Have Fun Staying Poor
i need to start using this more. Not as an investment but to familiarize myself with the tech. It's not goign anywhere anytime soon.
create a wallet a blockchain.info. I can send you a couple bits
i need to start using this more. Not as an investment but to familiarize myself with the tech. It's not goign anywhere anytime soon.
ok so i get thiscreate a wallet a blockchain.info. I can send you a couple bits
ok so i get this
and a QR image...
just sent you a couple bits.. ask if you have any questions
so question
that long as ID that's what now? My wallet address? Is there a way to remember that without actualy having to remember that? (QR code?)
I've heard you can make copies of your bit coins so you don't lose them. Can i transfer these coins to my phone? How?
Seems like more people are getting in right before lift off
Let me know and I will invite you to the cryptos thread![]()
so if I wanted to go about getting some more, outside of generosity, is the best way simply to convert USD to bitcoin?
I've been hesitant to get in in the past but clearly this isn't going anywhere, might as well hop in late early vs late late.
What's the next logical step?
what do you know ?![]()
Ya'll are talking like there is a gold rush around the corner. What do you see in the cards, Timmy?![]()
There is strong possibilities that we are a couple of months away from another Bitcoin bubble.
You can see from some of my previous posts that we have just exited a long term down trend and nearing confirmation of a new up trend formation.
Eventually, we're kicking out the door the gold standard and with it 5000 years old concepts about currency, store of value and unit of account.
This is a paradigm shift that rivals the biggest in history.
This is better than a gold rush.