Could have easily watched another 2 hours of this if the orginal cut being 4hrs report was true.
Fam i cant wait for this 4k blu ray. I hope they have an extended cut version I can watch as a whole and not just bonus scenes tacked on via the special features section.
Thought the movie was good. Disagree with people that said its better than Civil War or Winter Soldier. I'd put it on the same level as GOTG.
Characters were good. Villain was great. Good writing (for the most part. Some of the jokes had me like)
CGI could use some work but it wasn't bad enough to complain about.
Guardians ain't better than this movie breh cut it out

Winter Soldier is the only movie in the MCU that can even have a conversation with Black Panther.
Civil War was amazing too but moreso for the amazing moments. As an overall body of work, as a film, no it doesn't compare either.