Official Coli Gardening Thread..Vegetables/Fruits/Herbs/Spices..Freshest Thread Ever

Aug 16, 2017
We've been getting so much rain. My plants need sun.


I have a roma tomato plant that's looking good. I learned my lesson last year, when I didn't know shyt, and had no cage. One day the plant snapped, because it was getting too heavy.

Now I have this one in one of those four wall cages.

The cherry tomato plant isn't doing as well, but I think it's too far back in the garden bed, and doesn't get enough sun. I may transplant it to the location of my pepper plant, which has NOT grown at all.

The cucumber seeds are doing well, and again, I learned my lesson from last year, and I know I'm going to need a big ass trellis, because they grow really long and crazy, like the beanstalk from Jack And The Beanstalk. My campari tomatoes from a slice I put in the soil are looking good too.

I threw some green onions in the soil, and they keep growing, so I'm good with those. And I want to plant some celery ends to see it they will grow.

Jimmy from Linkedin

All Star
Oct 10, 2017
Managing Director at Breh & Breh, Inc
I may transplant it to the location of my pepper plant, which has NOT grown at all.
:patrice:Im not to sure about that breh. I feel like tomatoes and peppers are too much like right to grow in the same spot/soil it'll attract the wrong sort of microbial life. If you are disappointed and that is a sunny spot grow some beans or peas or something. I'm not certain but given how similar the care is for those guys if the pepper isnt succeeding then it isn't that the tomato will.
You got enuff tomatos coming lol

I read in masanobu fukuokas One Straw Revolution that if the tomato snaps it'll root itself again and make a new stronger tomato plant.

On my side. Im going to have a prob with deer later. I've got somethings growing I've never grown before so I'm not sure exactly what's going on. None of my peppers from like 4 different varieties aren't coming up so this isn't my year for them I guess:manny:

My corn is coming up great and I have it mastered grilling it. Im very excited to take it straight off the stalk and to the coals. Is going to be so awesome. That is...if I can protect it from the deer. Cant shoot anything in DC so I'm going to buy wolf piss.
Aug 16, 2017
One Straw Revolution that if the tomato snaps it'll root itself again and make a new stronger tomato plant.

I think this is true, because when I took the plant out the pot, it did snap, and I propped it with a stake. This was about two weeks ago, and Sunday I took the stake out to see how it was doing, and it was fine without the stake. That could be the problem, and not the location. I'll probably dig up the pepper anyway, and put it in a container, because I think the cucumbers will take up that space anyway. I planted 6 seeds, when I should have only planted 3.

I don't even eat tomatoes like that, but I like watching them grow, and getting large yeilds. I did the same with the campari last year, and I didn't get to pick them until mid July, but it was worth it.


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
My broccoli is doing ok but family and work have me so busy my other plots are overgrown with weeds. Not many sunny days to clear them out and get my peppers and other stuff in but I will try.
Aug 16, 2017
Quoting myself so I can give updates

We've been getting so much rain. My plants need sun.

We finally got sun, but for the last week, IT RAINED EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!! Even on days it wasn't supposed to rain, it still rained. On Thursday, the sun was out in the morning. I did the front lawn, and rhe curb. I come back inside, shower, get out the shower, and

I have a roma tomato plant that's looking good. I learned my lesson last year, when I didn't know shyt, and had no cage. One day the plant snapped, because it was getting too heavy.

Now I have this one in one of those four wall cages.

The cherry tomato plant isn't doing as well, but I think it's too far back in the garden bed, and doesn't get enough sun. I may transplant it to the location of my pepper plant, which has NOT grown at all.

Both the roma and cherry plant are doing well. I have them both in the metal 4 wall tomato cages, and they are about to reach the top, so I have to buy some tall stakes.

The cucumber seeds are doing well, and again, I learned my lesson from last year, and I know I'm going to need a big ass trellis, because they grow really long and crazy, like the beanstalk from Jack And The Beanstalk.

Bought a trellis, cukes growing nice

My campari tomatoes from a slice I put in the soil are looking good too.

This is my baby plant, but it's growing at the same pace as last year, so it's good.
I threw some green onions in the soil, and they keep growing, so I'm good with those. And I want to plant some celery ends to see it they will grow.

I did chop the end off a celery bunch, and threw it in a pot with soil. It's growing back from the center.

The herbs I had on the front porch bannister are good, but one of the boxes was tipped over the other day. I managed to pack the soil and strawberries back into the box, and they still seem alive.


I assumed one of my neighbor's stray cats, or a rac00n jumped up there, and hopefully not the floral bandit who stole two of my hanging baskets. I put them on the back porch JUST to be safe. I had to chain my hanging baskets to the columns on the porch to prevent floral theft. I took a drive around the neighborhood the other day, and saw lots of people with nice baskets. I hope theirs don't get stolen.

This morning, a damn spider made a web between the side of the house and my strawberr box!! I promptly evicted him!!!!
Aug 16, 2017
How often do you aerate the soil around plants?

I bought a Garden Claw a long time ago, and can honestly say it's one of the best garden purchases I've ever made.

I don't. But I bought a pair of those garden gloves that has one glove with claws on the fingers. I get little mushrooms that grow around the plants, and I was

:damn::damn::damn::damn: at first, because that never happened last year when I experimented with vegetables in the flower bed on the side of the house past year. But I read it means the soil is healthy, and all the rain probably contributes.

I put two bags of raised bed mix, and one bag of garden soil in each of the plots. I mixed it up really well, and it seems to be good.

Jimmy from Linkedin

All Star
Oct 10, 2017
Managing Director at Breh & Breh, Inc
My homie and I came up finally on this plot we've been trying to get for all spring. Got it back first day of summer.

Gonna start taking everything downtown and transplanting and starting some more seeds up. Really want to grow some wheat this year over the winter or something.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
I don't. But I bought a pair of those garden gloves that has one glove with claws on the fingers. I get little mushrooms that grow around the plants, and I was

:damn::damn::damn::damn: at first, because that never happened last year when I experimented with vegetables in the flower bed on the side of the house past year. But I read it means the soil is healthy, and all the rain probably contributes.

I put two bags of raised bed mix, and one bag of garden soil in each of the plots. I mixed it up really well, and it seems to be good.
My dad and I used to use those before we'd heavily mulch a garden bed. If that isn't the context, amending and building soils, I never recommend disturbing the soil. I say only do that once max.
Do you get weeds growing among the plants?

Jimmy from Linkedin

All Star
Oct 10, 2017
Managing Director at Breh & Breh, Inc
Do you get weeds growing among the plants?
Life happens. Gardening is management. The weeds can show you what you are or aren't doing right, or what's going on in your soil, or has been going on for a long time.

Weeds have benefits. Never ever pulling up any clovers unless im taking them to expand out because they can break up that topsoil and fix nitrogen. Free fertilizer if you time it right.

Viny things are getting pulled and dried and turned into twine. So u gotta wait for them to get to the length you need so u can tie your plants naturally.

We mulch heavy and plant dense so weeds get outcompeted

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
Life happens. Gardening is management. The weeds can show you what you are or aren't doing right, or what's going on in your soil, or has been going on for a long time.

Weeds have benefits. Never ever pulling up any clovers unless im taking them to expand out because they can break up that topsoil and fix nitrogen. Free fertilizer if you time it right.

Viny things are getting pulled and dried and turned into twine. So u gotta wait for them to get to the length you need so u can tie your plants naturally.

We mulch heavy and plant dense so weeds get outcompeted
Yes, but they are rare.

thanks for the responses, two comments though

1)My relatives don't have raised gardens, but ground level gardens separate from lawn and along fence of neighboring property. Even with soil preparation there are occasional weeds . In all instances,neighbors don't tend their yards at all.
Gonna try just pulling the weeds up, but my first inclination was to lift weeds and then claw the soil.

2) With all the rain that fell throughout parts of the country, I would think that even people who don't normally claw/scratch/turn soil between plaints would do so because of all that water. Get oxygen into the soil.


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
Thread is even more important.

2 weeks ago Don Cheeto approved an Executive Order to streamline (make it easier/less regulations) on new GMO products getting to the market. SHOCK as Trump signs executive order that will end most regulations and oversight on genetically engineered food

He is a businessman who is blind to health and environmental impacts of unregulated capitalism....:snoop:

The context is recently:
He is a businessman who happens to be blind (purposeful, naively or both) to health and environmental impacts of unregulated capitalism....:scust: It's seems some of those Big Agro entities got to his folks.
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