It's pretty much both. It's funny because prior to this movie the narrative was it wasn't gonna do well. Now it's "Infinity War is gonna do better" as if that's supposed to undermine Black Panther's success.
Yep. I'd say the majority of these fan sites and youtube channels have brought out every excuse.
- Critics just liking it for political reasons
- Just getting the Wonder Woman treatment
- Its a solid origin entry to the MCU.
When they are enthusiastic "It's a top 10 Marvel movie! or Its a solid origin entry to the MCU. "
Drown it out before Infinity War then months later people can say "See I told you it was overrated"
Even though Wonder Woman got backlash I saw more support on other forums/youtube about its "quality"
And even though its got better reviews than Logan I damn sure aint seeing it get that kinda support or love.
I really thought this would get Logan type praise at least.
Another thing I'm noticing..
Yall know I support/give praise to MBJ. However, I'm starting to

at anybody
shytting on Chadwick/Black Panther to support MBJ/Killmonger.