Official Big Brother 25 thread (August 2nd)


All Star
Jun 12, 2012
Matt is in such a great position right now and is the clear frontrunner to win, the only ppl who want him out soon (Felicia/Meme) are now the house targets, and Cameron/Jag are going to do Matt's dirty work while Matt rides the middle and is in good with damn near the entire house..


Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
Cameron is trying to backdoor Cory. At this point Cory can go. Dude took his eyes off the prize once he got with America imo. He spends way too much time with her, and not building stronger relationships with the others. Shame since he had so much potential in the beginning of the game. Some people is saying he was screwed by the twist. Which is true, but it doesn’t change the fact that Cory ended up being bad at the game (like most of the players this season). Dude got waaaaaay too comfortable. So yeah, he can go. I hope this lights a fire under America, and she regroups with Cirie, Meme, and Felicia to replace Jared in Brown Sugar Babies (obviously name it something else).

Oh, and I agree with people online saying Cameron is just doing this backdoor to have America all to his self in Jury. Dude is legit a weirdo. He’s one of those dudes that won’t take no for an answer.


May 2, 2012
Cameron is trying to backdoor Cory. At this point Cory can go. Dude took his eyes off the prize once he got with America imo. He spends way too much time with her, and not building stronger relationships with the others. Shame since he had so much potential in the beginning of the game. Some people is saying he was screwed by the twist. Which is true, but it doesn’t change the fact that Cory ended up being bad at the game (like most of the players this season). Dude got waaaaaay too comfortable. So yeah, he can go. I hope this lights a fire under America, and she regroups with Cirie, Meme, and Felicia to replace Jared in Brown Sugar Babies (obviously name it something else).

Oh, and I agree with people online saying Cameron is just doing this backdoor to have America all to his self in Jury. Dude is legit a weirdo. He’s one of those dudes that won’t take no for an answer.
It's very similar to McCrea in BB15. Had the potential to be the best player in the season and it went all down hill for him once he got with Amanda.


All Star
Jun 12, 2012
Cameron is trying to backdoor Cory. At this point Cory can go. Dude took his eyes off the prize once he got with America imo. He spends way too much time with her, and not building stronger relationships with the others. Shame since he had so much potential in the beginning of the game. Some people is saying he was screwed by the twist. Which is true, but it doesn’t change the fact that Cory ended up being bad at the game (like most of the players this season). Dude got waaaaaay too comfortable. So yeah, he can go. I hope this lights a fire under America, and she regroups with Cirie, Meme, and Felicia to replace Jared in Brown Sugar Babies (obviously name it something else).

Oh, and I agree with people online saying Cameron is just doing this backdoor to have America all to his self in Jury. Dude is legit a weirdo. He’s one of those dudes that won’t take no for an answer.

This is such a bad move for Matt/Jag/Cam since it raises their target levels being the last 3 men who have also won most of the comps, but since it’s a great move for Cirie’s game I’m cool with it :ehh: ..

I think Matt’s doing this because he thinks he solidly has blue and Cirie, but blue is already throwing his name out there, and Jared told blue and Cirie to take out jag and matt to get revenge for him so I’m interested in seeing how that plays out..


Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
Meme went out looking like a complete idiot. Matt and Jag is the power. Not no damn Corey. :mjlol:
Felicia being more angry at America and Cory (who saved her weeks ago) than she is with Cam (who tried to evict her this week) is just as dumb to me.

Jag dumb azz (possible WOAT alongside Blue) is actually believing what Meme said rn. I swear, I be thinking this is the blindest/most delusional group of people that's been casted in a while. Never count these houseguest out to choose to believe the lie over the truth, and choose what benefits someone else's game over their own. This season the gameplay has been objectively bad all around except for maybe Matt and Cirie (Cirie did some very bad moves in the beginning that ain't help her long term). These people make thier moves strictly off of emotion, not strategy, or their own best interest.
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All Star
Jun 12, 2012
everyone knows Bowie and cam are close, but telling her to nom him, wtf..? :snoop:


Jul 20, 2012
Dallas by way of Houston by way of San Antonio
Felicia being more angry at America and Cory (who saved her weeks ago) than she is with Cam (who tried to evict her this week) is just as dumb to me.

Jag dumb azz (possible WOAT alongside Blue) is actually believing what Meme said rn. I swear, I be thinking this is the blindest/most delusional group of people that's been casted in a while. Never count these houseguest out to choose to believe the lie over the truth, and choose what benefits someone else's game over their own. This season the gameplay has been objectively bad all around except for maybe Matt and Cirie (Cirie did some very bad moves in the beginning that ain't help her long term). These people make thier moves strictly off of emotion, not strategy, or their own best interest.
Cam def should have put Cory on the block, but then he def wouldn't have had a chance with America. Better to be the shoulder to cry on than the object of a woman's scorn. Interested to see what Bowie does. Also don't watch feeds, so I don't know what Cam's feelings were on the flip. Hoping Cam tells Bowie to go after Cory/America.


All Star
Jun 12, 2012
everyone knows Bowie and cam are close, but telling her to nom him, wtf..? :snoop:
damn so its looking like jag/matt actually convinced bowie to backdoor him today, idk how tf they got her to take out her #1 ally who never threw her under the bus, but can't do nothing but show respect to matt/jag's social game at this point :ehh: ..


Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
People on Reddit are finally starting to see that NONE of these people are good at the game except for Matt & Cirie. I also feel like all the entertaining players (hate them or love them) left pre jury. Look who’s left:

America - Terrible at the game. Blabber mouth who nobody trust with any information because they know she tells everyone everything. Plus she can’t win a comp. I like her impulsiveness for entertainment purposes but as a game player, awful.

Blue - Nobody takes her serious. Not a strategic bone in her body. Probably the most emotional player in the house. Her game consists of solely hating Cory, and America. Another player that’s just there, and doesn’t know what the hell they’re doing. She’s a recruit, and her gameplay shows it. No respect for the game really. I remember her saying she quickly watched in the background a few seasons of the show. Season 19 was one of those few. She’s a mean girl/season 19 hg throwback. She would have fit right in on BB19. No way she wins.

Bowie - There’s nothing to say about her game that wasn’t seen this week. She clearly failed at throwing the HoH comp this week (she clearly fell on purpose in the endurance comp Jared won to). She’s trying to evict her closest ally. She's easy to manipulate. She’s just there with a permanent big ass smile on her face trying not to make ANY moves herself because then that would mean she’s an actual contestant in the game. If we’re being honest. She's just a number to all the duo’s in the house. Nobody truly fukk with her like that. She’s a follower, and a possible goat to bring to the final 2 for the easy win. She can’t think for herself, doesn’t even know her own best interests. This HoH week of her’s proves it. Nobody respects her game enough to vote for her in the end (she's one of the many that has a un-respectable game). Maybe if she goes on a little comp run she could.

Cameron - Condescending a$$hole who thinks he had to fight every week to stay because everyone else has him misunderstood. When in reality he’s just notoriously bad socially. His social game is absolutely terrible. He makes people uncomfortable, and he also comes off as a weirdo. He’s somewhat entertaining but also annoying. You got to do more than just win comps. At least Michael last season had SOME social impact on the house (people liked him as a person). People didn’t think bad things about Michael, he just won too much. Camron on the other hand doesn’t connect with anyone, and doesn’t have any of the other hg’s respect. He was always going to lose because of his personality (or lack thereof). No strategy, just an agent of chaos who would have been sitting home weeks ago if not for the twist. Terrible player who just relies on comp wins. Also, someone tell this nikka he’s not getting a call back from CBS. Stop begging Cirie for a reference for Survivor to.

Cirie- One of the best this season but that ain’t saying much. If Matt wanted her gone this week…She would be going to jury, this week. If Reilly doesn’t tell Matt to trust Jag & Cirie on her way out. Matt arguably wouldn’t have dragged her this far. While Cirie did run the house the first half of the game, and set herself up well by having a great social game. She evicted people prematurely that would have made her path to the end easy as cake. Strategically overrated. She lost steam after the Izzy eviction and has been just coasting the last few weeks. She could win the game because of the other hg’s stupidity. Not because she’s this great player. I feel like Cameron protected her somewhat this season to because he wants her reference for Survivor (spoiler alert, she ain’t giving him shyt). Then of course she had her son in the game that was a big advantage (and disadvantage) as well. I do expect her to turn back on and get back in the game soon.

Cory - He thinks he has the house all figured out. Similar to Jared he’s arrogant, and talks too much. He has his moments here and there but for the most part. He does many things that a decent player would not do. Honestly I think luck has kind of been on his side so far this season. Because these hg have plotted to get him out so many times but they ultimately decided against it. He could have easily been evicted pre jury. He also cannot win competition’s. Just all around bad gameplay. He’s too much of a passive player. He just let things happen, when he should be taking action. And he says the wrong things to the wrong people, at the wrong times often to. Luckiest player this season, by far (Jag's a close 2nd). I can’t stress that enough this dude has been in danger tons of times this season and 9 times out of 10 he didn’t even know it. Somehow the ones in control every week decided against it. But they were always close to pulling the trigger on him.

Felicia - Just there to gossip, another mean girl who thinks she should just be carried to final 2 because she sees herself as an easy goat to bring to the end. She’s rode Cirie’s coattails the entire game. Then wants to call out others to “play their own game”. Hypocrite and entitled (in the game). Love her and she's entertaining but the truth is the truth.

Jag - If Cirie didn’t tell Matt to use his power to save Jag a month ago. Jag would be gone prejury. He should not be in the house. Truly awful player who got lucky the real player (Matt) took him under his wing. Truth be told when I watch feeds. I genuinely be surprised to see hg talking to Jag. Because technically..He’s a ghost. His BB life was (or should have been) over when he was evicted. But a twist kept his spirit in the house. Arguably the worst player this season (Blue and America are up there to). Don’t let his current position in the house fool you. Dude is strategically dumb. He can win comps at least. I’ll give him that. I noticed dude is beginning to get cocky lately to. This position Matt's helped him get in has him gassed up. I know he'll fukk it up possibly for the both of them soon.

Matt - Best player in the game. Rocky start at first but socially dude has been doing what a (at least) decent player should do. Good at competitions to. All around good player. Not much to complain about with his game. Decent strategist, great socially.

Spoiler alert. If Cirie gets Matt out someway. She’s winning this season. If she does’t, Matt wins. Simple as that (even though Cam is ratting out and exposing Jatt rn). I legit think these hg are too bad of players to stop Matt or Cirie from winning. Matt wins even Cirie wins the final HoH and she brings him (she wouldn't do that i'm just saying). It'd be funny If I had to predict final 4 today. I'd say Matt, Cirie, Felicia, America/Bowie. Cory is a possible candidate as well. I really think luck is on his side.
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All Star
Jun 12, 2012
As of now, everyone except Cory and America wanna throw the hoh this Thursday :mjlol: this season is hilarious haha..!


May 2, 2012
Man I watch Survivor on, and off. The premiere tonight lol. One of the tribes is a mess. That Emily chick seems a little :mjpls:I hope not because she seems like fukkery/the villain the season needs. Why it seems like she always saying something about the black people though?
The two black women are the ones targeting the black men. :mjlol: