Official Black Panther Film Thread (SPOILERS)


Feb 12, 2013
Killmonger' plan was stupid. If Thanos didn't exist (cuz even Wakanda couldn't do that alone, though they have the best chance) he should have been patient.

If he was really about it, I would have annexed some territory, slowly open up an expanded Wakanda to select black people worldwide. c00ns who possibly spy for another country like the states or Canada or a European country are executed.

If you have ever played a Civilization game then you'll know what I'm talking about. It's better to go for a cultural and scientific victory than conquest in this case. Once your tech is to the level that you are practically invincible then you can invade. Even then, I wouldn't go for conquest but instead remotely improve the stock of black people worldwide. If an unjust police shooting/brutality case occurs then there will be consequences, if outright discrimination occurs then consequences, racist comment to the media then consequences.

Bringing everyone to Wakanda is not a good idea, it will damage the culture that made it so successful in the first place. But allowing the diaspora to elevate their standard of living and education to greater heights is the better option.

Again, eventually, the fact you are so scientifically advanced and rich will allow you to become a world power or "rule" the world. In time.

Going around starting an unprepared war is stupid.
Killmonger aint know what the fukk he was doing. The dumbest thing he did was burn those flowers. nikka trying to take over the world and he just burned a flower bed full of plants that just turned him into a super soldier. He could have had an elite guard full of super soldiers in a matter of hours.

fukk those spears. Mass produce those Black Panther suit necklaces and ship those to your operatives. A platoon of black panthers would fukk shyt up.


Mansur Brown - "Heiwa"
May 1, 2012
The more I think about it, if Killmonger is truly dead and T'challa managed to get some more heart shaped herb (even though we've been led to believe it was all destroyed) he could potentially hit up the spirit realm and politic with him. Maybe even pick his brain about certain things.


hit it, & I didn't go Erykah Badu crazy, #yallmad
May 20, 2012
my review...

the most standout performance belongs to Sterling K. Brown, he highlighted the black struggle in america perfectly, I don't watch This is us, but he was really good

the movie starts off pretty slow and I must admit, its the ultra black stuff that gets in the way (im black before yall start) im the same person who said the diversity in Spiderman Homecoming brought it down, but i realize that in Black Panther they are just stage setting for the rest of the film and its good what they ended up doing, the little sister stuff isn't as cute to me as it was to other people, They clearly geared this movie toward females and it worked, but I know they will be stronger female performances later on in the year.

overall, i don't have much to say about this film, its a good film, and I like it but there should be ten films better than this to come out this year. as reference point, I thought Get Out was a top two film last year, it just wasn't better than Collosal

i'll give it 8 out of 10.


The Coli's Ralph Ellison
Oct 31, 2012
Old Brooklyn
The movie was excellent.

I love the fact that a superhero movie could have us debating the political/racial/ethnic ramifications - that's a beautiful thing.

So many messages in this movie done effortlessly and with a type of nuance that made Marvel really earn my respect.

One of the biggest messages that I haven't seen brehs touch on directly -

The fact that from the Strict Wakandan traditions to the Tunnel Vision of Killmonger showed that one of the biggest tragedies of a great people is the inability to be flexible w/ one's ideology.

Had T'Chaka just stopped for a minute and allowed himself to truly consider his brother's thoughts and offer some compassion - this whole mess wouldn't have happened.

Had he not been thinking so selfishly, he would have been able to bring back Killmonger (I hate to call him this is this context) and helped him grow while, at the same time, allowing Wakandan society to grow to accept their "lost" brothers and sisters throughout the world.

Had Killmonger just stopped and really reflected on his plan, he'd have told himself to chill and go about it in a better way. His inability to compromise or have compassion or consider alternative paths was completely evident in how effortless he was able to kill someone he formed a bond to. A person like that can not lead.

There is so much.

Oh...And I know this is going to sound blasphemous... but...

2 things almost killed my immersion:

1. The CGI battles in the Panther suit. They need to scrap that shyt. fukking trash much like Spiderman. They need to do more Chadwick or his stunt double in the actual suit and film much of the fights. It's unacceptable for the CGI to be so bad.

2. Michael B. Jordan's acting. Honestly, outside of some really great quotables, his acting was low key cringe worthy for me, brehs. shyt was textbook comic book movie acting. It was as if he read the script and made the conscious effort to make sure he "sounded" like a comic book character. It was a clear difference between him and almost everyone else.

I'm not saying he's a bad actor. He's a really good actor. My thing is, he came off too hockey. That being said... his opening scene at the Museum and the last line he gave were powerful
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Just got out my 6th viewing. Movie is still a masterpiece, a joy to behold, not one wasted frame or arc.

A couple of tidbits.

Maybe it’s because I’ve been a fan of the comics for years, but it’s starting to bug the fukk outta me these ignorant comments about T’Challa just up and deciding to “give” the world Vibranium. That’s NOT how it works and T’Challa doesn’t become some soft hearted c00n singing We Are The World and shyt. Wakanda is STILL 98% an isolationist nation. They STILL horde most of their supply of Vibranium, and T’Challa STILL doesn’t bow to will of ANY outsider.

What happens is that Wakanda shares some of their knowledge of science, math, astronomy, magic, medicine to help the rest of the world catch up a bit. This helps curve issues like starvation, global warming, and the energy crisis. It isn’t a All-You-Can-Eat buffet of knowledge either, it is more of a morsel of what they’ve figured out. So if Wakanda is 30 years ahead of the outside world, they’ll give you enough to catch up 10 or so.

Other odds and ends

- that boat scene with Lupita dancing should have lasted just THREE seconds longer so it could go from:banderas: to a true :noah:

-Klau was really great. The first three times I watched the movie I was kind of silently checking my mental clock waiting for his arc to end so Kilmonger’s could begin, but he really makes the most of his screentime. In ANY other movie he’d be a great lead villain. I hope Andy Serkis gets the chance to really sink his teeth into a deranged live action villain one day

-It takes repeated viewings to really get how deep Chadwicke plays T’Challa. He is, in essence, the PERFECT one to play him. He embodies the true spirit of the comic character, both Priest’s AND Hudlin’s versions, which is a hell of feat to channel two different interpretations. If this were any other movie than a “comic book” movie critics would be salivating at how he’s able to bring such PRESENCE to an otherwise stoic character.

- After Avengers Infinity War parts 1 & 2. I don’t even know if I’ll ever again bother spending money on another Marvel movie that’s not a Black Panther sequel. How do you go from the depth and poignancy of this movie to...Ant Man? Guardians? Spiderman? They’ll all feel hollow and soulless to me.

-There are very nuanced messages in Kilmonger’s character that I feel are being overlooked. Namely his treatment of the women. People are writing think pieces about toxic masculinity and Kilmonger being some woman hater when I feel his character is played MUCH deeper than the average misogynist. If we are contrasting Kilmonger Vs T’Challa; their viewpoints and upbringing it’s pretty telling at what I feel Coogler was going for.

T’Challa was raised all of his life under Wakandan tradition. In Wakanda women are equal to men. When M’Baku challenges T’Challa and scoffs at T’Challa allowing the nation’s advancements to be overseen by Shuri, it is not because she is female, it is because she is a CHILD. During the coronation when Zuri asks if anyone would be willing to challenge T’Challa and Shuri playfully raises her hand. The shock on everyone’s faces is because she’s literally T’Challa’s closest kin, NOT because she’s female. T’Challa also has no issues taking advice from both the Dora Milaje, his mother Ramonda, Shuri, and Nakia. The last thing his father tells him is to surround himself with trustworthy and wise people. T’Challa takes heed of this.

Kilmonger grew up poor, in the Hood, without his father. And presumably without his mother. There was no one to guide him on taking advice and council. He HAD to grow up thinking that people were expendable, men and women. So when he kills his girlfriend, it isn’t because he’s a He-Man woman hater, it’s because he’s learned that “everyone dies, that’s life around here”. So her death doesn’t have an emotional effect on him.

Women are the emotional counter balances of men. When W’kabi Is confronted by Okoye, he looks around and is able to see what SHE sees; Wakanda on Wakanda violence. The senseless loss of life, and he submits to her, seeing her truth as the ONE truth.

Kilmonger has no emotional counter balance, so he cannot see the wisdom of the council of women. When he chokes out the elder female shaman, it’s not because she’s a woman, it’s because she dared to question an order. The heart shaped Herb grant heightened abilities, but it does NOT grant immortality. Kilmonger would one day have to sire children and produce an heir, but he didn’t listen to the woman’s council, who forsaw this.

When he kills the Dora, again it’s not strictly an act of woman hating; he’s killing someone who defied him, DESPITE the fact that Okoye, Their leader, who had JUST tearfully chosen Kilmonger in loyalty to the throne, counciled him that the challenge wasn’t over. Kilmonger REFUSED to listen and suffered a coupe because of it.

Every thing Coogler did in this movie that highlighted Kilmonger Vs T’Challa puts extra depth on WHY Kilmonger, even though he was right, was destined to fail. Right down to the Simple Vs Gaudy.

T’Challa at the beginning of the movie sees the ornate gold necklace and rejects it, preferring the simplicity and invisibility of the small silver necklace. In contrast, Kilmonger chooses the Heavy, Thick, Flashy Gold Necklace as a symbol of his power and triumph. Because, as a black kid from poverty, he still associates shine and bling with worthiness and prosperity.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Just got out my 6th viewing. Movie is still a masterpiece, a joy to behold, not one wasted frame or arc.

A couple of tidbits.

Maybe it’s because I’ve been a fan of the comics for years, but it’s starting to bug the fukk outta me these ignorant comments about T’Challa just up and deciding to “give” the world Vibranium. That’s NOT how it works and T’Challa doesn’t become some soft hearted c00n singing We Are The World and shyt. Wakanda is STILL 98% an isolationist nation. They STILL horde most of their supply of Vibranium, and T’Challa STILL doesn’t bow to will of ANY outsider.

What happens is that Wakanda shares some of their knowledge of science, math, astronomy, magic, medicine to help the rest of the world catch up a bit. This helps curve issues like starvation, global warming, and the energy crisis. It isn’t a All-You-Can-Eat buffet of knowledge either, it is more of a morsel of what they’ve figured out. So if Wakanda is 30 years ahead of the outside world, they’ll give you enough to catch up 10 or so.

Other odds and ends

- that boat scene with Lupita dancing should have lasted just THREE seconds longer so it could go from:banderas: to a true :noah:

-Klau was really great. The first three times I watched the movie I was kind of silently checking my mental clock waiting for his arc to end so Kilmonger’s could begin, but he really makes the most of his screentime. In ANY other movie he’d be a great lead villain. I hope Andy Serkis gets the chance to really sink his teeth into a deranged live action villain one day

-It takes repeated viewings to really get how deep Chadwicke plays T’Challa. He is, in essence, the PERFECT one to play him. He embodies the true spirit of the comic character, both Priest’s AND Hudlin’s versions, which is a hell of feat to channel two different interpretations. If this were any other movie than a “comic book” movie critics would be salivating at how he’s able to bring such PRESENCE to an otherwise stoic character.

- After Avengers Infinity War parts 1 & 2. I don’t even know if I’ll ever again bother spending money on another Marvel movie that’s not a Black Panther sequel. How do you go from the depth and poignancy of this movie to...Ant Man? Guardians? Spiderman? They’ll all feel hollow and soulless to me.

-There are very nuanced messages in Kilmonger’s character that I feel are being overlooked. Namely his treatment of the women. People are writing think pieces about toxic masculinity and Kilmonger being some woman hater when I feel his character is played MUCH deeper than the average misogynist. If we are contrasting Kilmonger Vs T’Challa; their viewpoints and upbringing it’s pretty telling at what I feel Coogler was going for.

T’Challa was raised all of his life under Wakandan tradition. In Wakanda women are equal to men. When M’Baku challenges T’Challa and scoffs at T’Challa allowing the nation’s advancements to be overseen by Shuri, it is not because she is female, it is because she is a CHILD. During the coronation when Zuri asks if anyone would be willing to challenge T’Challa and Shuri playfully raises her hand. The shock on everyone’s faces is because she’s literally T’Challa’s closest kin, NOT because she’s female. T’Challa also has no issues taking advice from both the Dora Milaje, his mother Ramonda, Shuri, and Nakia. The last thing his father tells him is to surround himself with trustworthy and wise people. T’Challa takes heed of this.

Kilmonger grew up poor, in the Hood, without his father. And presumably without his mother. There was no one to guide him on taking advice and council. He HAD to grow up thinking that people were expendable, men and women. So when he kills his girlfriend, it isn’t because he’s a He-Man woman hater, it’s because he’s learned that “everyone dies, that’s life around here”. So her death doesn’t have an emotional effect on him.

Women are the emotional counter balances of men. When W’kabi Is confronted by Okoye, he looks around and is able to see what SHE sees; Wakanda on Wakanda violence. The senseless loss of life, and he submits to her, seeing her truth as the ONE truth.

Kilmonger has no emotional counter balance, so he cannot see the wisdom of the council of women. When he chokes out the elder female shaman, it’s not because she’s a woman, it’s because she dared to question an order. The heart shaped Herb grant heightened abilities, but it does NOT grant immortality. Kilmonger would one day have to sire children and produce an heir, but he didn’t listen to the woman’s council, who forsaw this.

When he kills the Dora, again it’s not strictly an act of woman hating; he’s killing someone who defied him, DESPITE the fact that Okoye, Their leader, who had JUST tearfully chosen Kilmonger in loyalty to the throne, counciled him that the challenge wasn’t over. Kilmonger REFUSED to listen and suffered a coupe because of it.

Every thing Coogler did in this movie that highlighted Kilmonger Vs T’Challa puts extra depth on WHY Kilmonger, even though he was right, was destined to fail. Right down to the Simple Vs Gaudy.

T’Challa at the beginning of the movie sees the ornate gold necklace and rejects it, preferring the simplicity and invisibility of the small silver necklace. In contrast, Kilmonger chooses the Heavy, Thick, Flashy Gold Necklace as a symbol of his power and triumph. Because, as a black kid from poverty, he still associates shine and bling with worthiness and prosperity.

Good observation.


Jun 19, 2015
Absolutely indeed a masterpiece and possibly even a cultural icon of the 2010s going forward. Not only is this movie still STUCK in my head but this is the only movie in a LONG TIME that I can remember seeing where every aspect of the production was on point. The script, the acting, the storyline, the cinematography, the music. It was all done with superb execution. Also seems like it has great replay value. A+++.... Definitely top 5 movie all time and should share the spot for best superhero film next to TDK. BP2 is going to be the most hyped movie of all time


All Star
May 1, 2012
Just got out my 6th viewing. Movie is still a masterpiece, a joy to behold, not one wasted frame or arc.

A couple of tidbits.

Maybe it’s because I’ve been a fan of the comics for years, but it’s starting to bug the fukk outta me these ignorant comments about T’Challa just up and deciding to “give” the world Vibranium. That’s NOT how it works and T’Challa doesn’t become some soft hearted c00n singing We Are The World and shyt. Wakanda is STILL 98% an isolationist nation. They STILL horde most of their supply of Vibranium, and T’Challa STILL doesn’t bow to will of ANY outsider.

What happens is that Wakanda shares some of their knowledge of science, math, astronomy, magic, medicine to help the rest of the world catch up a bit. This helps curve issues like starvation, global warming, and the energy crisis. It isn’t a All-You-Can-Eat buffet of knowledge either, it is more of a morsel of what they’ve figured out. So if Wakanda is 30 years ahead of the outside world, they’ll give you enough to catch up 10 or so.

Other odds and ends

- that boat scene with Lupita dancing should have lasted just THREE seconds longer so it could go from:banderas: to a true :noah:

-Klau was really great. The first three times I watched the movie I was kind of silently checking my mental clock waiting for his arc to end so Kilmonger’s could begin, but he really makes the most of his screentime. In ANY other movie he’d be a great lead villain. I hope Andy Serkis gets the chance to really sink his teeth into a deranged live action villain one day

-It takes repeated viewings to really get how deep Chadwicke plays T’Challa. He is, in essence, the PERFECT one to play him. He embodies the true spirit of the comic character, both Priest’s AND Hudlin’s versions, which is a hell of feat to channel two different interpretations. If this were any other movie than a “comic book” movie critics would be salivating at how he’s able to bring such PRESENCE to an otherwise stoic character.

- After Avengers Infinity War parts 1 & 2. I don’t even know if I’ll ever again bother spending money on another Marvel movie that’s not a Black Panther sequel. How do you go from the depth and poignancy of this movie to...Ant Man? Guardians? Spiderman? They’ll all feel hollow and soulless to me.

-There are very nuanced messages in Kilmonger’s character that I feel are being overlooked. Namely his treatment of the women. People are writing think pieces about toxic masculinity and Kilmonger being some woman hater when I feel his character is played MUCH deeper than the average misogynist. If we are contrasting Kilmonger Vs T’Challa; their viewpoints and upbringing it’s pretty telling at what I feel Coogler was going for.

T’Challa was raised all of his life under Wakandan tradition. In Wakanda women are equal to men. When M’Baku challenges T’Challa and scoffs at T’Challa allowing the nation’s advancements to be overseen by Shuri, it is not because she is female, it is because she is a CHILD. During the coronation when Zuri asks if anyone would be willing to challenge T’Challa and Shuri playfully raises her hand. The shock on everyone’s faces is because she’s literally T’Challa’s closest kin, NOT because she’s female. T’Challa also has no issues taking advice from both the Dora Milaje, his mother Ramonda, Shuri, and Nakia. The last thing his father tells him is to surround himself with trustworthy and wise people. T’Challa takes heed of this.

Kilmonger grew up poor, in the Hood, without his father. And presumably without his mother. There was no one to guide him on taking advice and council. He HAD to grow up thinking that people were expendable, men and women. So when he kills his girlfriend, it isn’t because he’s a He-Man woman hater, it’s because he’s learned that “everyone dies, that’s life around here”. So her death doesn’t have an emotional effect on him.

Women are the emotional counter balances of men. When W’kabi Is confronted by Okoye, he looks around and is able to see what SHE sees; Wakanda on Wakanda violence. The senseless loss of life, and he submits to her, seeing her truth as the ONE truth.

Kilmonger has no emotional counter balance, so he cannot see the wisdom of the council of women. When he chokes out the elder female shaman, it’s not because she’s a woman, it’s because she dared to question an order. The heart shaped Herb grant heightened abilities, but it does NOT grant immortality. Kilmonger would one day have to sire children and produce an heir, but he didn’t listen to the woman’s council, who forsaw this.

When he kills the Dora, again it’s not strictly an act of woman hating; he’s killing someone who defied him, DESPITE the fact that Okoye, Their leader, who had JUST tearfully chosen Kilmonger in loyalty to the throne, counciled him that the challenge wasn’t over. Kilmonger REFUSED to listen and suffered a coupe because of it.

Every thing Coogler did in this movie that highlighted Kilmonger Vs T’Challa puts extra depth on WHY Kilmonger, even though he was right, was destined to fail. Right down to the Simple Vs Gaudy.

T’Challa at the beginning of the movie sees the ornate gold necklace and rejects it, preferring the simplicity and invisibility of the small silver necklace. In contrast, Kilmonger chooses the Heavy, Thick, Flashy Gold Necklace as a symbol of his power and triumph. Because, as a black kid from poverty, he still associates shine and bling with worthiness and prosperity.

I still feel the movie demonized “The any means necessary” for black parity.


Jun 19, 2015
The movie was excellent.

2. Michael B. Jordan's acting. Honestly, outside of some really great quotables, his acting was low key cringe worthy for me, brehs. shyt was textbook comic book movie acting. It was as if he read the script and made the conscious effort to make sure he "sounded" like a comic book character. It was a clear difference between him and almost everyone else.

I'm not saying he's a bad actor. He's a really good actor. My thing is, he came off too hockey. That being said... his opening scene at the Museum and the last line he gave were powerful
This is blasphemous. Lay off my dawg :ufdup:

If anything, the fact that you think this, highlights the strength of the acting overall, because he played a hell of a villain, and his script was genius honestly. Playing the bad guy in movies is (I think) considered to be the most difficult role. Regardless, pulled it off with great prose (is that the right word?).

Out of all the characters, his spoke to my emotions the deepest, and script-writing alone, though brilliant as it was, can not produce that.

Plus, it's not like he was some sort of well established villain in comic media. Like, say, the Joker. He definitely had his work cut out for him, and aced the test. And now, there's no nikka in America who doesn't know the name Killmonger.


Mar 20, 2013
Belle Glade FL
I'm I the the only one that think that the wakandas were c00ns? All those resources and they didn't even try to help none of the black people around the world? Why should I care about wakanda again? them nikkas is c00ns, the rest of Africa is poor, the blacks in American in around the world have been suffering, and all this time Wakanda has been setting on all this rich resources to helped the black people around the world, but they choose not to, very selfish people.
Even though I'm early into the film, I'm on some fukk Wac00nda shyt, I'm rooting for killmonger even though I know he's going to lose in the end.

Right now as I watch this movie this is the best Marvel movie since CW so far no lame ass jokes no GOTG clone shyt just straight up black excellence love it so far, even though I'm not done with the movie I'm leaning towards a 8/10 rating could be a 9/10 movie when it's all said in done for me.
Last edited:


Nov 22, 2014
The more I think about it, if Killmonger is truly dead and T'challa managed to get some more heart shaped herb (even though we've been led to believe it was all destroyed) he could potentially hit up the spirit realm and politic with him. Maybe even pick his brain about certain things.

I bet MBJ will make a spirit-realm appearance in BP 2. It is Coogler, after all.

I'm I the the only one that think that the wakandas were c00ns? All those resources and they didn't even try to help none of the black people around the world? Why should I care about wakanda again? them nikkas is c00ns, the rest of Africa is poor, the blacks in American in around the world have been suffering, and all this time Wakanda has been setting on all this rich resources to helped the black people around the world, but they choose not to, very selfish people.

The entire plot of the movie revolved around that sentiment. So no, you're not the only one.