Jarred is David level bad at this game. Cirie is the saving grace.
Jared was wild last night. This dude was telling Izzy, and Blue that he has a girl back home he’s been with since high school (7 years). But that’s not even the wild part. This guy told Izzy, and Blue that he has blue balls (no pun intended). When he was talking to Izzy he made it seem like Blue is the one who’s always bringing up sex topics, rubbing on him, and what not. He’s literally talking about himself. He legit can’t help it. HE NEEDS SEX! It’s only been 3 weeksBreh is weak af. He even told Cirie that that he wants to be in the house with Blue, and then outside the house go back to his girl Kenzie. I never thought as a Coli dude I would say this…But he a dog
I believe Izzy jokingly called him a simp to
Btw Jared keeps alluding to Blue that he has a secret in the house. He kind of slips sometimes but Blue can’t piece it all together. Him and Blue talked for like 5 hours last night. It was all about their exes, wanting to be together in the house, Jared’s secret etc.
BB streets saying the girl in this pic with Cirie is Jared’s gf. Jared, and Cirie was saying that they miss her. Cirie also said McKenzie did her hair before leaving for the show (I think she does nail tech to). Jared also implied that Cirie was supposed to be on the show, but then something came up and she couldn’t do the show, but at the very last minute she made it in time to be on the show.
I think she’s white. At least she looks white imo in her insta profile pic (Cirie has it in the caption but it’s private).His gf is Asian too? This show really set him up. Just a matter of time for him to crack.