/Kurt alone...