Is it inside or out? How is it dying?
Plot 4: Hot peppers: habanero, jalapeno, and okra
Inside. I just got it last week from Home Depot but it didn't come with the directions so I just googled them and it said to water 3-4 times a week which is what I did this week but the soil is so dry and the leaves are limp. I don't know how much I should be watering it.
Inside. I just got it last week from Home Depot but it didn't come with the directions so I just googled them and it said to water 3-4 times a week which is what I did this week but the soil is so dry and the leaves are limp. I don't know how much I should be watering it.
Inside. I just got it last week from Home Depot but it didn't come with the directions so I just googled them and it said to water 3-4 times a week which is what I did this week but the soil is so dry and the leaves are limp. I don't know how much I should be watering it.
Did you leave it in the original pot thing it came in? That soil is probably tapped out. Buy a cheap ceramic pot and a small bag of potting soil and transfer it to a new soil and pot. I assume it is getting light on the regular.
i see what u did thereNo love for fruits? pause
I got mango (), banana
Hot pepper gang we out heregot jalapenos, habanero, ghost peppers, and some cayenne's that will be flowering pretty soon. Only got one jalapeno last year and my other ones had a magnesium deficiency so I'm determined not to fukk this years up. What type of fertilizer do you use? I've heard some good things about Fox Farms trio so I might give those a go this time around.
I live in south texas and I have some mint leaves growing now. It hasn't been as hot as it usually is this time of year but I still water almost everyday. A good rule of thumb is to stick your finger in the soil about an inch or two deep and if it's dry give it water. If it's still kind of moist water it lightly or leave it until the next day. Mine are outside though so you can probably get away with watering every two days.
I got some butternut squash from the grocery store coming up really nice. First time Ive grown something this large, the first seedling leaves came out the size of the first digit of my thumb! Im experimenting this year trying ti adapt some plants to container gardening for those of us who rent or live in apartments. Got some amaranth growing
really well, leaves taste like spinach.
We gonna have a really great green summer yall!
Lets keep it going
Yes I left it in the original soilI'll buy some new soil and replant it thanks for the tip
You growing squash indoorsBro, I hope you know how large those things get. I mean they can be 3-5 feet across only counting the leaves when they get growing.