To my knowledge they didn’t fully agree on Claire, or Alyssa. The CO planned horribly. The plan was to throw the HOH to Azah. Azah fell in like 7 minutesI feel them for being mad at Tiffany. If everyone agrees the target is Claire then don't win the HOH knowing Claire is your partner. Can't be worried about winning the gamewith jury points if you piss off everyone who will still be in the house.

They should’ve all fell after Alyssa, and Claire immediately. But they’re so fixated on hiding the CO though.
When Azah fell, Tiff said shyt i may as well win it. Plus no one wants another Ky HOH.
The only one complaining about it was X because Alyssa is his rock. He’s wanted others to be mad like him, and they didn’t care really. They understood that it happened, and they had to move on.