Birnin Zana
Honorary Wakandan
Interviewer: "So, hair shaving right?"
Coogler: "Haha... we're still working all that out"
i don't want them bald anyway, i'd rather have afrikan women with creative afrikan hairstyles on the big stage... ironically like what we saw from those two at comic con... instead of all lookin like a bald foot clan. One thing i give Coates/Stelfreeze credit for is distinguishing Aneka & Ayo from the rest, it's just obvious marketing strategy when you're trying to personalize characters. Aneka, Ayo, Zenzi, Ramonda... all being repped with different afrikan hairstyles. Even Shuri seems to be growin something.

But for real, considering that we have named Doras in this movie, it makes sense to have specific hairstyles for them. Makes them more recognizable from the rest of the Doras.