Birnin Zana

Honorary Wakandan
May 26, 2012

Brehs gon be showing up to the theater a year from now like


Birnin Zana

Honorary Wakandan
May 26, 2012
So we can all pretty much make a very good guess that the 'SOUL GEM" is wakanda more specifically Necropolis and Thanos will be sending his goons squad to wakanda in Avenger Infinity War, shyt is going to be like the "battle of helmes deep" from lord of the rings with superhero's



Maaaaan, I hope not.

Soul gem in Wakanda = Wakanda is gonna get fukked up :sadcam:

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
Brehs here dodging Coates work like :gucci:

and it's fukking annoying. Coates is adding more dimension to the character something that hasn't been done since Priest's run. nikkas want T'challa to be this perfect beacon of black excellence and he's not. He's has his faults and insecurities like everyone else. Coates is finally letting readers know It's Tchalla's fault (something that i have been saying for years) for the recent events of black panther and for things to be right he's gonna have to give up that throne and stop pretending to be something he is not, which is a king.

He was always afraid to be king, I remember when he was having counsels with Magneto and Doom in which they was calling him out of his moves and his leadership.. All Im saying is if anyone here read priest's run they would know that it's always been a internal conflict with t'challa and him being king. Coates is doing nothing different other than making shyt stick and finally letting my man be a super hero and his sister become queen.

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
and it's fukking annoying. Coates is adding more dimension to the character something that hasn't been done since Priest's run. nikkas want T'challa to be this perfect beacon of black excellence and he's not. He's has his faults and insecurities like everyone else. Coates is finally letting readers know It's Tchalla's fault (something that i have been saying for years) for the recent events of black panther and for things to be right he's gonna have to give up that throne and stop pretending to be something he is not, which is a king.

He was always afraid to be king, I remember when he was having counsels with Magneto and Doom in which they was calling him out of his moves and his leadership.. All Im saying is if anyone here read priest's run they would know that it's always been a internal conflict with t'challa and him being king. Coates is doing nothing different other than making shyt stick and finally letting my man be a super hero and his sister become queen.

The responses thats gonna come from this :whew:

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
The responses thats gonna come from this :whew:

nikkas need to get out of their feelings and stop projecting their own expectations and meanings of black excellence. T'challa doesn't need a throne to be great. He went toe to toe with GOD Doom, Saved the multiverse, put Cpt Marvel in her place and sonned iron man on many occasions (even with windex :mjlol:), came back from the dead with moon knight. I mean he still never beat Killmonger but fukk it he is still that nikka.
May 16, 2012
and it's fukking annoying. Coates is adding more dimension to the character something that hasn't been done since Priest's run. nikkas want T'challa to be this perfect beacon of black excellence and he's not. He's has his faults and insecurities like everyone else. Coates is finally letting readers know It's Tchalla's fault (something that i have been saying for years) for the recent events of black panther and for things to be right he's gonna have to give up that throne and stop pretending to be something he is not, which is a king.

He was always afraid to be king, I remember when he was having counsels with Magneto and Doom in which they was calling him out of his moves and his leadership.. All Im saying is if anyone here read priest's run they would know that it's always been a internal conflict with t'challa and him being king. Coates is doing nothing different other than making shyt stick and finally letting my man be a super hero and his sister become queen.
He really isn't adding any more depth to the character that hasn't been done before. It isn't even the black excellence shyt for me since probably my favorite BP story is Panthers Rage.

Coates is just writing him OOC and the story needs PIS for it to even work. Also its just so dry/boring


I didn't eat nobody
May 17, 2012
and it's fukking annoying. Coates is adding more dimension to the character something that hasn't been done since Priest's run. nikkas want T'challa to be this perfect beacon of black excellence and he's not. He's has his faults and insecurities like everyone else. Coates is finally letting readers know It's Tchalla's fault (something that i have been saying for years) for the recent events of black panther and for things to be right he's gonna have to give up that throne and stop pretending to be something he is not, which is a king.

He was always afraid to be king, I remember when he was having counsels with Magneto and Doom in which they was calling him out of his moves and his leadership.. All Im saying is if anyone here read priest's run they would know that it's always been a internal conflict with t'challa and him being king. Coates is doing nothing different other than making shyt stick and finally letting my man be a super hero and his sister become queen.

I have every fukking issue of Priest's run AND the trades.

Has T'Challa struggled to balance being a good King and a good man? Yes, that struggle is one of my favorite things about the character.

Has T'Challa always felt a level of insecurity about about living up to the idea of his father? Yes, again, an aspect of the character I've always loved.

fukking Coates has been hammering home the idea that T'Challa never even wanted to be King, which is bullshyt and a direct contradiction of previous comments T'Challa had made. Hickman showed T'Challa saying outright to Bast that he wanted to be King again. Then you have Coates basically retconning Priest's reasoning for T'Challa joining the Avengers on some "Oh I was just lying to myself about why I joined the Avengers".

Saying that "Coates is doing nothing different other than making shyt stick" is bullshyt. Coates is literally rewriting Wakandan history and restructuring their political system. Coates made it a point to take Shuri off the board just so he could completely change her character and personality. And mind you, he came on board and gave interviews saying he planned on changing things because there was a bunch of shyt that he didn't like or think made sense because it wasn't "realistic".

If you've never liked T'Challa trying to balance being a King and a superhero that's is what that is, but PLENTY of people clearly like and love that aspect of the character. T'Challa being king is what draws many people to the character, Marvel Studios and Ryan Coogler have been touting that as being one of the most interesting things about the character for year. You take the throne from T'Challa and he suddenly occupies the same space as every other caped hero.

The critiques about Coates making T'Challa weaker and less capable are valid because Coates himself said that's what he was planning to do. From the jump he said didn't like T'Challa being so capable and wanted to see him struggle. As I've said repeatedly it's fine to show T'Challa struggling and overcoming the odds, but you don't do that by making T'Challa weaker and dumber. Coates has one a piss poor job of getting across T'Challa as a tactical genius and it's just being waved away with the lame "He's distracted" excuse. Some of the things T'Challa has done during Coates run have been downright dumb. By Coates own admission he's not good as scripting action scenes and it comes through in how T'Challa is shown fighting, struggling, and the stupid usage of that new power.

And for the record, most of the terrible shyt that has happened to Wakanda in recent years has happened when T'Challa WASN'T King. When Doom attacked Wakanda and stole the Vibranium Shuri was in charge, when Wakanda was flooded by Namor Shuri was in charge, when Thanos and the black order attacked Wakanda Shuri was in charge, when the Kingpin nearly staged a financial coup of Wakanda Shuri was in charge. As you said T'Challa fought god Doom and saved all of existence and it was a mission handed down to him by Bast itself.


All Star
May 1, 2012
nikkas need to get out of their feelings and stop projecting their own expectations and meanings of black excellence. T'challa doesn't need a throne to be great. He went toe to toe with GOD Doom, Saved the multiverse, put Cpt Marvel in her place and sonned iron man on many occasions (even with windex :mjlol:), came back from the dead with moon knight. I mean he still never beat Killmonger but fukk it he is still that nikka.

Didn't he kill him during the Hudling run? :patrice: