Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
People just coming in here saying stupid shyt, I swear. It's one to dislike T'Chaka who rightfully deserves it for leaving Erik a damn orphan (one of the few things I can't forgive in this movie, they made T'chaka sloppy as fukk) but T'Challa is a c00n? Why? Does he hate himself or his people? Was he pawging/paaging? Was he not merciful to Erik himself on multiple accounts? Did he not tell his dad and his ancestors that they fukked up? Did he not learn from Eriks message and start to help his city and the rest of his people that need help around the world in the end?

I mean I understand people empathize with Kilmonger but yall gotta stop calling people racist shyt for no damn reason. It's sickening.

Just saw it again for the second time (finally! but now I think I need to see it a third:sadcam:)

Was going to write some more observations I didn't recognize on the first but I've forgot most of em.:mjcry::snoop:

I think Ross alluded to that there was smaller traces of Vibranium elsewhere due to Ultron/Sokovia:ohhh:

I did recognize that went killmonger spoke to w'kabi about the plan to disperse the weapons to the war dogs, w'kabi said that most the of them were against it and only NY, London, and Hong Kong were willing and able to go (killmonger/w'kabi? states that the other war dogs will come around). Two things, thought it was interesting that there were war dogs refusing to do this, which would've been interesting and Hong Kong?:pachaha: Also, NY/London/HK are also places were the Sanctum sanctorums located as well:jbhmm::ohhh: .

(The way they handled) T'Chaka was mad sloppy, doesn't seem like the way a Black Panther would handle that. Kill the dude and leave him in his apartment, also Zuri knows he has a child as well. They didn't even check aside from the stolen Vibranium to take any other Wakanda related artifacts/info? I know its your bro but really sloppy (on the writing there).

Interesting enough, Erik (Killmonger) has a war dog tattoo, so all wakanda nationals have a tattoo based on their specific occupation? Initially thought only war dogs had tattoos (to recognize them in other black/african countries).

Again, have to give real props to Coolger and co. with the pacing on this, on a second view I though it might be a bit sluggish in some parts but it still flowed through pretty well even through the heavy drama scenes. Props to Chadwick as well, I don't think he was given as grandiose lines as Michael B. but he still put that emotion/effort in (I am your king NOW!).

In defense of T'Chaka..

He just found his brother helped a man that murdered hundreds? thousands?

So he was already pissed and angry. He slipped up a bit. Once his brother pulled the gun his natural reaction + anger got the best of him.

He was also in a tough spot. He brings the body back to Wakanda....everybody is wondering what is doing with claws in his chest :jbhmm:

He explains why...then EVERYONE knows his brother was a traitor. I mean its one thing when he's alive, but when he's dead he didn't want to tarnish his brother's name on top of that.

Dealing with the boy is a issue as well. He's an outsider, his father's just been killed, how do we explain this to him?

He stuck with whats worked for years....just worry about our people :francis:

Not saying it was right. Just saying I understand with their background I can see how they were like we just gotta roll out. :hubie:

Also good on T'Challa for being different.


Nov 18, 2016
More respect for T'Challa when you think about it. He gave him a fair one.

His only issue was that he would "freeze" when he had the chance to kill him in that Waterfall fight.

I still think Zuri makes that scene.

Zuri having that regretful look at Killmonger knowing that he looked out for him years ago.
Then that realization by Killmonger who Zuri was :ohhh:

I'm taking you both Uncle James :damn:

I don't know how the fukk people say the waterfall fights were boring :dahell:

Those waterfall fights had more drama and tension than most of the CG-fest fights in the Marvel universe. They felt grounded in reality. I prefer that to some physics defying, city destroying spectacle like we get with the usual Marvel film.

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
I agree with this. From another forum:ehh:
Honestly disagree, but that's your opinion and I guess you're just not a fan either way which is cool.

For me Priest's T'Challa while very cool and very badass, can come across as 'cruel' or something. I mean I loved Priest's Panther, but that was the 90's. Everything was about being super macho and all that. I found T'Challa in this movie to be quite stoic, yes, but also very regal and confident, but also human and as someone who could still be quite warm, funny, and relax a bit, like the scenes with Nakia and Shuri. And he could be vulnerable and angry too, like when he confronted Zuri, saw his father both times in the Astral Plane, and whenSPOILER ALERT Zuri was killed right before his eyes. The last scene when he smiles at the young boy and when he smiles at the man at the UN meeting also show a bit of a cocky side to him.

Yes Killmonger had very interesting motivations and was a sympathetic character, Shuri had the funny one-liners, Klaue had the funny villain thing going on. But T'Challa showed the most range in his character in the film for me, and Chadwick's acting was on point in every scene. I haven't even seen many titular characters in the MCU or other CBMs show that much range. That's one of the shortcomings I think TDK has.