“Once your heart is no longer beating anymore, I could just see his face turn gray, from the tip of his nose all the way down his face as the blood was settling in his body. I knew, I realized that moment right then, that Owen was gone.”
You can actually search for photos of Owen being worked on in the ring that night, one of which shows his face after they got the Blue Blazer mask off. His face is an ashen white and my god is it creepy. I've seen dead bodies in person before, but you don't quite get used to that visual. No wonder Lawler looked the way he did when he came back to the announce desk.
Something else I didn't know until last night: If you were watching the Spanish language feed of Over the Edge 1999, you can actually hear the impact Owen's body makes on the ring when he falls. The commentators are translating his interview, and they immediately have to break from their translation duties to let everyone know what happened. Can't remember the name of the video, but it's out there.