Official Big Brother 23 (US) Thread Coming July 7

May 7, 2012
T Dot
Ky done pissed people off again because apparently he made it too obvious that he let Alyssa win :pachaha: This fukkin guy man

from what i read kyland bet on alyssa in the high roller veto event. Meanwhile i thi k claire had beat on kyland. So it ony mks sense for him to throw it to alyssa. Cause if he won claire wld win the hoth roller veto and thats his target.

It was actual a smart move to bet on alyssa n then throw it to her. Bb wasting this side comp and otev so early man. Bb us cn never get the new gimmicks to work or impact the gm good. Bbcan better at that.


Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
I don't see how anyone can hate this season. It's literally the best cast in years, and the more entertaining half is the majority alliance. Would the CO turning on each other be better? Of course, and i prefer the power shift every week. Frenchie still being there would have been fukkery as well. But some people on reddit are saying it's a bottom tier season:heh:

Now i don't watch the episodes (maybe those are bad idk), but most of the time there's a lot going on this season on the feeds (no fights or arguments but still surprisingly fun to watch). Gameplay hasn't been amazing, but it's good imo. Tiff, X, Ky, and Hannah good or bad, you KNOW they're playing the game. Especially Tiff (and X). If the CO doesn't blow up (there's still time) at least we know there will be gamers, gaming in the final 6.

People loved season 20 when Level 6 was the secret alliance. Week by week the other (WAY more entertaining) side of the house won HOH but were legit IDIOTS (i can't stress enough how dumb they were) at the game, and got their own members out:why:People LITERALY called KC and Angela furniture for 3/4 of the season, i bullshyt you not. But they were final 4, and one of them won.

If you were a fan of Level 6 who BLINDFULLY followed each other the whole game like they were the bestest of friends outside the house before the game. I don't see how you can hate the CO having an meaningful UNDERSTANDING that will go down in BB history, and sticking together the whole game. I watched the feeds that whole entire season 20. It started out STRONG, then took a swift nose dive after the Bayleigh/Tyler argument. Which was only about halfway through the game (and the ending was wack).

Level 6 didn't lose 2 members pre jury. They decided to let them 2 go. Those 2 didn't even expose Level 6 on the way out. The 3rd member out took it on the chin as well in a double eviction. So in the end we (the viewers) never even got a L6 blowup.

The CO alliance at the least been shaky at times. Same people saying this season bad, would probably call it Top 10 if the CO disbanded right now. That single detail is the make, or break for them. I legit like everyone left in the house. Even Azah & Derek F is at least entertaining even though their game is meh.

Still, people rank BB20 a top 5 season, and rank Tyler (America's sweetheart) a top 5 player (he basically stopped playing after showmancing Angela:what:). It's a top 5 modern season MAYBE. Season 21 was more consistent imo :manny: The finale was terrible though.

At the end of the day. Season 16, 20, 22, and 23 had an alliance that ran the house (23 group could still blow up). How is it that BB20 is considered a top 5 season, and the others are considered bottom tier (and BB23 is only halfway so far lol)? When Level 6 were the least entertaining group, had (arguably) the easiest oppositions to beat, had arguably the worst finale etc. The CO at final 6 might be chaotic. Nobody knows, but everyone want's to act like they do (at least on reddit that is).
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Jul 5, 2012
Oh yeah derek f being nominated maybe for dumbest cast member ever.

1 u a celebrities son joe fraiser.

2 ur reppin for ur gay community

3 its clearly a blm season and cook out strong

Yet ur the dummy calling a black woman bytch n mentioning burning weaves n shyt. Like how stuoid n dumb r u man. Jeez u do remembee theres cameras and cancel culture coming for u after for hating on a black mother poor joe frazier must b saying that aint my son

:scust:when he was calling Tiffany a bytch. I’m like why she got to be a bytch though.

Azah :bryan: cause dudes won’t throw a competition. Earn your way. Win comps. You can’t do shyt in this game not winning comps. Her attitude is trash and the way her energy changed when DX was on the block and not britni was obvious.


Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
:scust:when he was calling Tiffany a bytch. I’m like why she got to be a bytch though.

Azah :bryan: cause dudes won’t throw a competition. Earn your way. Win comps. You can’t do shyt in this game not winning comps. Her attitude is trash and the way her energy changed when DX was on the block and not britni was obvious.

In these times, if a non masculine gay male calls a woman a bytch, it's more often going to be allowed/accepted because they're gay. Not saying it's right but that's what it is (like Ky i don't think i've personally ever called a woman a bytch in my life). There's may be some exceptions here, and there though. Because people pick, and choose who they want to be mad at.

Ky called DF out on it, and DF basically said what i said above (that it's fine because he's gay).
May 7, 2012
T Dot
Only black folk mayne. bytching whining arguging about not going on block.

Bun britni let dat bish go on block every damn week. These fools rather get mad start fights and risk their own game jus cause they dont want aim other stranger to go on da block. And they dont even have a f2 deal or nuthin in place. Smh
Aug 16, 2017
In these times, if a non masculine gay male calls a woman a bytch, it's more often going to be allowed/accepted because they're gay. Not saying it's right but that's what it is (like Ky i don't think i've personally ever called a woman a bytch in my life). There's may be some exceptions here, and there though. Because people pick, and choose who they want to be mad at.

Ky called DF out on it, and DF basically said what i said above (that it's fine because he's gay).

Same thing with JC in season 20 being able to say inappropriate things to the girls


Jul 7, 2012
I don't see how anyone can hate this season. It's literally the best cast in years, and the more entertaining half is the majority alliance. Would the CO turning on each other be better? Of course, and i prefer the power shift every week. Frenchie still being there would have been fukkery as well. But some people on reddit are saying it's a bottom tier season:heh:

Now i don't watch the episodes (maybe those are bad idk), but most of the time there's a lot going on this season on the feeds (no fights or arguments but still surprisingly fun to watch). Gameplay hasn't been amazing, but it's good imo. Tiff, X, Ky, and Hannah good or bad, you KNOW they're playing the game. Especially Tiff (and X). If the CO doesn't blow up (there's still time) at least we know there will be gamers, gaming in the final 6.

People loved season 20 when Level 6 was the secret alliance. Week by week the other (WAY more entertaining) side of the house won HOH but were legit IDIOTS (i can't stress enough how dumb they were) at the game, and got their own members out:why:People LITERALY called KC and Angela furniture for 3/4 of the season, i bullshyt you not. But they were final 4, and one of them won.

If you were a fan of Level 6 who BLINDFULLY followed each other the whole game like they were the bestest of friends outside the house before the game. I don't see how you can hate the CO having an meaningful UNDERSTANDING that will go down in BB history, and sticking together the whole game. I watched the feeds that whole entire season 20. It started out STRONG, then took a swift nose dive after the Bayleigh/Tyler argument. Which was only about halfway through the game (and the ending was wack).

Level 6 didn't lose 2 members pre jury. They decided to let them 2 go. Those 2 didn't even expose Level 6 on the way out. The 3rd member out took it on the chin as well in a double eviction. So in the end we (the viewers) never even got a L6 blowup.

The CO alliance at the least been shaky at times. Same people saying this season bad, would probably call it Top 10 if the CO disbanded right now. That single detail is the make, or break for them. I legit like everyone left in the house. Even Azah & Derek F is at least entertaining even though their game is meh.

Still, people rank BB20 a top 5 season, and rank Tyler (America's sweetheart) a top 5 player (he basically stopped playing after showmancing Angela:what:). It's a top 5 modern season MAYBE. Season 21 was more consistent imo :manny: The finale was terrible though.

At the end of the day. Season 16, 20, 22, and 23 had an alliance that ran the house (23 group could still blow up). How is it that BB20 is considered a top 5 season, and the others are considered bottom tier (and BB23 is only halfway so far lol)? When Level 6 were the least entertaining group, had (arguably) the easiest oppositions to beat, had arguably the worst finale etc. The CO at final 6 might be chaotic. Nobody knows, but everyone want's to act like they do (at least on reddit that is).

I dunno why you trying to make sense of it when we all know what it is lol This is the first season where White people are in the underdog position. All the White men are out and the dominating alliance is majority Black. So of course they aren't feeling it, even the White liberal fans. The contestants are also mostly likeable and normal for the most part so it's hard to even try to force hate.

I knew what was going on when I saw some people act like this season is worse than that slogfest of an All Star season. I don't see how anybody can even say that objectively lol.


May 7, 2012
Hannah and Tiff agreed not to tell Ky/X that Derek is targeting them :francis: