Can you short currency's?
please tell me why o genius
clearly your crystal ball is better than mine
Can you short currency's?
Because you ignore basic market principles and psychology and think you have a gold mine on your hands.
If you really want to bet on it, we can. Give me a time frame of when you think BTC will be over 1K again, and we can bet $500 cash that we can place in an escrow account until the bet is finalized.
I'll give you the chance to explain your point or your opinion whatever it is in regards to bitcoin.
Why do you see it fail ? What do you not like about it ?
Its not so much that it will fail. Its more about the ridiculous speculation in it that has created a bubble and an overly inflated sense of self-worth.
Whats going to happen when more digital currencies get on the market that have better security or other features?
There is no backing for BTC other than speculation. You have no solid foundation. No one HAS to use bitcoins. The primary focus was to buy illegal things and hide money. Most people aren't buying illegal drugs online and people that need to hide money have other more efficient means to do so.
I've posted this already in this thread, but Ill post it again since people don't listen. Like I said, you are too emotional with your holdings. Follow the chart and the price action. You are in denial right now and a panic is coming soon especially with China cutting off access.
Panic coming soon ? Panic is there already, that's why the price dropped 50 %
I don't foresee other digital currencies as a serious threat to Bitcoin simply because Bitcoin's infrastructure is far ahead of any other and because of his position as first to the market
If the primary focus was to buy illegal things than why did the price go up after Silkroad was shutdown ? That argument is dead, holds to value and you cannot prove it.
If you fail to see the importance and literally groundbreaking technology that bitcoins brings to the table, I can't help you and I guess you'll have to research it yourself if you are interested.
The value of Bitcoin is in its technology which will also determine whether or not your believe in its future. If cryptocurrencies to you are just a fad, then I don't blame you for not trusting Bitcoins. Personally I think it has the potential to revolutionize the economy.
Emotional ? My holdings in Bitcoin are irrelevant to the fact that I'm long term bull. I simply profoundly believe in the potential of the system. I'm not in denial, I realise the prices were inflated and prices of the last few weeks were a bubble waiting to pop. A correction was waiting to happen. I'm holding for the long term so this truly doesn't affect me at all.
It seems to me you haven't done your homeworks and chose the contrarian position for no reason other than having the chance to say "WE TOLD YOU SO"
There is no backing for BTC other than speculation. You have no solid foundation. No one HAS to use bitcoins. The primary focus was to buy illegal things and hide money. Most people aren't buying illegal drugs online and people that need to hide money have other more efficient means to do so.
Best of luck to you, sir. Keep buying $900 BTC's that will be worth 1/4 of their value in a month.
what happens if the chinese accept bitcoins. does the price go up or down... cause i know they'r'e gonna accept it in a few weeks. will they make their own? what if they make their own like jp morgan did.. what did jp morgan accomplish or want to accomplish by making their own..
such an ignorant thought
No one ever HAD to use new technologies
@Ill what exactly is your point.. don't buy at all or buy at what price... are you a bitcoin participant..
@Ill what exactly is your point.. don't buy at all or buy at what price... are you a bitcoin participant..
@heisenburrr you bought at 900 and been losing money buying.. at what point would you not buy..