For some reason I'm really enjoying this . Looks and plays horrible compared to MW but that core run & gun playstyle is lovely on here
BuT, tHeREs No CaMpInG
Camping in the Raid rooms by the pool & main entrance, camping in Nuketown garages & between fences with a scope, camping on the upper level of Pine, camping in Moscow on the street behind a car, camping in the shacks at Cartel, camping in the plane at Checkmate....
Just give me my damn DXP & weapons unlock
So much camping. I was trying to level up the Mac 10 and kept getting rocked at distance by DMRs and M16s.
So much camping. I was trying to level up the Mac 10 and kept getting rocked at distance by DMRs and M16s.
Hopped back in the Warzone.
Will level up in Plunder.
It seem like people are either playing HC or zombies on my friends list.
Look at this shyt. There are 5 different patents in this game manipulating the outcome. Next time you're playing and start off smashing on fools, and then halfway through all of a sudden you can't get a kill, it's these patents working against you. Brehs, the game is rigged.
What is this bamma babbling about? Patents and secret manipulation? It’s just their shytty skill base match making algorithm at work