Official Black Panther Film Thread (SPOILERS)


The Great Negro
Nov 7, 2015
Kansas City, MO.
For one Black Panther should've gotten a origins movie. But his shoehorn into Civil War plus the fact that it's dropping months before Infinity War killed that idea.
Origin movies are always garbage. They gave us enough to get into what we came for. We have the internet, you can look up T'Challa's past. We don't need to know what T'challa was like in the 6th grade.
For two this movie should've been 3 hours minimum or at least split into 2 parts. And because it wasn't the story suffered greatly. The ONLY thing that saved this movie from being shyt was the actor performances, cinematography and score.
It was the right amount of time. Any longer and we would have had a lot of meaningless love story shyt.


1. How does the Winter Soldier get to live but not Killmonger? T'Challa is his blood but both were too quick to kill each other. Didn't make sense. People say Killmonger is better than Loki and compared him to Heath Ledgers joker but both of those villains survived. Just a thought.
T'Challa offered to heal Killmonger. He chose to die rather than going to jail.

2. Unless Killmonger knew Zemo was going to blow up that building, ain't no way in hell he knew T'Challa was going to be crowned king and show up that fast. Showing up that early was the only chance he would've had realistically. Killmonger s back story was so rushed that the only two white characters were inserted just to give exposotion and to lazily fill in gaps in his story arc.
Killmonger specialized in over-throwing governments and T'Chaka died in like the most public way possible. How would he NOT know? And Killmonger had been preparing his whole life to "invade" Wakanda. He's a very capable strategist and well-educated.

3. IF Wakanda has spies in every country then they should've had some type of roll throughout the entire MCU, including shows like agents of shield. Their fingerprints should be all over the MCU by now. And how isolated can you be if again, you got spies all over the world?

Spies are supposed to stay hidden. They are supposed to spy, not get involved in every world event. Wakanda has never had a reason to get involved with shyt outside their borders. They had spies out there just to keep an eye on things. T'Chaka even had a spy on his brother who was a spy. Only revealed themselves when they needed to.

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
i hope your rep can survive this...

Marvel Gang does NOT endorse OPs message :RocketMarvel:

:mjpls: I am marvel gang.

But you gotta admit, this should been the first movie of phase 2. And Wakanda should've been the center of the MCU by now.

They wait until a few months before Thanos pulls up to bring in a more advanced culture? I just don't like how they did it.

Killmonger s message resonates that much more once you put black panther role in the MCU into perspective.


Mansur Brown - "Heiwa"
May 1, 2012
but killmonger worked with klaw too :BlackPantherUmad:

after that Hatut Zeraze investigation into his actions prior to the election, his ass woulda been grass :BlackPantherYouMad:

:noah: we need them in BP2.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
why would t'challa need a origin movie when the black panther unlike other super heroes in the MCU his powers are passed down.

Filming in Africa would have probably increased the budget some more breh, georgia gives big film tax credts

3. IF Wakanda has spies in every country then they should've had some type of roll throughout the entire MCU, including shows like agents of shield. Their fingerprints should be all over the MCU by now. And how isolated can you be if again, you got spies all over the world?

breh most countries have spies across the world, even isolated nations like north korea

4. They should've kept the entire movie in Wakanda. But again, they had to get that obligatory Asian location to make up for the lack of one in Thor and Spiderman.

If the whole movie was in wakanda you would not get to see the oakland scene, the museum scene, the nigeria scene, nor the club/car chase
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Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
an ethnic vagina finder thread brehs


It is what It is. I been #marvelset day one and have praised this movie.

I've even said this will boost infinity wars box office numbers.

Not to mention I was one of the only people that predicted the DCEU would flop BEFORE BVS started filming. So despite the screen name I kinda know a little something.

And this critique was also a major compliment to the actors.

Unlike Wonder Woman where Gadot was the only one who cared about her performance all of the actors in NO gave 1000%. They all took pride in their roles.


Mansur Brown - "Heiwa"
May 1, 2012
After watching this movie a second time I had to make a thread to rip it as well as marvel :snoop:

This movie should been so much more and Black Panther should've been the FIRST phase 2 movie not iron man 3 :mjpls:

They teased Wakanda in iron man 2 :mindblown:

Wakanda should be the center of the MCU, not the Avengers tower.

I think in Infinity War this will be the case.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
After seeing black panther a second time I realized just how flawed this movie is and how the MCU has gotten lazy with their movies. As a Marvel Stan I pay attention to everything and it's clear the studio has become complacent. And the fact that Feinge has said they won't be doing phases anymore shows I'm right.
The Phases and the line between them have been fairly arbitrary so saying their won't be any is still a bit undefined as to what that means. Saying it proves complaceny really doesn't make sense to me.
For one Black Panther should've gotten a origins movie. But his shoehorn into Civil War plus the fact that it's dropping months before Infinity War killed that idea.
Maybe, but you can't argue with the results of shoehorning him into CW.
For two this movie should've been 3 hours minimum or at least split into 2 parts. And because it wasn't the story suffered greatly. The ONLY thing that saved this movie from being shyt was the actor performances, cinematography and score.
They have never made a three hour movie man. That's not their thing, they doing blockbusters not art houses pieces. And I believe he will get a part 2 and 3 . You know because most successful character introductions in the MCU garner trilogies.
For 3 if you gonna make a film in Africa.....FILM the bytch in AFRICA. And if you're going to use cgi would it hurt to used the same equipment that was used to make AVATAR? I think a lot of studios that make these super hero movies used way to much cgi to cut costs but in the end it hurts the product.
That would have been admirable but this is the first part of an unproven commodity. In order to assure their money they cut cost on locations and special effects. The CGI wasn't perfect but it was passable, I've seen worse in other movies even MCU movies.



1. How does the Winter Soldier get to live but not Killmonger? T'Challa is his blood but both were too quick to kill each other. Didn't make sense. People say Killmonger is better than Loki and compared him to Heath Ledgers joker but both of those villains survived. Just a thought.
Killmonger killed himself didn't he? I mean if you are against that choice as far as writing fine by me but their could be more things at play. Maybe Michael B. Jordan didn't want to keep doing the character. Maybe his ending was a story choice very important to Coogler. Who knows. :manny:

2. Unless Killmonger knew Zemo was going to blow up that building, ain't no way in hell he knew T'Challa was going to be crowned king and show up that fast. Showing up that early was the only chance he would've had realistically. Killmonger s back story was so rushed that the only two white characters were inserted just to give exposotion and to lazily fill in gaps in his story arc. T'Chaka dying was worldwide news man, didn't they replay a news clip of it in this movie?

3. IF Wakanda has spies in every country then they should've had some type of roll throughout the entire MCU, including shows like agents of shield. Their fingerprints should be all over the MCU by now. And how isolated can you be if again, you got spies all over the world?
The spies purpose is to keep Wakanda off people's radar. What plot point would they fulfill in other stories besides that?

4. They should've kept the entire movie in Wakanda. But again, they had to get that obligatory Asian location to make up for the lack of one in Thor and Spiderman.
Yeah, definitely a $ play to keep Asian markets interested. I can understand disliking that.

I could keep going but I'm gonna end it with this. After you get past the emotions, Black Panther and Wakanda have been grossly neglected. It should've been the First Movie of phase 2. I think after civil war, Marvel is trying to make up for what should've been integrated a long time ago.
Seeing the reception, acclaim and box office I think it was right on time. I mean it could have come sooner but who cares now? BP name is ringing all sorts of bells.

They bumped BP for spiderman which speaks to their initial confidence level.
Yeah, I could understand that. Despite this success and all their planning I don't think they saw this coming.
All in all, Marvel is starting to become it's own worst enemy and it's becoming quantity over quality.
I disagree, this is like one of their best movies and it just came out. How is that a sign of starting anything bad?

Seeing black panther and certain Wakandans in the infinity war trailer took a little peice of excitement from the black panther movie. They also need to stop with the release dates of their movies. Just wait until the last minute. Instead of wasting money on marketing, they should use more of in on the film.
Again marketing and promotion are a huge part of movie's success. That's what Disney, Marvel is in this for the money not to making high art, box office be damned. They not doing anything that would mean less money for them. Know who you are dealing with.

You'r buggin' homie. :francis:
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Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
You'r buggin' homie. :francis:

Your opinion with spies is meh at best. WAKANDA wasn't off the radar, just their tech.

Furthermore, age of ultron would've been a good time to come out.

I get the need to defend Marvels every move. At one point people complained about the tv characters not crossing over until it faded. 19 movies and 10 movies deep. They make mistakes. When you're running a universe that big, flaws every now and then are to be expected.

How they treated Wakanda is one of their biggest. AND YES marvel uses a formula. And everybody has tried to copy it. Eventually you have to do something new. You could see how and why they thought this was their most important marvel movie to date. But if Wakanda was in Israel and black panther was white tiger or some shyt, that culture would've been introduced years ago into the MCU.

And for the record I paid to see it twice. And I'm seeing it again tomorrow. I just want shyt to be done right. I want BP to be higher than any other character. Anything less isn't acceptable.


May 1, 2012
Essex County, NJ
t’chala was pretty reckless in trying to keep wakanda a secret. :patrice:

high speed chases through Korean streets while on top of a Lexus in the panther suit, letting Koreans take pictures and videos of him in his suit, double parking a wakandan ship in the middle of the hood. :patrice:

Same thing happened in Civil War.

Keep in mind this is only a few hours after a UN summit was bombed meaning everyone in the world is looking for Bucky at that moment.