Uchiha God

Jan 11, 2013

dope ass poster


May 12, 2012
i've literally seen one bad poster, fanmade or official, for this movie, and it was the first release of T'Challa on the throne.


Aug 17, 2012
New York City


Well, this is what we’ve all waited for and it’s finally here. I waited a week or so to really digest the film and take it all in before I gave my review of the film. I’ve decided to break into three parts. The first part will be about “The Film” itself, the second part will be about the “The Success” of film and last part will be about the “The Politics” of the film.


GOAT LEVEL ISH!!!. The Cast, The Afro-Futurism Sci Fi, The Scale, The Acting, The Drama, The Action. This movie had it all. It felt more like a standalone film though there were call backs to “Civil War”. I’m glad I avoid social media and spoilers because I knew nothing about the twist in the movie. I loved the story because it had so much symbolism to many different things in the Black Community and Diaspora. Ryan really did it, this movie was a dream for me to see Black Sci-Fi on the Blockbuster scale of “The Matrix”, “Jurassic Park”, “Star Wars” etc. This was that film. The Costumes, The Mixture of African Cultures, The Technology. Wakanda was unbelievable. It really was a vision of an African Country Non-colonized for Centuries. The most was visually beautiful. The Afterlife shots were dope too. Loved how the whole Korea sequence went down and the action were shot really well throughout. Gave a movie a Spy Feel. Love the tech, weapons. The Fighting was ILL. The Climax with the tribal battle was crazy. His Suit was to much and so ILL. It was basically a Melanin Suit because Melanin absorbs ultraviolet radiation and converts to strengthen our skin tone. Black Panther’s suit does the same thing. Man, this movie was so unapologically Black I just couldn’t stop smiling. Black Hair, Black Clothing, Black Language, Just Black Everything, lol.

As for the cast, I must be honest. Michael B Jordan DOMINATED this film. He Literally John Blazed (LOL) Every Scene, Every Line, I can’t lie he had me. The Museum Scene, Wow. There hasn’t been a single Villain in the Marvel Universe seeing this performance. Killmonger’s character was so complex and deep, he had me at hello. He was Hardbody. Look, he won the Throne fair and square in the ritual, real talk. Chadwick did great again for the 2nd time after “Civil War”. He’s really impressing me more and more with his performances. Sure they have had him in Black Bio-pic purgatory the last 10 years but he’s more versatile than people give him credit for. He was T’Challa and embodied the character. Lupita and Danai KILLED IT, those girls were beautiful. Danai brought that “Walking Dead” Swag here for sure. And Lupita’s grace always shines. She’s really done fantastic career wise since winning he Oscar. She’s chosen her roles well. I just love how again everything was so culturally Black. Daniel Kaluuya left the Sunken Place in America, went to Wakanda and Killmonger Woke up him, LOL. He did a good job as well after his fantastic performance in “Get Out”. Letitia played a good character with Shuri, she was smart and sassy. I thought Andy Serkis knocked it out the damn park. This guy isn’t anything but a Brilliant Actor. He was like a true comic book villain coming to life popping out on the screen. He can do it with or without Motion Capture. Loved his role in this.

Both Angela and Forest brought that veteran leadership and skills, they both shinned as usual, it was also a “Waiting to Exhale” Reunion with them. Winston Duke also went in, he also felt very dominate in his role though short. Martin “Hobbit” Freeman did OK in the role as CIA Agent Ross which his character was in the comics. Yes, he had a heroic moment, but he wasn’t a “White Savoir” per say, (Thank God, lol). Loved the Killmonger/T’Challa dynamic and the ending was very sad to me because it was so symbolic of where we are. Love the Royal Ritual and the fighting without powers. So, this movie worked on damn near every level. It thought it honored the comics well while taking a few liberties with the story to make sure it told a Black Historical Themed central storyline. The After Credit scenes were OK. The UN scene was just to show they were going to be more open. I'd rather see Killmonger being put in the black sands and rejuvenated in the After-life than Bucky's recovery as for the 2nd scene honestly but I understand they trying to set up "Infinity War". Seeing us finally get this budget was a dream come true and I’m happy to young kids get to see a Blockbuster on this scale with all Black People in. It was just Beautiful Black Excellence Everywhere, Every Shot. Both Soundtracks were hot to me so props to K Dot and Ludwig. Ryan you really did it man. Congrats and Thank You for proving so many people wrong.



I’ve been advocating and saying for YEARS that Hollywood was lying about numbers when it comes to Black Films drawing power at the Box Office. Because I’ve studied box office extensively, I know the numbers so the lies just kept coming that a Black Cast should not be given a Big Budget. The Lie was “Black Films won’t play overseas”. Black Films never got the proper budgets nor the distribution to overseas markets was the issue. I’ve always knew there was just a systematic issue and had nothing to do with Blacks in Films especially after that Sony Email Leak. Melvin Van Peeples did a documentary about History of Black Films and talked about the systematic things in the industry. Denzel films have grossed over 3 Billion at the Box Office Worldwide and that was mostly dramas. Will Smith has been one of the Biggest Box Office Draws of the last 20 Years.

That’s why the "Bad Boys" Franchise is so big because it was Two Major Black Leads in a Blockbuster Action Film. (Bad Boys III cough, cough). Eddie Murphy, Chris Tucker, Kevin Hart and the Rock have all had Box Office Success globally. This lie was never true and I’m glad “Black Panther” Shattered those lies. For over a Decade, Keneen Ivory Waynes held the record for Highest Grossing Film Domestically for a Black Director for “Scary Movie” which only had 19 Million Budget. Tim Story had two 100 Million Grosser's with the “Fantastic Four” Films. F. Gary Gray recently had huge Blockbuster Success with “Fast and the Furious 8” and “Straight Outta Compton”. His previous all Black Cast Films "Friday" and "Set It Off" both had low budgets but turned profits. Ryan will join them in the 100 Million Blockbuster Black Director Club. The First All Black Cast Super Hero Film was Robert Townsend's "The Meteor Man" which was a 30 Million Budget.

The Films “Think Like A Man” Part 1 and 2, Both "Best Man" films, “Girls Trip”, "Notorious", “All Eyez On me”, "Coming to America", "Straight Outta Compton", “Waiting to Exhale”, “Malcolm X”, “Dead Presidents”, “Menace II Society” and “Boyz in the Hood” were all done on low budgets but managed to turn profit. Spike had to borrow Money from Black Celebrities to finish “X” too. Mo’nique with her recent Netflix issues brought up a great point about her film “Almost Christmas” which was an All Black Cast and had a low budget of 16 Million but turned in a profit. “Black Panther” is the highest budgeted film with a majority Black Cast in History with a 200 Million Budget. Black cast films have always normally capped off at about 30 Million or less budget. “Get Out” which broke records grossing Hundreds of Millions Worldwide was made with only a 5 Million Budget. “Birth of a Nation” was shot with under 10 Million. Spike Lee had made a Legendary Career with many low budgeted Black Cast films. Tyler has made an Empire off them as well. So, Black Filmmakers have always taken less budgets but have turned profit on majority of their films. This happen during the Blaxploitation era too. Now let’s look at Black Panthers #’s after 10 days.

Total Lifetime Grosses
Domestic: $403,613,257 56.9%
+ Foreign: $305,338,187 43.1%

= Worldwide: $708,951,444

These numbers are nothing short of Historic and Fantastic. It ROARING to Top 10 All Time in the United States. It’s already broken several records in Box Office History. The way it’s performing, “Black Panther” is now the favorite to possibly win the Entire 2018 Box Office depending on how Summer Films perform. So, a Majority Black Cast is headed to 1 Billion Plus. This movie completely Ethered Hollywood and previous narrow minded Racist Ideologically "Norms" about Black Films. This Idea that a Majority Black Cast Film can’t get a massive budget is over and again another triumph of Black Will Power and Ingenuity.


Now though this was a Fictional Science Fiction Action Film about Africa, never forget all films hold symbolism. I enjoyed the political and social symbolism of the film. The Core of the story is about Black Americans and Africans Historical Complicated Relationship with White Supremacy and the fight against Protecting Resources from Colonization. Killmonger may have been painted a Villain but his point of view is one that many Black Americans feel. I felt disappointed by the Wakandans in aspects because they had all the money, resources and technology and Black People were suffering around the world. They had spies too, so they knew what was going on. I kinda felt by isolating themselves they were a little selfish to me. The Climatic battle in the field at the end represented and was symbolic of the many tribal conflicts that have happen in African History. These conflicts have always caused issues in many different African Countries. Killmonger went from Villain to Anti-Hero to me very fast. It was like I was subconsciously rooting for him.

Erik was done dirty by his people and left fatherless to survive in the hood. This is symbolism of the history of African Tribal Leaders working with Colonizers during slavery and other periods of history. It also speaks to the idea of many Black American Children who have grown up without Fathers having to find a way through no fault of their own. The Vibranium is was symbolic of the Rich Resources that many Countries have on the Great Continent of Africa. We all know that till this day many Countries outside of Africa’s hands are in the pockets of those resources instead of the African People it rightfully belongs to. Klaue was symbolic of those colonizers and the stealing of resources. The Film also ties to the idea of Black Americans being disconnected from our real home and nobody coming to rescue or save us during Slavery. Yes, many African Countries were dealing with its own issues and I would never minimize that in any way. With that said it’s a hard truth that many don’t think about. There were many Slaves in bondage always wondering, “Is anyone coming for us” and nobody came.

When T’Challa saw his ancestors in the after-life, he was in Africa out in a valley. But for Erik, it was in the Oakland hood. This was done purposely by Ryan to show the disconnect and how Black Americans history was stolen and stripped from us by White Supremacy. Killmonger actions wasn’t perfect and No I won’t justify everything he did. Erik’s overall objective and goal was about ending White Supremacy, bringing liberation and global black empowerment. It's not all T’challa’s fault though so I didn’t blame him 100%. I felt he was a victim also. A victim of the politics of his own country, Father and Family. Killmonger may have chosen death but his spirit is what I felt most. T’Challa may have wanted a more practical solution but the ultimate goal should be about ending White Supremacy and liberating the people which what Killmonger’s really wanted. His Military background and skills helped Erik understand the oppressors/colonizers. Some may have saw a Violent Killer, but underneath was a forgotten Child whose family left him to survive in the wild Jungle of America. His Rage did have a purpose. The Oakland tie in was clearly symbolism of the Black Panther Party. Agent Ross CIA Character calls back to the complicated History of the CIA and FBI when it comes to the Black Panther Party.

Killmonger represents that Revolutionary Spirit of Black Americans that have fought for Centuries against Injustice, Racism and Bigotry and made history trying to Liberate everyone. When Erik took the Throne, Wakandan’s treated him as an outsider. I concede it’s a complicated relationship between us, but the reality is Black Americans have always felt that void from our history. It’s not our fault the White Supremacist have destroyed that connection. The Anger Killmonger had at Wakanda represents the subconscious Angers some Black Americans have about our disconnection to our African history because of the Horrors of the Middle Passage (What Killmonger references before his death). The Middle Passage Alone should be grounds for Reparations for Black Americans from Slavery (And there’s plenty other sh!t that happens that justifies it even more). Stripping a people of their history, culture, religion, customs, language and then systemically attacking them with laws and stripping their right away from Centuries is a crime against humanity.

You damn right Killmonger was furious. I’m surprised Disney allowed that line in at the end of the film. But the movie basically says more outreach needs to happen on both sides but especially on the African Side as you all have the cultural knowledge that we do not. People shouldn't interpret Erik’s Death means the message that Black Revolution needs to go. Many real Black Revolutionaries have died but their fighting spirit lives on. If anything the revolution should continue. This film coming out Black History Month worked to me because it really did encompass many different ideas and perspectives of the Diaspora. The Community Centers at the end was nice touch by T’Challa and showed he understood in the end Wakanda was wrong for doing Erik so dirty. I just feel there needed to be more than that because Killmonger Urgency against White Supremacy was real. Killmonger was Bout that life, that last line talking about the Middle Passage embodied that Black Americans have a strong pride in our history as well as our ability to survive the impossible. So, for me, It’s Wakanda and Killmonger Forever………




May 27, 2012
That article was awesome. I totally agree with everything she said. Thanks for sharing it.

Yes!! I hope they have a huge waterfall ride, a underground vibranium railroad that takes you to Shuri's lab, and tour through mystical garden of heart shape herbs where you can see ancestral skies and black panthers staring down at you. There's so much they could do with it.

Ahhh man that would be awesome :wow:


May 13, 2012
In defense of T'Chaka..

He just found his brother helped a man that murdered hundreds? thousands?

So he was already pissed and angry. He slipped up a bit. Once his brother pulled the gun his natural reaction + anger got the best of him.

He was also in a tough spot. He brings the body back to Wakanda....everybody is wondering what is doing with claws in his chest :jbhmm:

He explains why...then EVERYONE knows his brother was a traitor. I mean its one thing when he's alive, but when he's dead he didn't want to tarnish his brother's name on top of that.

Dealing with the boy is a issue as well. He's an outsider, his father's just been killed, how do we explain this to him?

He stuck with whats worked for years....just worry about our people :francis:

Not saying it was right. Just saying I understand with their background I can see how they were like we just gotta roll out. :hubie:

Also good on T'Challa for being different.

I mean, if you're going to say he went off the grid, then at least make it look like it. Since Zuri knew he has a son, it would make sense to me to at least keep tabs on the boy (since he has a war dog tattoo), since i can see the potential issue of bringing him to wakanda (but that shyt blew up in their face anyway) :hubie:

Also, he just left the dead body there with Panther claws in his chest (weird way to leave the scene). Also, I thought it was sloppy that he and Zuri didn't clean/check N'Jobu's apartment for any wakanda paraphernalia in his apartment. Especially since N'Jobu has the same (vibranium) ring from their father. That at least would create some intrigue to me.

ah hell naw:francis:


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
Just saw it in imax. CGI looked way better than in the regular theater.

Yeah....I thought I was tripping. The thread is full of people saying the CGI wasn't very good....I seen it in IMAX yesterday and it looked good to me.



Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
Chris Evans must be on drugs if he thinks any other solo movie will ever be this big
Was he supposed to say "it's all downhill from here"? :mjlol:

I seriously doubt "Captain Marvel" or "Black Widow" will do anywhere near this movie but I'm not sure what people expected him to say. He's team MCU, obviously he's going to hype anything they do.
