Have Fun Staying Poor
So, the drop from $1200+ to $600 was nothing? You're the fool.
shut the fukk up and go play somewhere kid.
So, the drop from $1200+ to $600 was nothing? You're the fool.
That's a mature response to a valid question.shut the fukk up and go play somewhere kid.
That's a mature response to a valid question.
And that's because you don't have a real answer for a $600 per share drop in bitcoin value other than bitcoin is highly volatile which means it is highly risky to invest in, and there's a real possibility that it could drop another $600 per share in the future.
Well, you see, I have to quote your own quote.There are many reasons for the drop to 600$. I don't expect you to understand them because frankly you are proven your stupidity and inability to even grasp the simplest concepts of Bitcoin throughout this thread
It is highly volatile, it is highly risky to invest in.
There is a possiblity, albeit HIGHLY unlikely, it could drop another $600. There is a much higher probability IMO that it will get back to 1200 and even soar above it.
The Bitcoin infrastructure and adoption rate is growing everyday, this is all I am concerned about. Once that trend reverses, I will be concerned about Bitcoin. But at the moment, every sign point towards more success, better infrastructure, increased widespread adoption. Bitcoin is a new technology that is only beginning to take shape, it cannot be uninvented. The TECHNOLOGICAL value of its benefits will never disappear.
I will repeat it. You have been proven wrong all throughout this thread. I expect this to happen again. Because I read about reasonable Bitcoin concerns everyday from intelligent people that have educated themselves about the matter and understand the technology, and you are NOT one of them. You haven't put forward even ONE acceptable argument as to why you believe Bitcoin will fail. And that is because you are simply incompetent and lack knowledge about what you are speaking of.
I think every major news outlet is a flaky source of news when it comes to Bitcoin
Well, you see, I have to quote your own quote.
OK. This is what the Wall Street Journal had to say. Just a plain statement. Not an opinion.
...The price swings have hit some investors hard. Fortress Investment Group FIG +1.99%Fortress Investment Group L.L.C. Cl AU.S.: NYSE $8.68 +0.17+1.99% March 4, 2014 11:35 am Volume (Delayed 15m) : 283,215 P/E Ratio 10.72Market Cap $4.16 Billion Dividend Yield 3.69% Rev. per Employee $1,352,73002/28/14 Almost Half a Billion of Bitco...01/24/14 Ergen, Hedge Funds Fighting Ov...01/09/14 LightSquared Assails Ergen as ...More quote details and news »FIG inYour ValueYour ChangeShort position LLC on Friday recorded an unrealized loss of $3.7 million from its purchase of $20 million worth of bitcoins last year. The asset-management firm held $16.3 million worth of bitcoins at the end of 2013, according to a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission....
bitcoin is trash. People like you don't want to believe it even when faced with real-life examples of epic failures.
Stocks can go up and down and are volatile. They can fold and clean out an investor. bitcoin is currency. Currency shouldn't have the same volatility of stocks and bonds, but bitcoin does. That's why bitcoin is garbage. People are gambling with it, kind of like poker chips. That what makes bitcoin and other virtual currencies different than real currency.you dumb motherfukker
shall I point out the hundreds of people who have made millions from Bitcoin.
You are reffering to an investement group that decided to cop Bitcoin at the peak and consequently lost money. Which I am not worried they will recover ten fold a couple years down the road
Bitcoin is a success story if anything, your attempt to downplay it with isolated events ain't gonna change anything.
You cannot even explain your statement of Bitcoin is trash, because you are too fukking stupid to even understand Bitcoin.
Stocks can go up and down and are volatile. They can fold and clean out an investor. bitcoin is currency. Currency shouldn't have the same volatility of stocks and bonds, but bitcoin does. That's why bitcoin is garbage. People are gambling with it, kind of like poker chips. That what makes bitcoin and other virtual currencies different than real currency.
It obvious you have a vested interest in bitcoin because you are making money off transactions. When the volume of bitcoin traffic passing through your hands go up, you make more money. If the volume goes down, you make less. So there would be no reason why you would tell people to stop investing in bitcoin, a volatile currency. That's because you are in on it.
That's a complete lie and opposite of what is currently happening.what the fcukkkk are you yapping about
you don't understand what the fukk you are talking about.
the reason Bitcoin is volatile is because it is a currency, a commodity, a technology stock all rolled into one. All existing financial models cannot be applied to it. This is your failure, and the reason you will continue to be wrong. Bitcoin is progressively getting less and less volatile and will continue to do so with widespread adoption.
That's a complete lie and opposite of what is currently happening.
Bitcoin just went through its biggest drop in value in its history. Where do you "come up" with the statement it is progressively getting less volatile. It's actually been the most volatile in the last five months compared to the last three years.
Well, if more bitcoin exchanges close down because they cannot provide withdrawal of cash, kind of like Mt. Gox, the investors lose all their money. That's the problem. And people did lose money in the tens of thousands of dollars. People like you want to gloss over that fact because "negative" news is not good news.the prices will continue to fluctuate but it is not a concern and has no impact on its current use as a currency so what's the problem ?
Well, if more bitcoin exchanges close down because they cannot provide withdrawal of cash, kind of like Mt. Gox, the investors lose all their money. That's the problem. And people did lose money in the tens of thousands of dollars. People like you want to gloss over that fact because "negative" news is not good news.
Well, if more bitcoin exchanges close down because they cannot provide withdrawal of cash, kind of like Mt. Gox, the investors lose all their money. That's the problem. And people did lose money in the tens of thousands of dollars. People like you want to gloss over that fact because "negative" news is not good news.
"It's on the one hand a setback, on the other hand it will cause further improvements in this industry and some more regulatory involvement," Benjamin Lawsky, superintendent of New York's Department of Financial Services
Wrong. Madoff stealing money didn't devalue the dollar.Should we stop using USD because Madoff took off with billions in investor money ?
you are weak, your argument is weak, why do you even try
So you have a very pro-bitcoin stance. Not because you believe it is the future, but because you are financially vested in it.see this is why I can't stand jackass like you, you are unaware of your own stupidity
everything you said is wrong. I don't come up with statements, I make them based on educated research.
Why do you continue your uneducated rants when it's clear you DON'T UNDERSTAND what you are talking about