I never understood how he could have such a big fanbase. He was insufferable that season. I know people didn’t like Jen, but he started that trend of verbally abusing people to get them to do bad in comps, and scared before evictions. Paul baited Josh into doing it, then Josh cried afterwards like he was a Manchurian candidate.Evil dikk was just as arrogant and rude. If Jared poured a coke over America, there'd be a lynch mob right outside the BB studio.
Ivette said Kaysar was a sand-n-word, and was ridiculously loyal to two white men, both conservative, one a middle aged firefighter they called Cappy.I don’t rock with Jared but he ain’t as bad as these people I could name off top. Definitely not defending him (he deserves a lot of the hate he’s getting imo) but I would argue most of these people were objectively worse than Jared:
BB8 Evel dikk
BB18 Paulie
BB19 Paul (some might think he’s debatable)
BB19 Josh
Amanda (some might think she’s debatable)
Gina Marie
* I don’t remember but I think Nick, and Kaitlyn was kind of hateful to.
Jack (I legit hate this dude, imo the most mean spirited person to play not named Evel dikk, his racism was so highkey)
Nick (I would say Jared is the equivalent to Nick, they’re sort of similar)
I’ve heard of BB6 Ivette & BB10 Jessie, maybe even Memphis being bad to. I didn’t watch their seasons live though. Shyt some fan favorites probably did some worse shyt than Jared but they’re still cheered. The older seasons was at a time where a lot of more things were okay (that wouldn’t fly today). I’m sure I’m missing some people to. I probably could have named more people from BB19.
That was the first first season I started following the live feeds. Couldn't understand how someone so disrespectful and vulgar could have had such a huge fanbase. And he was a terrible father too.I never understood how he could have such a big fanbase. He was insufferable that season. I know people didn’t like Jen, but he started that trend of verbally abusing people to get them to do bad in comps, and scared before evictions. Paul baited Josh into doing it, then Josh cried afterwards like he was a Manchurian candidate.
I'm not up to date as yet but I hope she doesn't go back to telling Jared anything.Jared been a zombie for barely 2 days and Cirie already gettin Cam/Matt/Cory misted again..
Not gonna speak for anyone else, but him fukkin up ciries game, along with him being cool with and wifing cacs who drop n-bombs are the two reasons why I don't fukk wit jared..
Side note: this my first time watching bb in a long time so I been watching recaps of the seasons I miss and cirie is lowkey reminding of Paul in that one season when almost everyone he got evicted into jury was salty at him and didn't vote for him to win.. I can def see cirie making that impression too if she makes it into the finals going this direction so she needs to be careful with how she lies or whatnot..
Jared is definitely cancer to Cirie’s game. Let him stay evicted, plz.
The difference between Cirie and Paul is that Paul was terrible to people on their wat out, and Cirie is always kind (to their faces, anyway lol).
What kind of slow ass shyt is this?But real tlks, i wanted cirie to beg matt to use veto on the dbl to put her up and go to protect jared.
U gave em a head start now time for him 2 own his own game. Once that didnt happen i think the only way to save this season is if cameron gets revived and jarden goes home. As soon as jared walks thru doors she has to get up say good ans walk out too.
Ur son gone, every1 gonna target u and u have zero shot of winning. Every1 wanta dat notch on their belt of gettin put cirie. If you stay and keep losing comps even brain comps nt physical and lose its jua gonna tarnish ur reality tv rep from survivor. U have nuthin 2 gain only shyt 2 lose.
Add in jag and cameron gettin more cocky n sayin more rude and disrespectful shyt bout u behind ur back. U got nuthin 2 prove. Jus walk out afree if jared gone.
If she decides to stay, loses hoh and goes on block or backdoored she has 1 move to make only and thats a Dan funeral house meeting tell every1 jared ur son and came on show 2 get closer 2 em as u were gone on survivor so much while he was younger. Say ur done scheming and alliances n was jus tryin 2 help ur son win. Nuthin personal luv u all. Im old and slow no threat in comps have no allies. And run da dan funeral play book to win. Dats ur only play