Official Coli Gardening Thread..Vegetables/Fruits/Herbs/Spices..Freshest Thread Ever


SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
I'm about to start gardening.

I have a huge yard and it's about time that I put it to use. And I wanted to start raising my own veggies for a while. Gonna focus on garlic, onions, squash, habanero peppers and green beans. Maybe some tomatoes too.

The challenge that I'm coming across while doing my research is that my yard does not have many spots that get a good amount of sunlight on the average day. I have very tall trees all around my house and thus shade the yard pretty well. At most any individual spot gets about two and a half hours of direct sunlight a day

Jimmy from Linkedin

All Star
Oct 10, 2017
Managing Director at Breh & Breh, Inc
I'm about to start gardening.

I have a huge yard and it's about time that I put it to use. And I wanted to start raising my own veggies for a while. Gonna focus on garlic, onions, squash, habanero peppers and green beans. Maybe some tomatoes too.

The challenge that I'm coming across while doing my research is that my yard does not have many spots that get a good amount of sunlight on the average day. I have very tall trees all around my house and thus shade the yard pretty well. At most any individual spot gets about two and a half hours of direct sunlight a day
You'll have greater success with the garlic and onions than you will with peppers or squash. Both of those need a lot of light and a lot of heat. How bright is the shade that you get? Depending on your temperatures it may be better to get started growing some leafy greens that you like given the amount of shade. You'll be really good with anything Brassica


May 15, 2012
Didnt know there was a gardening thread.

I have a two raised garden beds waist level and one ground level. right now, i got some black eyed peas, green beans, watermelon, potatoes, tomatoes, and cantaloupe going. got a blood orange tree that i still havent put in the ground yet. all in all, i got a lot of pots, cloth and the cheap plastic, so i'm just trying to throw stuff in there and see what it do. I have a wall along my back fence, i think i'm going to build a planter about 2.5'x10'. I had all this extra dirt from building a deck, so i figured, build a big a$$ raised bed and put it all in there. if something grows out of it, thats a bonus, lol.

Im trying to get some herbs going, just saw something sprouted today. forgot what i put in the planter, but oh well, it'll be like a Christmas gift.

For non-edibles, I got some lavender and succulents. Trying to get some jasmine, i heard that can have a whole backyard smelling good.

It's crazy cause all this started with me growing smokable material.

I gotta get my soil and fertilizing habits down, lot of experimenting going on now.
i'll try to add some pics.


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
I'm about to start gardening.

I have a huge yard and it's about time that I put it to use. And I wanted to start raising my own veggies for a while. Gonna focus on garlic, onions, squash, habanero peppers and green beans. Maybe some tomatoes too.

The challenge that I'm coming across while doing my research is that my yard does not have many spots that get a good amount of sunlight on the average day. I have very tall trees all around my house and thus shade the yard pretty well. At most any individual spot gets about two and a half hours of direct sunlight a day

Good deal, yeah try to maximize the sunlight. Depending on where you are in the country, you might want to start the peppers first cause they take the longest. Also garlic bulbs traditionally go in the ground in fall (October timeframe) and sprout and are fully grown by the next spring. Good luck!


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
Didnt know there was a gardening thread.

I have a two raised garden beds waist level and one ground level. right now, i got some black eyed peas, green beans, watermelon, potatoes, tomatoes, and cantaloupe going. got a blood orange tree that i still havent put in the ground yet. all in all, i got a lot of pots, cloth and the cheap plastic, so i'm just trying to throw stuff in there and see what it do. I have a wall along my back fence, i think i'm going to build a planter about 2.5'x10'. I had all this extra dirt from building a deck, so i figured, build a big a$$ raised bed and put it all in there. if something grows out of it, thats a bonus, lol.

Im trying to get some herbs going, just saw something sprouted today. forgot what i put in the planter, but oh well, it'll be like a Christmas gift.

For non-edibles, I got some lavender and succulents. Trying to get some jasmine, i heard that can have a whole backyard smelling good.

It's crazy cause all this started with me growing smokable material.

I gotta get my soil and fertilizing habits down, lot of experimenting going on now.
i'll try to add some pics.

Good stuff. Doesn't matter how you started :lolbron:you are mos def on the right path now!


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining

Why RT???...They the only major media doing in-depth interviews and reports. That's all I can find in the last 2 weeks from a large media corporation.

Our American homegrown corporate mainstream media isn't going deep with this. The independent/alternative media has already been on this for years, and still putting in work.

This is amazing and ridiculous. This shiit is in all types of foodstuffs....

This is really about to turn this compay,, Bayer-Monsanto, into the cigarette companies era of the 1990s...

-Cancer being shown in infants whose parents exposed to it.

-8,000 lawsuits are moving forward :sas1:.

-Chicago daycares are talking about removing cheerios from their food they serve.

-"Bio-stitutes".....researcher/academic that rubber stamps false claims of corporate sponsor :wow:

-They knew this was some grimey shiit since the late 1970s.
Last edited:


Retired from TheColi
Nov 21, 2016
Just subbing. I have a lot of fruits, fruit trees, and some veggie es in my garden. Living in West Texas, I can grow some things all four seasons.

Let me know if you want a list of what I’m growing.


Retired from TheColi
Nov 21, 2016
fukk it. I’ll make a list. I got YouTube videos of my garden, too. If brehs want pics or tips, let me know. But I’m not giving out my YouTube channel on The Coli.

What I’m growing in my garden...

- 2 Brown Turkey Figs (gives me figs)
- 3 Meyer Lemons (blooms and pollination, but won’t hold fruit yet. too young)
- 2 tomato plants (gives tomatoes)
- 1 Pomegranate (blooms and pollination but won’t hold fruit. to young)
-2 grape vines (my fastest growers. gives me grapes but I forgot the variety)
- 1 Hardy Kiwi vine (still growing only bloomed once. too young)
-Sweet potatoes (haven’t harvested yet/still growing)
-Cantaloupe melons (fast growers. got some melons growing and will harvest soon)
-Dwarf Kale (haven’t harvested yet and bugs are eating my shyt up)
-1 Dragon Fruit cutting (haven’t even re-potted it, but it’s growing)
-Aloe (I don’t even touch it)
-Had two blueberry bushes, but those shyts died fast. Idk if it was disease, the heat, or my lack of knowledge with them.

I plan on buying some land (20 acres) soon and planting some low maintenance crops and fruit trees. Some light homesteading.
Aug 16, 2017
I plan on starting on Saturday. I did two kinds of tomatoes last year, roma and campari. The roma were from plants, and campari from slice seedlings. I did cucumbers in late June, and they grew pretty well too.

Are y'all doing raised beds, containers, or directly in ground? I want to do raised beds this year, and I'm hearing it's more cost effective to just buy some wood, deck screws, and build it myself.


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
I plan on starting on Saturday. I did two kinds of tomatoes last year, roma and campari. The roma were from plants, and campari from slice seedlings. I did cucumbers in late June, and they grew pretty well too.

Are y'all doing raised beds, containers, or directly in ground? I want to do raised beds this year, and I'm hearing it's more cost effective to just buy some wood, deck screws, and build it myself.

I have been doing raised beds ever since we got our new house since the downward slope of the yard makes water pool. Built them out of pallets (make sure heat treated "HT" stamp and not "MB" which are chemically treated) and some wood I got cut at a local lumber supply store. Used deck screws to fix the planks into the pallet sides as the walls of the raised bed. If you have a 40x48 pallet you just need two pieces 40" long, two pieces 48" long and about 24" wide for the height. I used cedar wood and it has been good going 5 years. I just add a new bag of soil and manure every year to keep it fresh. I have five beds.

Planting about 30 plants each of broccoli and cauliflower. I used to do 30 collard plants instead of so much broc and cauli but tastes change. I also have a bed for hot peppers and herbs, one for either squash or sweet potatoes since they take up so much room and a "variety" bed to do new stuff.

Jimmy from Linkedin

All Star
Oct 10, 2017
Managing Director at Breh & Breh, Inc
I plan on starting on Saturday. I did two kinds of tomatoes last year, roma and campari. The roma were from plants, and campari from slice seedlings. I did cucumbers in late June, and they grew pretty well too.

Are y'all doing raised beds, containers, or directly in ground? I want to do raised beds this year, and I'm hearing it's more cost effective to just buy some wood, deck screws, and build it myself.
you read my mind breh!

I wanted to bump this thread earlier but i forgot.

I've started some seeds already and really excited for the ones I've saved from last year. This year I'm doing more edible flower and medicinals with a friend. I've still got a couple butternuts from last year. I still haven't eaten them. Started mad late but as long as u get it its got! I've got a second batch of "free food forever" from the grocery store but I'll let y'all know about it when I've germinated seeds, ya know counting chickens before they hatch.
Aug 16, 2017
I have been doing raised beds ever since we got our new house since the downward slope of the yard makes water pool. Built them out of pallets (make sure heat treated "HT" stamp and not "MB" which are chemically treated) and some wood I got cut at a local lumber supply store. Used deck screws to fix the planks into the pallet sides as the walls of the raised bed. If you have a 40x48 pallet you just need two pieces 40" long, two pieces 48" long and about 24" wide for the height. I used cedar wood and it has been good going 5 years. I just add a new bag of soil and manure every year to keep it fresh. I have five beds.

Planting about 30 plants each of broccoli and cauliflower. I used to do 30 collard plants instead of so much broc and cauli but tastes change. I also have a bed for hot peppers and herbs, one for either squash or sweet potatoes since they take up so much room and a "variety" bed to do new stuff.
Do you start inside with seedlings, or do you start everything outside? I have 2 pepper seedling cups in my kitchen window, and a broccoli seedling. The peppers started to sprout about 2 days after I planted them. It was exciting. I imagine that's what women feel when they see an ultrasound for the the first time. The vegetable blooming from the flower must be like when they feel the baby move for the first time, and picking it, it like the birth.

you read my mind breh!

I wanted to bump this thread earlier but i forgot.

I've started some seeds already and really excited for the ones I've saved from last year. This year I'm doing more edible flower and medicinals with a friend. I've still got a couple butternuts from last year. I still haven't eaten them. Started mad late but as long as u get it its got! I've got a second batch of "free food forever" from the grocery store but I'll let y'all know about it when I've germinated seeds, ya know counting chickens before they hatch.

Do you bring the plants inside for the winter, or let them stay out?