It's crazy, i learned about Big Brother after season 15 (before BB16) from the coli. There was a thread (i don't think it was this one: Big Brother 15 Racist Comments causes controversy (c00ns will love this thread)) about the racism from that season. I couldn't believe the white people had the balls to say half the shyt they said that season, AND they KNEW cameras was around. They CLEARLY didn't give af (Aaryn). Then after getting fired/called out for the racism. They tried to cry their way out of it, and blamed it on their own ignorance.
I hate the fact that without the racism that season. That thread on thecoli wouldn't had been created (i wouldn't have clicked on the official thread). I would never have heard of the show.
I've watched every season except the 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th. Season 16 on i watched live. I've also watched all of OTT, CBB, and BBCan (4-8) live.
Season 15 & 21 (honestly only one person was truly racist i believe, the majority weren't saint though) was the most racist seasons. 15 has a disclaimer some episodes the racism was so bad.
Not gonna lie, I watched Candace and Howard crying in the have not room about the racism, and I shed a tear.
The way those girls treated Candace was despicable. And now, people have forgiven Aaryn, and said she changed. That bytch didn’t change. She got smart enough to know saying those things publicly looks bad, and affects her money. The things those girls were saying are how white people talk when we aren’t around. The cameras were there, but these people forget we can see and hear them. Gina Marie and Amanda still have BB fans, and Gina Marie makes appearances.
So I don’t want to hear shyt from anyone claiming the CO is racist. They did what they needed to do.