
All Star
Sep 29, 2015
Here are a few thoughts and lots of spoilers:

  1. Trials by combat and hereditary governance are both trash that quickly give themselves to ageism and sexism.
  2. Erik Stevens, aka Erik Killmonger, even within he rules of the movie, still had to be one half times better than his competition. T’Challa received multiple medical interventions, without which he would have died, and was able to control the terrain of the final battle through his sister’s mechanizations. (Not to mention Zuri straight-up stopped him from delivering the killing blow.) Stevens was a black man fighting for black people who went all the way across the world just to get felled by tricknology.
  3. Technological advancement is markedly different from political maturity.
4. The movie in three lines.

Wakanda: With great power comes no responsibility.

Stevens: Come on.

T’challa: Maybe a little responsibility, but don’t ask me to deal with white people. That’s too messy. Lemme just do a non-profit.

Nobody knows what to do with white people. You either bomb them, Killmonger’s stance, or you ignore them, T’Challa’s stance. Remember that T’Challa ended by setting up an NGO in Oakland, not by pressuring America’s government to do right by black Americans.

Do you really believe that the US government is going to let a non-profit give black communities exclusive control of those riches? Just ask the folks from 1921 Tulsa.

You think that Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk aren’t going use whatever political means available to subvert whatever comes out of the non-profit?

The distance between here and justice in America comes through dealing with white people standing up, openly advocating for redress, not by hiding behind an NGO or bombing them to oblivion.

And that is the quality of revolutionary politics Disney does not want you to see: what it looks like for black people to stand up to white people in defense of black Americans.

There is no justice for black people in these United States that doesn’t come through direct political confrontation with white people in defense of black people.

I worry that the deep message of Steven’s character is that standing up for black people to white people for justice is tantamount to suicide. Even your cousin will kill you.

5. If Stevens were a white woman, she’d be a heroine of a three movie franchise about the struggle.

6. Hollywood, Wakanda is the best kind of “powerful” black nation: one that doesn’t threaten white power.

7) I will admit that there was a bit too much Papa Doc in Stevens.


US: You have great technology. We’d like to get into the Vibranium market and do some tech exchanges.

Hollywood’s T’Challa: Sure, let me just start a non-profit to help some Oakland kids.

Irami’s T’Challa: Sure, come back to me with a Reparations plan to make black communities whole. You better talk to your buddies at the UN, too.

9) Did T’Challa really just let Stevens die because it was convenient?

10) We literally had a movie where rich black people use the CIA to kill the guy who wanted to fight for poor black people, and then make themselves feel better about it by doing some charity in a black neighborhood.

11) Good antagonists have a political project, so it’s not just all about getting wealthy or self-aggrandizement. In this story, you had an antagonist with a political project vs. a protagonist without a real politics, and certainly no black politics.



What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
I think most people understood that..

The point remains that this probably should have been a longer movie regardless. There seems to be some story threads cut out because of fear of a longer run time in theaters (understandable)

Nah it doesn’t work that way lol. If you read the collider article you’d hear what I’m saying.

It was never going to be a longer movie. The assembly cut is the rough cut that’s four hours long because it’s shots and angles you’re not intending on using. It’s every thing you shot meaning it’s the same scenes from different spots or a different perspective or in a different place. And then it repeats. So there could be multiple repeating scenes that all do the same thing or say the same thing. Like the scene in the throne room? There’s probably three versions of that scene.

A directors cut is different than an asssmbly cut. Directors cut are scenes or story beats left on the cutting room floor. This isn’t that.


Jul 7, 2012
Yep. I'd say the majority of these fan sites and youtube channels have brought out every excuse.
- Critics just liking it for political reasons
- Just getting the Wonder Woman treatment
- Its a solid origin entry to the MCU.

When they are enthusiastic "It's a top 10 Marvel movie! or Its a solid origin entry to the MCU. " :gladbron:

Drown it out before Infinity War then months later people can say "See I told you it was overrated" :ehh:

Even though Wonder Woman got backlash I saw more support on other forums/youtube about its "quality"

And even though its got better reviews than Logan I damn sure aint seeing it get that kinda support or love.

I really thought this would get Logan type praise at least.

Another thing I'm noticing..

Yall know I support/give praise to MBJ. However, I'm starting to :patrice:at anybody shytting on Chadwick/Black Panther to support MBJ/Killmonger.

It seems like a lot of people are going into it to "debunk" the hype. Like I'm seeing a lot of "it was good but overrated", "solid film if overhyped", "not as good as reviews lead to believe" reactions across forums and social media. Just about everyone mentions the hype or praise when giving their opinion.

I can also see the "Can we finally admit that Black Panther wasn't that good?" hot takes coming in a few months time. However, in all fairness, that usually happens with most big tentpole films.


Aug 9, 2014
Just saw it

Good not great film , I think the discussions about the film really push it's legacy more.

Cgi was awful , i heard about it first so it distracted me throughout the film but the BP killmonger fight scene just was in your face bad.

Wish they didn't kill both klau and killmonger both of the actors brought those characters to life . Someone mentioning killing killmonger out of convenience, which I disagree with. But I see the issue because killmonger technically didn't do anything wrong, he was the rightful king at the time and wouldn't have been placed in bonds. Just didn't seem like the right way to leave that character but totally get it
Apr 3, 2014
Instead of riri


Rihanna? :whoo:


American Weirdo
May 23, 2012
Brehs, is the title of Black Panther and King a package deal in Wakanda at all times or nah?

The reason I ask is because, in Civil War, T'Challa explains that because his father is now dead that he not only must be the protector of Wakanda through being BP, but now King as well.

However, it seems to be implied that T'Chaka, perhaps in his older age, passed on the title of BP to his son despite remaining king. The reason I assume this is because, without returning to Wakanda after T'Chaka's death, BP already had the suit ready to go and was clearly enhanced by the herb.

But then in BP they go back to making it seem like King + BP are a package. When Erik becomes "King", the elder says "We must keep the herb for the next king."

So what do you brehs think?
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The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
Just saw it

Good not great film , I think the discussions about the film really push it's legacy more.

Cgi was awful , i heard about it first so it distracted me throughout the film but the BP killmonger fight scene just was in your face bad.

Wish they didn't kill both klau and killmonger both of the actors brought those characters to life . Someone mentioning killing killmonger out of convenience, which I disagree with. But I see the issue because killmonger technically didn't do anything wrong, he was the rightful king at the time and wouldn't have been placed in bonds. Just didn't seem like the right way to leave that character but totally get it

Cgi was mainly just bad during final fight. It's pretty decent to good for the rest of the film. Also, technically since T'Challa never yielded or died, Killmonger wasn't really the king at the time, T'Challa still was.

And I still don't see how so many of ya'll fools still making claims that Killmonger never did anything wrong, lol smh. Means to an end doesn't negate vile acts, even if you have understandable reasons and views and at the end of the day, wasn't even altruistic goals either, just pure selfishness masked behind a quasi-liberation angle.


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
Brehs, is the title of Black Panther and King a package deal in Wakanda at all times or nah?

The reason I ask is because, in Civil War, T'Challa explains that because his father is now dead that he not only must be the protector of Wakanda through being BP, but now King as well.

However, it seems to be implied that T'Chaka, perhaps in his older age, passed on the title of BP to his son despite remaining king. The reason I assume this is because, without returning to Wakanda after T'Chaka's death, BP already had the suit ready to go and was clearly enhanced by the herb.

But then in BP they go back to making it seem like King + BP are a package. When Erik becomes "King", the elder says "We must keep the herb for the next king."

So what do you brehs think?
Yeah, the can and often go hand in hand, but don't always and doesn't have to be both.
Aug 21, 2014
Saw it twice and it is top 3 for Marvel movies for me. The pacing was great, Wakanda was beautiful, and the characters really got me into it. Outside of disliking the final fight between BP and Killmonger I just don't get why T'Chaka left his bros body. If youre going to go alll that way to murk someone why would you leave his body for his kid to find. I know he said that Erik was the truth he wanted to ignore but c'mon now. Movie was great though, and while it wasn't exactly an origin story it introduced Wakanda and a lot of characters and didn't have any moments (to me) where you're wondering how much longer it is gonna last