Just came back from the 7:00 PM showing with my homeboys and
10/10 Top 3 if not BEST MCU film. Did not feel like an MCU film. Not even the jokes. Only compliant was CGI and that was not even a big issue for me. I don't know what the hell people were complaining about when it came to the action. The action in this film was on point and the hand to hand combats you can see the Creed influence from the homie Ryan Coogler(may god bless this man and every of his future projects). The action was GOOD and the final fight was good imo. But people gotta understand that this film is about the MESSAGE and not just fight scenes after fight scenes. Wait for infinity war...
Moving on... The beginning quickly grabs you in. I LOVE the music/soundtrack. I feared it would be only Hip Hop(not that this is a bad thing but this film is set in Africa) but it was mostly AFRICAN soundtrack that give it a regal Lion Kings feel. They used the trap beats at the RIGHT time whenever Killmonger swagging in(I'll save him for later). The comedy was always at the right time and not forced like many other MCU movies.
As for the characters. There was one I did not like. I was already hooked on Shuri and the types of words she used(do not even wanna spoil something as minor as this. WATCH FILM), Nakia and chemistry with T'Challa was on point. But oh boy... Danai Gurira character was more baddass here than in Walking Dead. I ENJOYED seeing her character every time she came up. Ryan did a good job with the characters but I feel Gurira's character was big enough to become an even BIGGER character in the MCU with how badass Ryan made her. You can tell she is limited in the Walking Dead. And they said this movie had little action?
And now for the part we been waiting for. Killmonger....

All those smileys describe my reactions to the character. I SWEAR I WILL NEVER doubt Michael B Jordan EVER again. I will NEVER just go based off trailers(felt the trailers did not do the character good). Michael B Jordan destroyed this role. I don't care if I get called a nikka nerd(so big it) but his character made me tear because what he was fighting for was the REALEST "villain theme" I've ever seen in a superhero movie. Killmonger is an anti-hero. Someone who believes their cause is good but goes about in a wrong way like Lex. But even still some may not even consider him an anti-hero/villain and character above Lex. Moving along fukk Killmonger being the best MCU villain. I say this because Killmonger shouldn't even be compared to these MCU villians(Thanos included), he is in a league well above them. Whether you argue Magneto, Joker(Health) , or Killmonger is the best villain, I believe Killmonger is up there with those two. The end quote (will not spoil) from Killmonger also knocked me out. But I feel the ending resolved everything. T'Challa and KM had different views like MLK and Malcolm X. WATCH THE FILM. Again 10/10. Chadwick, Ryan, Jordan and Wright all have GOOD futures especially after this film. This film deserves every box office record and praising reviews it gets.
Also after the film was done I was chopping it up with this other group of blacks. We shared our thoughts. Overall good atmosphere in the theater. Many liked my Black Panther hoody. No hating cacs instead they enjoyed the film. Everyone did. I haven't been this way about a film since forever. WATCH THE FILM PEOPLE. Yes its
financially owned by Disney but the creative art and direction is OWNED by blacks.
Note: made sure not to spoil anything.