Have Fun Staying Poor
It has lost about $900 in value over the past few months. That's a lot of weak hands.
I know you think Bitcoin has a long-term future as a payments system, as do I, but you're treating it as an investment right now, and you're violating major rules of investment. Don't get attached. Don't get emotional. And most importantly, don't try catching a falling fukking knife.

99.9% of the people here don't have a clue what they are talking about. Uninformed idiots making statements without anything backing them up irritates me. If you invested last year at the same time it would still probably be the best investement you have made in your life.
Indeed there is a LOT of weak hands. because most people got in on the way up to 1,100 without doing proper research on what they were getting into. These are the ones getting out right now, the ones who don't understand the fundamental breaktrough of the blockchain technology.
Because Bitcoin's future is MUCH more than a payment system. I am not arguing here whether or not people should invest or HOW they should invest into Bitcoin because frankly the investement is secondary to what is really going on.
Ya'll keep discussing the daily price while I'm watching a revolution take place