Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
From the Doctor Strange bluray



It looks like what Kigali/Kampala should be in 20 years instead of the worlds most technologically advanced nation on earth :shaq2:

Wakanda should be otherworldly. It's archetecture should be nothing on this earth.

Birnin Zana

Honorary Wakandan
May 26, 2012
I could have sworn he said Shuri was his favorite character to write, and he then went into detail talking about how much thought he put into her evolution as a character throughout the series.

When they asked him to choose between Luke Cage and Black Panther he said he HAD to choose Black Panther because he was writing the book,. but that last time he was on the show he picked Luke Cage.

Coates said Shuri's adventure in the Djalia was his favorite thing to write, not that Shuri herself was his favorite character to write.

When he was asked specifically which character was his favorite to write, his answer was T'Challa.


I didn't eat nobody
May 17, 2012
I think everyone who is shytting on the coates run is underestimating Tetu dude is supposed to be the new killmonger minus the Hudlin run Killmonger sons the fukk out of T'challa every single time and makes T'challa do drastic/uncharacteristic things i.e destroying Wakanda's economy and the world's so Killmonger wouldn't win...does that ring a bell :mjpls:

Now I'm not saying I don't have issues but I'ma let the brotha man cook :cook:

Tetu aint got shyt to do with T'Challa doing downright dumb shyt or being portrayed as much weaker than he has in years.

That meeting T'Challa had with those dictators didn't make any sense. T'Challa wouldn't have agreed to something like that, especially just to remind himself of how evil they were or whatever bullshyt reason Coates gave, T'Challa also wouldn't be dumb enough to invite those guys to Wakanda then be caught off guard by them leaking information from the meeting.

T'Challa has been consistently getting his ass kicked by character way below his weight class. The fight scenes in this series are terrible by Coates on admission. T'Challa spends most of the time getting punched and slamed by enemies just to use that lame new ability Coates gave him.

T'Challa allowing himself to be captured by Stane and his crew didn't make any sense. Coates had T'Challa inject himself with Doom's nanobots then get captured just to record Stane going over his plans. There's multiple problems with that, for one, he only got the idea after talking to Stark as if T'Challa couldn't come up with a plan like that on his own. Two, why the fukk is T'Challa using re purposed Doom tech for spying when we've seen years ago that T'Challa had his OWN nanobots that were capable of spying on people, T'Challa has fukking tech in his suit that an record people.

"The Crew" being called in made no sense and made them all look weak given who they were fighting. T'Challa called in some legit heavy hitters to take down Stane, the Fenris Twins, and Vanisher. He could have taken them down himself with a crew of Hatute Zeraze. Storm herself could have taken them all out. Even with all that firepower they all got away and T'Challa couldn't follow them for some unknown reason.

T'Challa not knowing or not doing anything about the rape camps is also pure fukking bullshyt. T'Challa would NEVER allow something like that to go on in Wakanda. Coates excuse that "He's got bigger things to worry about" is bullshyt given that we saw T'Challa drop everything in the middle of a boarder skirmish to go avenge a little girl that was raped and murdered by someone associated with his charitable fund. He did THAT, but I'm supposed to buy he's too busy to help the women of his own country?


May 6, 2012
So we can all pretty much make a very good guess that the 'SOUL GEM" is wakanda more specifically Necropolis and Thanos will be sending his goons squad to wakanda in Avenger Infinity War, shyt is going to be like the "battle of helmes deep" from lord of the rings with superhero's




I didn't eat nobody
May 17, 2012
Its black history month and seeing brehs tear down a prominent black writer is :sadcam:

Whether justified or not is just :mjcry:

It's Black History Month and said Black writer goes out of his way to shyt on the most prominent black superhero right now. What makes it worse is that this bullshyt is coming right off of the excellence that was T'Challa in Captain America Civil War.

Plus Coates is the one that said from the very jump that he knew long time Black Panther fans weren't to like his shyt but that he didn't care, so fukk him :camby:


I didn't eat nobody
May 17, 2012
So we can all pretty much make a very good guess that the 'SOUL GEM" is wakanda more specifically Necropolis and Thanos will be sending his goons squad to wakanda in Avenger Infinity War, shyt is going to be like the "battle of helmes deep" from lord of the rings with superhero's



I don't think it'll be the Necropolis. People are just jumping to that idea because they on some Johnny come lately shyt to the mythos. The Necropolis is a relatively new idea. I think the Resurrection alter is more likely and that has closer ties to Killmonger and was actually powered by an alien gem.


Sep 11, 2015
It looks like what Kigali/Kampala should be in 20 years instead of the worlds most technologically advanced nation on earth :shaq2:

Wakanda should be otherworldly. It's archetecture should be nothing on this earth.

Relax it's called concept art for a reason. :pachaha:

There was another set where the place was located within the meteors crater. Whatever we get in the end will be fine for sure.

So we can all pretty much make a very good guess that the 'SOUL GEM" is wakanda more specifically Necropolis and Thanos will be sending his goons squad to wakanda in Avenger Infinity War, shyt is going to be like the "battle of helmes deep" from lord of the rings with superhero's

Makes sense. It's either there or in Ragnarok


All Star
May 1, 2012
Tetu aint got shyt to do with T'Challa doing downright dumb shyt or being portrayed as much weaker than he has in years.

That meeting T'Challa had with those dictators didn't make any sense. T'Challa wouldn't have agreed to something like that, especially just to remind himself of how evil they were or whatever bullshyt reason Coates gave, T'Challa also wouldn't be dumb enough to invite those guys to Wakanda then be caught off guard by them leaking information from the meeting.

Because Tetu got control of the people and the Midnight angel fukkery to a lesser extent....but why would coates pick a move like that is beyond me

T'Challa has been consistently getting his ass kicked by character way below his weight class. The fight scenes in this series are terrible by Coates on admission. T'Challa spends most of the time getting punched and slamed by enemies just to use that lame new ability Coates gave him.

is it a new move or is he getting his azz kicked get your story straight fam :stopitslime: The only time I recall him losing in a physical confrontation was when they ambushed the MA's then Tetu ambushed them,.

T'Challa allowing himself to be captured by Stane and his crew didn't make any sense. Coates had T'Challa inject himself with Doom's nanobots then get captured just to record Stane going over his plans. There's multiple problems with that, for one, he only got the idea after talking to Stark as if T'Challa couldn't come up with a plan like that on his own. Two, why the fukk is T'Challa using re purposed Doom tech for spying when we've seen years ago that T'Challa had his OWN nanobots that were capable of spying on people, T'Challa has fukking tech in his suit that an record people.

Playing possum is vintage black panther the other sh!t :yeshrug:
"The Crew" being called in made no sense and made them all look weak given who they were fighting. T'Challa called in some legit heavy hitters to take down Stane, the Fenris Twins, and Vanisher. He could have taken them down himself with a crew of Hatute Zeraze. Storm herself could have taken them all out. Even with all that firepower they all got away and T'Challa couldn't follow them for some unknown reason.

:ehh: T'challa did style on stane though hands tied behind my back nicca ! :banderas:

T'Challa not knowing or not doing anything about the rape camps is also pure fukking bullshyt. T'Challa would NEVER allow something like that to go on in Wakanda. Coates excuse that "He's got bigger things to worry about" is bullshyt given that we saw T'Challa drop everything in the middle of a boarder skirmish to go avenge a little girl that was raped and murdered by someone associated with his charitable fund. He did THAT, but I'm supposed to buy he's too busy to help the women of his own country?

that's a bit silly but I guess he was trying to have people side with the rogue dora's instead of bushing them like I am anyway, well there agenda

I do agree we need Kirby's clairvoyance back how nicca's gonna ignore a legends contribution. It doesn't have to be on all the time or there needs to be ways to be undetectable to it because it would get boring.


I didn't eat nobody
May 17, 2012
Because Tetu got control of the people and the Midnight angel fukkery to a lesser extent....but why would coates pick a move like that is beyond me

It's some shyt that T'Challa would NEVER do and it made no sense. It was just T'Challa making a dumb decision for no reason.

Tetu is doing the same basic super villain shyt we've seen T'Challa deal with time and time again. It'd be different if Tetu was some kind of strategic genius, but he's not. Instead of upping the threat of the villain so that T'Challa can rise to the occasion Coates made T'Challa dumber and weaker.

is it a new move or is he getting his azz kicked get your story straight fam :stopitslime: The only time I recall him losing in a physical confrontation was when they ambushed the MA's then Tetu ambushed them,.

It's both, In order to use the new move he has to get his ass kicked. Coates gave him that new ability but the only way it works is if T'Challa absorbs kinetic energy from taking blows from his opponent. That's why all his fights involve him getting smacked around by characters weaker than him before unleashing the stored kinetic energy. There's literally a moment where he takes off his mask and lets a dude punch him in the face repeatedly just so he can use that stupid move.

Seriously, go back and read the issues you have so far and look at how many times T'Challa ends up on his knees during a fight. Keep in mind he's not fighting anybody all that powerful compared to him, nearly everyone he's fought so far is FAR below his weight class. It'd be like if Spider-Man showed up to stop a bank robbery and suddenly got overwhelmed by some normal guys with guns. T'Challa has fought the likes of Namor, Black Dwarf, Iron Fist, and Super Skrull, either to a standstill or outright beaten them, now he's continually getting tagged and overwhelmed by normal human beings.

Playing possum is vintage black panther the other sh!t :yeshrug:

Dawg, T'Challa is supposed to be one of the eighth smartest people on the planet. Yeah, he plays possum, but there has to be a good reason behind and a genuinely smart plan. Look at the complex plan T'Challa had during Enemy of the State II during Priest's run. T'Challa was manipulating multiple people, sending secret codes to Tony Stark, and using diversionary tactics to keep people guessing.

In Coates book, T'Challa just uses the most basic Saturday morning cartoon plan ever. He allows himself to be captured just so the villain can tell T'Challa his plan while he records it and "The Crew" is sent in. The Crew being sent in isn't even a surprise because we were shown they were there in the previous issue.

:ehh: T'challa did style on stane though hands tied behind my back nicca ! :banderas:

Another fight where he took a multiple blows to the body just so he could use that stupid new power that Coates created. And it made no sense for him to be fighting with his hands chained behind his back, he should have been able to break or cut through those chains easily. We've seen T'Challa cut and break through chains like that plenty of times before. It would have been one thing is Coates had just written that the chain were made of Vibranium but he didn't even do that. So instead we have T'Challa fighting a guy with his hands tied behind his back for no fukking reason.

that's a bit silly but I guess he was trying to have people side with the rogue dora's instead of bushing them like I am anyway, well there agenda

It's straight up shytting on the character. There are rape camps in his homeland and we're continually told that the hero of the story doesn't fukking care and is too busy to deal with it. T'Challa's mother Ramonda knew about it and did nothing about it either, even though SHE was a victims of sexual abuse for years. You'd think Ramonda would make it a priority and tell T'Challa. Also, notice that at no point so far in Coates run has he talked to the Dora Milaje or have we seen them try to talk to him. So the entire conflict hinges on the main character not having a simple fukking conversation with a couple of supporting characters.

I do agree we need Kirby's clairvoyance back how nicca's gonna ignore a legends contribution. It doesn't have to be on all the time or there needs to be ways to be undetectable to it because it would get boring.

Coates said off top that he didn't like the hyper capable version of T'Challa so his intention was always to make him weaker so as to show him "struggle and overcome" but he went about the shyt int he worst way possible. Instead of making the threats greater, smarter, or more powerful he made T'Challa weaker and dumber. Priest's run had T'Challa struggling quite often, he was hyper competent but he struggled to get his wins because the threats were so huge and he often won the battle at a high price.

Seriously, could you see Coates version of T'Challa taking on Doctor Doom or holding his own in a fight against Captain America or Iron Fist? As we've been shown this version of T'Challa can barely keep up with Ezekiel Stane and normal human beings.


Jun 26, 2015
Coates is not writing this black panther for black folks, he' writing black face cracker for white folks


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2012
It's some shyt that T'Challa would NEVER do and it made no sense. It was just T'Challa making a dumb decision for no reason.

Tetu is doing the same basic super villain shyt we've seen T'Challa deal with time and time again. It'd be different if Tetu was some kind of strategic genius, but he's not. Instead of upping the threat of the villain so that T'Challa can rise to the occasion Coates made T'Challa dumber and weaker.

It's both, In order to use the new move he has to get his ass kicked. Coates gave him that new ability but the only way it works is if T'Challa absorbs kinetic energy from taking blows from his opponent. That's why all his fights involve him getting smacked around by characters weaker than him before unleashing the stored kinetic energy. There's literally a moment where he takes off his mask and lets a dude punch him in the face repeatedly just so he can use that stupid move.

Seriously, go back and read the issues you have so far and look at how many times T'Challa ends up on his knees during a fight. Keep in mind he's not fighting anybody all that powerful compared to him, nearly everyone he's fought so far is FAR below his weight class. It'd be like if Spider-Man showed up to stop a bank robbery and suddenly got overwhelmed by some normal guys with guns. T'Challa has fought the likes of Namor, Black Dwarf, Iron Fist, and Super Skrull, either to a standstill or outright beaten them, now he's continually getting tagged and overwhelmed by normal human beings.

Dawg, T'Challa is supposed to be one of the eighth smartest people on the planet. Yeah, he plays possum, but there has to be a good reason behind and a genuinely smart plan. Look at the complex plan T'Challa had during Enemy of the State II during Priest's run. T'Challa was manipulating multiple people, sending secret codes to Tony Stark, and using diversionary tactics to keep people guessing.

In Coates book, T'Challa just uses the most basic Saturday morning cartoon plan ever. He allows himself to be captured just so the villain can tell T'Challa his plan while he records it and "The Crew" is sent in. The Crew being sent in isn't even a surprise because we were shown they were there in the previous issue.

Another fight where he took a multiple blows to the body just so he could use that stupid new power that Coates created. And it made no sense for him to be fighting with his hands chained behind his back, he should have been able to break or cut through those chains easily. We've seen T'Challa cut and break through chains like that plenty of times before. It would have been one thing is Coates had just written that the chain were made of Vibranium but he didn't even do that. So instead we have T'Challa fighting a guy with his hands tied behind his back for no fukking reason.

It's straight up shytting on the character. There are rape camps in his homeland and we're continually told that the hero of the story doesn't fukking care and is too busy to deal with it. T'Challa's mother Ramonda knew about it and did nothing about it either, even though SHE was a victims of sexual abuse for years. You'd think Ramonda would make it a priority and tell T'Challa. Also, notice that at no point so far in Coates run has he talked to the Dora Milaje or have we seen them try to talk to him. So the entire conflict hinges on the main character not having a simple fukking conversation with a couple of supporting characters.

Coates said off top that he didn't like the hyper capable version of T'Challa so his intention was always to make him weaker so as to show him "struggle and overcome" but he went about the shyt int he worst way possible. Instead of making the threats greater, smarter, or more powerful he made T'Challa weaker and dumber. Priest's run had T'Challa struggling quite often, he was hyper competent but he struggled to get his wins because the threats were so huge and he often won the battle at a high price.

Seriously, could you see Coates version of T'Challa taking on Doctor Doom or holding his own in a fight against Captain America or Iron Fist? As we've been shown this version of T'Challa can barely keep up with Ezekiel Stane and normal human beings.

Don't forget, and my gripe more than anything...he's always second guessing himself. T'Challa is second guessing himself.:stopitslime:The one thing that's been constant about T'Challa is that he doesn't question his actions or his movements. But not here.


All Star
May 1, 2012
Seriously, could you see Coates version of T'Challa taking on Doctor Doom or holding his own in a fight against Captain America or Iron Fist? As we've been shown this version of T'Challa can barely keep up with Ezekiel Stane and normal human beings.

Damn that was cold :mjcry: